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You're The One

I am now working in a chicken delivery place , ignoring all the things that happened this morning and as usual , working always helped me clear up my mind . 

What happened this morning was that I was ordered to clean up the mess that my 'mom' and her friends created yesterday during their wild party . Our day ended up with an argument , which is daily and normal .nothing to be surprised about . I did not want to clean up the place and she started grumbling , shouting at me at the top of her voice and still, I was stubborn so I grab my bag and walked out of the house after dodging a ball thrown at me by my 'mother' 

This was the third time I have disobeyed her and that really pisses her off . All along , I knew she had been with me not because she loves me but because she wanted to use me . She's unbelievable ! and talking about her makes my mood off . 

"Jina , you need to make a delivery at Classic  Hotel to room no 184 " Mrs Kim , the manager told me sweetly and I nodded my head .She knew about my situations and gladly , she accepted me inspite of how many mistakes I've made but these days , I must say am improving myself at work . 

How I wish she was my mother !!

I took a box and filled it with chicken wings and headed out of the store , and sat on the yellow scooter for delivering it and in no moment I finally arrived at Classic Hotel . 

I was amazed at how huge and grand it was but i've got no time to open my mouth wide and admire the hotel .I have my duties as a worker. 

As I entered the hotel after smiling at the bodyguards or whoever they were , I was even more impressed at how grander the interior of the hotel was . The glasses were all sparkly and the people inside it were fancyly dressed and I looked like a beggar compared to them. 

I glanced here and there , still impressed . 

As I took a number of steps , I accidentally bumped onto  someone who looked very pissed and I widened my eyes as I noticed the chicken wings were all dumped onto his suit and shoes and when he noticed that too, he looked at me with very angry eyes. 

And I noticed that most of the people in the hotel were looking at me with pitiful eyes. tt !


Kris' POV 

I am sooo pissed off right now .What will make them understand that I need money to buy a new model of iphone , new shoes , new glasses and a moisturizer ?(↩about this , i'm joking my skin is as flawless as it is even without a moisturizer) 


They , my parents have like a million dollar in their account and does it hurt so much to give me some of their money ?

After I unsucessfully begged my mother at her office , I stormed out sulking .Call me childish , immature but this is what I am to my parents but when it comes to other people , i'm quite short - tempered and I never leave a good impression on others but I like it that way . 

I stormed out , hoping that atleast my mother would come after me with a change of mind but she didn't . Is she even my real mother ? This was another reason why I sulked again. 

As I walk quickly , I failed to noticed someone was on my way and we bumped onto each other and I felt something wet all over my suit and hell yellow stains were all over my fancy clothes . 

I was angry at first .I wanted to shout at whoever was responsible for this but when I saw the girl who bumped onto me , I felt something weird . 

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