Tea Time

Tea Time

The tinkle of the bell brought a smile to the dark haired man behind the counter spic and span with his brown apron on. It normally did because he had a sunny disposition but today his smile was especially wide. Only to falter each time he saw a customer walk further into the shop as it wasn’t the one he was hoping for. He enjoyed his job working at Tea-zy Cup, it was a silly name but it had drawn the man to it. Five years later and he was a manager of the shop, second in command and spent almost all of his time there except when he was forced to have days off. The various combinations of spices, tea leaves and flowers had intrigued him ever since he first walked into this shop. Finding your passion wasn’t something that everyone found but it was something he wished everyone could. It made him happy every day that he has to come to work. A smile almost always on his face. No one could be smiling 24/7 but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t try.


The bell had rang numerous times throughout the day and each time his hopes were dashed. The person he wanted to see wasn’t coming. With about thirty minutes left to closing time, the manager started cleaning up the shop. Wiping down the tables, he had already sent their cashier home early. There hadn’t been anyone in for the past thirty-three minutes and even if there was a rush he’d be able to take care of it. Humming to himself as he cleaned the counters, that tinkle he had become immune to on most days rang but this time he ignored it. Without even turning around he gave his traditional greeting when he was busy. “Welcome, I’ll be with you in just a moment.” After he finished that section of the counter he turned around to face the customer. A small smile ready as he may have been discouraged but he was still polite and on duty. The moment his eyes settled on the gentleman in a loose graphic tee, dark jeans and boots, snapback on his head hiding most of his fine brown hair, that grin he had plastered over his mouth all morning was back with a vengeance. “Hey Hoseok.” A deep smooth voice rolled the manager’s name off his tongue so naturally but with an undertone Hoseok would like to imagine was sultry. Waving his hand with the dirty towel he caught himself mid-wave and tossed it behind him, “Hey, Yoongi-ah.” The closeness in the way Hoseok had said his name was only one-sided even though it had been a couple months since they knew each other. The customer chuckled at the greeting and it only made a few butterflies flutter in Hoseok’s stomach. Yoongi had yet to be more intimate with him in the sense of honorifics but that didn’t bother the other one bit. He knew from the early stages of Yoongi’s visits into the tea shop that the man was quiet and a little standoffish.


Over time and very much so because of Hoseok’s bubbly attitude and killer smile, Yoongi had slowly unwinded. So much so that they joked and sometimes the other didn’t even leave with anything he initially came for. They got caught up in each other’s company and more often than not, the customer’s drink would get cold and the teas he would buy to use at home were in overabundance that he didn’t need to purchase anymore. “What do you recommend today?” Eyes lighting up, he hurried over to a corner behind the counter and pulled out his special teapot. It was one that he only used for certain circumstances and a good majority of those were when Yoongi was here. He preferred to use the teapot over the fancy machines they had and since there was a functional kitchen alongside the tea shop it was perfect. Yoongi always had the time to spare so, it was never a bother, in fact he found it cute that Hoseok would specifically serve him tea in a teapot while the other customers just got the norm. “I, uh, made something. Would you like to try it? Mint Orange Creamsicle, I like to call it.” Humming, the customer mumbled an affirmation as he often did. The hesitancy in Hoseok’s eyes was extinguished immediately and the shine was so bright, Yoongi thought he might go blind. “Only if you make it personally though,” Placing the palms of his hands on the counter, Yoongi leaned towards the manager with the slightest hint of a smirk.


Hoseok had to catch his breath as he felt like somehow he missed a breath. He was seeing what he thought he was seeing right? Hearing what he thought he heard? That was flirting? It was. Maybe. He sure wanted it to be and then Hoseok’s smile faltered as he became flustered, glancing off to the side and the tips of his ears and cheeks turning pink. “O-of course. Sungjo already left for the night.” His words came out a jumbled embarrassing mess but he hugged his teapot closer to his chest and headed to the back where he had the new tea he had made over the last week. The door swung behind him, back and forth, back and forth then suddenly stopped. Being completely wrapped up in the tea making he was about to do that he didn’t even notice the door stopped squeaking as it always did when it swung back and forth. After a few moments, Hoseok felt a prickle on the back of his neck. Glancing over his shoulder he saw his crush, yes he had admitted to himself that his very own customer was the man he had a crush on, watching him he worked. Leaning against the doorframe, he had the door held open by the heel of his boot. “Customers aren’t supposed to be back here.” The manager teased, as they both were silently aware that he didn’t actually mind. In fact this wasn’t the first time that Yoongi had been at this threshold even if he had yet to cross it completely just yet.


“Am I just a customer?” If the heat could rise any further than the top of Hoseok’s head it would. Looking back at the tea that was currently brewing, he diverted his blush away from his crush and towards the steam billowing from the spout. The two had tiptoed around saying anything more casual comments that might have had the tiniest hint of more. It was flirty but Hoseok had always downplayed it because most of the words that set his stomach aflutter weren’t necessarily anything to get excited about and if anyone else had said them to him he wouldn’t. Now, though, it seemed they were at a crossroads and Yoongi had definitely grown bolder than before. This time Hoseok was finding it hard to downplay flirting being directed at him. Once he felt that he was in control of his flushed face, Hoseok turned his gaze upon the other man, ‘Yoongi-ah…” before he could finish the sentence the pot started whistling shrilling and both of the cringed. Yoongi because the sound of that whistle was horrendous and Hoseok because the moment had been ruined. Clearing his throat, he finished up and shooed Yoongi away to go sit at a table.


Bringing his favorite tea set out, he prepared the Mint Orange Creamsicle, pouring his customer a cup. Dropping into the opposite empty seat, he rested his elbows on the table, cupping his chin in the palm of his hands and stared at Yoongi unabashedly. The other man chuckled and stared back. “How am I supposed to drink this with you staring at me so intensely.” Without even a second of pause, Hoseok quipped right back, “The same way I work through all of your intense stares.” It wasn’t much but Hoseok could have sworn he saw a twitch of the others lips that indicated he had been caught in an act he had thought was secret. More fluttering in his stomach and it hit him once again the realization of just how much he really liked the man in front of him. Waving his hand at Yoongi to hurry and take a sip, the other obliged and let the savory taste of each spice hit his taste buds. It was sweet but tart in a way the mingled just right and the fresh hint of mint gave it a refreshing aftertaste. Hoseok’s leg was bouncing in anticipation, something he didn’t realize until he felt a hand on his knee, freezing him immediately. “You’re so nervous, don’t worry it’s really good. Like really good. I’m impressed.” Yoongi removed his hand and placed it back atop the table, while Hoseok’s grin threatened to swallow him whole. Pride was shining in his eyes as he nodded at the good news. “Good.” He stood up, “Because I made it for you.” He said softly before going to hide behind the comfort of his counter.


Taking the tea cup with him, Yoongi followed, leaning his hip on the counter and once again just letting his eyes follow the man with broader shoulders than he had at first realized. Hoseok wasn’t tall but he wasn’t short either, a good average height, a bit taller than Yoongi with a nice strong back that he could see through the white button up shirts the man always wore. Watching Hoseok was a combination of sunshine and muscles working in a mesmerizing way that really had him wishing he could see what lies beneath the shirt and if it’s as promising as it seems. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Yoongi brought his eyes to Hoseok’s who wasn’t looking at him but doing a bit more cleaning and restocking. “Go on a date with me.” It was blunt and honest and truly the epitome of everything Yoongi was but it still took him by surprise that he had blurted it out so unplanned. Hoseok went stiff, arm slowly dropping to his side from the shelf he had just placed a box on. He didn’t turn around, still in shock and wondering if he heard properly or if he should ignore it before he makes himself look like an idiot for hearing the man wrong and there was just too many different thoughts going on in his head he couldn’t think.


“Tomorrow. At seven, in front of the shop. It’s your day off right?” When did his customer memorize his schedule?! This was news to him. Taking a deep breath he turned to fully face Yoongi. “It is.” He nods. “Seven?” He asked, needing to confirm more to himself that this was really happening. Now, Yoongi was nodding and looking off to the side, shyly? A giggle bubbled up in Hoseok, Yoongi was actually being shy and that was pretty darn adorable. Clearing his throat, Yoongi looked back up at Hoseok. “Yeah, is that okay?” Reaching for a napkin he pulled out a pen from his pocket, thank god he accidentally stole it from the post office he was just at. Scribbling down his number he slid it over to Hoseok. The manager was all smiles again as he took the number and pocketed it. “Perfect. I’ll be here.” Yoongi nodded and made for the door. “See you tomorrow, Hoseok.” The name rolled off his tongue and this time, he was sure he wasn’t just wishing and hoping for something more intimate. The sweet undertone was there. “Tea you tomorrow.” He waved with a big goofy grin catching eyes that stared at him like ‘Really?’ followed by a smack to the arm and laughter. “Don’t work too hard.” A wave was all he got as Yoongi walked out the door but it was the best wave that Hoseok had ever gotten and tomorrow might possibly be the best day of his life, or so he hoped.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 1: Yay J Hope!!! You just got a date! <3
Chapter 1: kyaaaaaaaaaa! It's cute, so cute! ^^
woosansweetkins #3
Chapter 1: Omg cute.. awww cant wait for the next chapter ><