Lost Puppy

Just Wait, Taemin!

This morning I found it hard to get out of bed, I got to bed late last night due to the after party celebrating Chihye's debut tour. I reached over to my side table to stop my alarm, but I ended up knocking it to the ground instead. I pulled the covers off myself and swung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up I picked up the alarm and placed it back on the table. It was the middle of summer still and I was freezing, I pulled on a pair of floral skinny jeans followed by a long tank top. I picked up my purse and slung it over my shoulder before heading into the bathroom to wash my face.

I rolled into work a bit too early, the idols lazily strolled around in their sweats not caring about the people seeing them. My head felt like it was going to split open, on the way to work a migraine began. I continued walking in the direction of Chihye's dorm while digging in my purse for an aspirin, I didn't notice him walking my way and my head collided into him.

It knocked me to the floor and I landed on my , I looked up to find a very shocked Taemin who frantically rushed down to help me stand up. I rubbed my head lightly, as it didn't help my current Migraine and I apologized to Taemin before heading to the coffee machine a few steps away.

"You're here early Ph." Taemin said following me to the coffee.

"Yes, the bus was faster this morning." I placed my money into the machine and a cup dropped.

"You take the bus every day?" He seemed shocked.

"I do. It costs less than using my car every day, I don't get paid enough either." I picked up my cup and motioned him to follow me to a bench a few feet away, I had taken my aspirin.

"We just use the van all the time."

"Must be nice."

There was a few minutes of silence as I waited for my aspirin to kick in, these migraines had been persistent since we got back from tour.

"They get better." Taemin suddenly stated.

"What does?" I asked curiously.

"The headaches, their probably from the music and your lack of sleep."

I nodded before a sleepily Chihye in a fox onsie approached us, her orange hair was in a braid and she looked dead tired. I admired her style it suited her age, and it made the room seem brighter. She didn't say a word as she sat in between Taemin and I and yawned lightly.

"Get enough sleep?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"No, I'm starting to feel like an owl. Up all night, and I can't even sleep during the day. I need a day off to spend with Minho."

"Are you two..?" I asked her with a sly smile on my face.

"Yeah, don't tell anyone."

"The rumors were true."

"I still think the old Selene was pretty." Taemin chirped in making us chuckle.

I spent the rest of the morning in the dressing room, with Taemin tailing me like a lost puppy. He seemed to have too much energy and needed to burn it all off. I moved some clothes around on the rack pairing shirts, pants and shoes together before sewing any loose seams.

The afternoon went by even slower as I took Chihye to the recording room, and had lunch with Taemin who was still following me. It didn't bother me one bit, but he seemed to have an empty schedule, which made me think he would've visited his family or something. I dug into my white rice and hard boiled egg, while Taemin chomped down on is sundae before questioning me.

"Is that all your eating?"

"Yeah, I eat in small amounts. I don't want to swell into a balloon." I smiled

"Eat fruits, so you don't get sick, okay?"

When we were finished eating Taemin and I headed back to check on Chihye in the recording room. The lights were dimmed in the studio as we quietly sat in the guest chairs and watched her sing, even in the raccoon onsie she was belting out the lyrics with no effort and it made me jealous. I noticed Taemin absorbed into her, like he had been under a spell and I was even more jealous. I stood up to leave catching his attention and following me out of the studio.

"Would you stop following me?" I asked him feeling irritated.

"You're like a lost puppy out in the rain." I continued.

"Sorry Weebey, I didn't mean to bother you. I will see you around." Taemin returned to watch the recording and I headed to the bus stop.

I flopped onto the floor in front of the door when I got home, I was exhausted. I crawled up the few stairs to my loft before collapsing onto my bed and turning on my alarm. I was hoping to have a better sleep than I ever experience. 

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