Time After Time

Just Wait, Taemin!

"What did you do to Miss Phoebe, Taemin?" A voice rung out above me.

"I.. I didn't! I think I surprised her! She is a fan of us hyung!" He tried to defend himself.

I just laid on the floor before opening my eyes hesitantly, above me stood; Taemin, Chihye , Minho and President. I blinked a couple times before sitting up slowly. Strike one, fainting at work.

"Sorry, I just got dizzy. Must be the jet lag. Please excuse me." I stood up brushing off my clothes and began to head towards the rest room.

I smacked myself in the head, how could I faint in front of Taemin. How the heck did he remember me this long, this is not good. I splashed cold water of my face before Chihye came to check on me.

"You worried everyone, are you sure your okay?" She had a hand on my back.

"Am I okay? No! Three years ago I wrote a stupid letter confessing my obsession and he remembers it." I sunk to my knees and pouted.

"It's nice he remembers you. " She smiled trying to look on the bright side.

I dried my face off on my sleeves before leaving the bathroom in better condition then I left it.


At home I sunk into my newly set up bed and let out a sigh, once again I met my angel and he remembered me. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach, I knew I had much more unpacking to do as the rest of my stuff arrived the other day. I stood on my feet and began to dig through the boxes in the loft.

"New mail~" My phone called out from across the room.

I had been working the last two hours unpacking the rest of the living room and bathroom. I picked up my phone and signed into my email. Within seconds my phone hit the floor, and I looked at it with a scared reaction. I had received an email from Taemin, how you may ask?

I gave him my e-mail three years ago. THREE YEARS AGO, WHICH MEANS he still has my letter.

I hesitantly opened the email reading it few times to clarify what he was asking and saying.

"Hello, this is Taemin from SHINee. I apologize for earlier today for startling you, And as you can see I still have your letter. I hope you didn't change your e-mail in three years, ahhh. Your name is Pheobe! You can't seem to get your own name right, so silly! I hope to run into you again in the SM Building. Fighting!"

I pinched myself twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming, and to no prevail I was awake. I pocketed my phone and began to collapse boxes and pile them in the corner, my thoughts still lingered about Taemin. How did he recognize me, I looked nothing like I did before. I got rid of the glasses, the weight and even began to make my hair normal. I shook off the chills and sat on the couch.

I wasn't ready for tomorrow, but It could be my life for the next five years. Following Chihye around telling her what to wear for concerts. Designing for other artists and even being on stage every once in awhile.


[Four Months Later.]

"Weebey~ Please, can I wear something brighter next time? I like to feel up beat!" Chihye was back stage during her first concert changing as quickly as she could, I handed her a micro phone.

"We'll see, you on in five, four.." I counted as she ran back onstage gracefully.

I heard a chuckle to find Taemin standing behind me with a smile.

"Minho may have ripped his pants, and I may or may not need you to fix them please." He had an innocent smile on his face as me passed me the jeans.

I pulled out my sewing kit and quickly sewed up the pants within forty seconds. I passed the pants back to him without a word, I hadn't said anything to him since we met months ago. I felt awkward and a little nervous around him.

"Thank you Ph~ I will make sure not to bother you anymore." He turned around, but before he walked away from me my arm reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

"What is it?" He turned back to me, his eyes on my hand.

"N-nothing." I let go of his sleeve and quickly ran over to the side stage to see how my outfit held up.

The concert was three hours, three long hours with SHINee as guests. I got to sit in the back while seeing them perform, and I didn't mind it at all. Seeing them come back to me all sweaty as their make up artist fixed their foundation and outfits. I considered myself lucky to even share a room with them.

I watched Chihye say her goodbyes to the crowd before giving me a look.

"I would like to thank Weebey for my awesome wardrobe for the tour, come out here Ph!" She said beginning to clap.

I hesitantly walked onto stage and the crowd roared with cheers. "I'd also love to thank SHINee for touring with me during my debut. Give it up for; Taemin, Onew, Key, Minho and Jonghyun!"

One by one SHINee assembled on stage in the order they were called. We all entangled our hands and took a huge bow, my hand fit in Taemin's so well.

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