Chapter 2

I will love you this time


“Wang zi”.

“Were over”. Both Aaron and Gui gui told them


The week before the break up


“Bu look what I bought”. Hebe showed Aaron what it was. “A plant” Aaron complimented he wasn’t surprise that his girlfriend or I would say the environment nerd freak.

“So you like I... “Before he could say anything

Ding dong

Aaron walk to door and open it was Wang zi and Gui gui the campus couple, Aaron was so jealous at
Wang zi.

“Aren’t you going to let as in” Wang zi looked at Aaron with his cold heyes.”Oh sorry, come in”. He looked at gui gui where his heart belongs to her (His long time crushed).

Hebe walk towards them and showed them too. Gui gui started laughing at her. Hebe looked so confused. Wang zi knows what she was laughing at so he smacks his girlfriend in the back.

“Why are you guys here anyways” Aaron said.

“Tomorrow will be Gui gui birthday” Wang zi handed them the invitation. “Seven o’clock pm” Hebe said.

“But that time I will be at a meeting for”. Aaron cut Hebe ”Environment, so I’m going to be the only one coming.
“Oh that’s ok Hebe it only one time you just missed”. Gui gui smiled at her” Thank you gui gui I will just sent my present to Aaron for you.””Aaron, Hebe we better go now because we have so much invitation to deliver ” As Wang zi held Gui gui hand walked away. Aaron felt his heart was stapped by million when he seem them so sweet.

“Ouch there so sweet”Hebe said so she hugged Aaron tightly.”Wo Ai Ne bu”.

“You too”.


Gui gui birthday party


Everyone in the party had a blasted some people were drinking, talking or dancing but Aaron was just sitting down looking at people. But Wang Zi walked over to him.

“Hey Aaron you seem so lonely, are you missing Hebe already”. He looked at him without his cold posture again.
“Sure I guess”.Aaron mumbled. Wang zi has always notice that Hebe was the only one that loves him and not him.”Tell me do you love her”.”Aaron was stunned what Wang zi said he can’t say I don’t like her the one I like is your girlfriend Gui gui.

“Hey Wang zi you friends wants to talk to you”. Gui gui told Wang zi.

Wang zi left Aaron and Gui gui alone and he went to his friends.”Gui after everyone leave I have something to tell you.” Gui gui nodded”Ok”.

After all the noise and fun everyone left.”Heart see you tomorrow, love you”.Wang zi kissed her in the lips and Wang zi left driving his car fast.

“I don’t want to take this long I don’t care if you are dating Wang zi but all I want you to know is that I love Gui gui”. Aaron took her hand and holds it tightly” Aaron I don’t know how to say this”. Gui gui told him” I like you too if Wang zi and Hebe didn’t ask as I out I will tell you are the only guy.”

Aaron was so happy what Gui gui and Hugged her.”So were on” Gui gui nodded while smiling.”But how about you’re Hebe and my Wang zi.

“For me I will break up with Hebe tomorrow”. Aaron didn’t care if he break Hebe hearted he just care that he and Gui gui are together.”I will break up with Wang zi too with you but not in the same place”.


Environment club


“My gift for my Aaron “ Hebe looked at it with happiness, it was a plant that looked like a heart shape


Next day break up


“Hebe , can we talk”. Aaron pull Hebe up .

“Wang zi can we talk”. Wang zi looked at gui gui and he putted his Ipod down.

“Hebe i want to break up with you”. Aaron said it straight without stopping. Hebe wants to stop her tears put it was falling already.

“Wang zi thank you for everything you gave me”. Gui gui felt that she didn’t want to break up with Wang zi but she had to for Aaron” You want to break with me’.

“What did I do wrong Aaron” She wanted the truth from him.”Because I don’t like girls who so addicted to Environment and I have someone else that I like, so WERE OVER”. Hebe had it on her mind and it kept on repeating over over she cried so much the heart flower had been fallen to pieces.

Aaron walked away from her.

“Gui gui you are so cruel what wrong thing did I did to you that you don’t like I could change it”. Wang zi didn’t do anything instead he just stood up. Gui gui cried.” You didn’t do anything wrong you are just to perfect with me, that’s why, Wang zi sorry we are over now. She left him alone in the canteen.

Wang zi and Hebe were heartbroken there first love has abandon them without saying the truth with.

4 years later


“Gui gui” Yatou ran to her and hugged her. “You came so how is the interview“Yes Gui gui how is your interview”. Aaron smiled at her he knows that she was accepted before she said it.”I was accepted”. Gui gui said.”AAAAAA my best friend I’m to excited it seems I’m more excited then you are” Ya tou joked.” Come on girls let’s go inside and celebrate”.

When they came in they passed two person, the three of them notice who it was Wang zi and Hebe but they were surprise that hey were holding hands and were wearing a ring. The three was shocked” Are they FIANNCE”.


Sorry if I have lots of wrong grammer sorry sorry :D and the next chapter i will promise you it will be good and much more people :D

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Visiting old fics!
EternallyTVXQ #3
awesome story
blastoise #4
please update
what-is-this #5
lol!! keep on updating
YippieM #6
I love it :)
BEBU should come back keke
m0zarts0nata-- #7
Awww!! Heyy!! I miss reading this story!! I hope you could continue the story!^^
Hey!!! Update soon!!! I wanna read more!!
revie28 #10
Yeah it going to be bebu and guiwang LOL :D I will update often maybe LOL