
[DISCONTINUED] Kim Kai: Anecdote
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The party goes on quietly, most of the members - Kris, Luhan, Tao, Baekhyun, Chen and Lay are too damn wasted to even function properly, some snuggling with others or just drop dead on the floor. Kai looks around, amused. Chanyeol blinked, wondering how to wake his lover without the latter scratching him face. 

"Kai, it's late already. You better go home. You have work tomorrow right?" Sehun, his ever so caring friend softly woke his bride-to-be up. Luhan squint an eye, rubbing it cutely with a hand. "What time is it?" Luhan mumbles. Sehun chuckle breathily, muttering his answer to his lover. Kai took a glance at the his wrist watch. Sehun's right. It's late and he can't sleep with the amount of alcohol in his system. "Can I crash here for awhile? I'll leave at dawn." He asks Chanyeol. Chanyeol shrugged, "Sure. You can sleep with Suho at one of the guestroom. He's been awhile in there." Kai nodded and left to the assigned room. He peeks and saw Suho sleeping peacefully at the right side of the king sized bed. He shrugs off his coat and plops down, sleep consumed him after awhile.


Waking up at 7 in the morning, startled, he scrambled, eyes blurred. Face still bloated, he gives no damn and picked up his wrinkled coat on the floor, leaving Chanyeol's (or is it Chanbaek?) house with amused look on his weary face. 





"I got a call from a reporter in K-Star News. She said she's going to do another interview with you. But this time she said we'll do it at Busan since she checked your schedule and you are free for atleast a week." Jae, his manager informed him. Kai looks at his manager in disinterested, nodding once before staring at the vanity infront of him. He has one last photoshoot with Cosmopolitan as the starred cover of next week cover magazine. Another hour to go, he mentally calculates the amount of time left before he shoots off to another nameless night.

Meeting Hwang Miso again sure left a deep gash on his open wound again; remembering the remaining bits and pieces memories that once used to have a great deal for him now just another thing he wanted to bury down and never sees again. But he knows it impossible and never could he forget how much important she used to hold him in his life supposedly. He knows he's a ed up - he acknowledged it. He will keep on hurting himself again and again just to feel that again. The feeling of being care by someone even if the other person couldn't say the same about him. 

He takes a deep breath, standing up, shaking off his thoughts and do his job. 

45 minutes to go. 




Stirring into a cup of hot, dark coffee he replies on each of Sehun's text messages. He is seriously like a worried mother. Even his mother are not that concern about him. Rolling his eyes, he shuts off his phone and sipped slowly on his hot drink. Auch! he burned his tongue again. Sighing and mumbling about how stupid he is, he left the drink to be cold and switch on his television. Earlier morning, he went to a music show to promote his new song and wins first place. Again. Talking about random stuff he already forget, he thanked his fans and did his encore; dancing half-heartedly and smirking until he hurt his mouth just for another fake fan-service so his fans wouldn't caught him being so sloppy. 

Grabbing his drink, he sipped it again and finds it bearable to drink. Sitting down, he watches himself dancing and staring at each camera pointed at his face, flawlessly grooves his body to the beat; feigning those aches muscles straining under his silk shirt that peeks out beautifully devoured olive skin. Sure, he gets offended sometime when people blatantly pointed out his skin complexity since he's not like other Koreans who is born white and still manage to look white. But after awhile, those words held no more venom and he ignore all of it like a pro he is. 

He remembered, his once good friend, Peach told him that he is beautiful the way he is and he is even more better than most of them combine and nothing can beat Peach's word of encouraging. He held into that words and look where he is now. Loved and cherished by people. 

Looking at himself thanking all of his staffs and all his fans with eyes trembling once in a while - an act none can see except for him. Bowing down at all of the other singers and mumbling lyrics, waving and smirking, leaving his fans screaming and fainting. He knows. 

Suddenly, his phone buzzed noisily on the coffee table. He answered it with a tire hello and wait for the other to say whatever. 

"Kai-ssi?" Miso soft voice earns his attention, shivers down his spine. "Yes?" He answered. He couldn't talk, his mouth paralyzed and suddenly his grammar knowledge got shorten. "Have you received the news from your manager that we are going to Busan for another interview? I hope that's okay for you." She sounds sheepish from his ears. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he reply, "S-sure, Miso. We'll be there. Just contact with my manager for exact time and all." Why the hell did he stammers?

Miso chuckled quietly, "Alright, Kai-ssi. Sorry for bothering you at night time. You must be tired." You don

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I'm not going to update a chapter for the rest of the weeks prior to my mid term exams! See you on summer break!


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Yuikuran1 #1
Chapter 13: Yay! Thank you for the update!
Honestly, what happened between them? -_-
Yuikuran1 #2
Chapter 7: Who's Ms. Yang
Got hooked up at the foreword! I'll be reading your story well!! It's a good plot afterall. kim kai the devil dancer-
Chapter 4: This is the type of storyline I've been waiting for! I love this! good job author-nim!