I Know

So That I Love You
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listen: So That I Love You


Sun was shining in from the window through the translucent blinds. You gave your body a good stretch and flipped the other way, backfacing the window, with hopes to sleep in a bit more.

What the..

Instead of snuggling up against the cold hard wall at the side of your bed, you found yourself extremely close to a cushiony, living creature who was radiating off warmth.

Your eyes shot open when arms and legs were wrapped tightly around you like a bolster, and you found yourself face to face with a gently smirking Jeon Jeongguk.

“How did you …”

“Hey my girl, had a good sleep?” Jungkook half-whispered into your ear, with one eye lazily opened.

“Yeah. Did I fall asleep halfway through the Superman iron transformer man show?” you squirmed in his arms, adjusting yourself into a better position.

“Dang babe, have been telling you whole night it’s Superman versus Batman, no transformers and no vamps. And you don’t remember anything from last night?” Jungkook scoffed lightly, with his signature half-smile on his face, but he had a slightly wary look on his face.

“Okay fine, Superman versus another man … Yeah, I don’t know what happened…” you shrugged and continued, “and why are you here? I thought I told you sleepovers are banned unless you stay five metres away from me when we are sleeping,” you retorted at the boy who was currently plastered next to you with every part of his body sticking to yours like glue.

Jungkook’s face reddened slightly. He stretched an arm and scratched his head. “Hmm… I think you crawled back to the room yourself. Don’t you remember? Or were you in too much of a pig-state to remember you went back to the room yourself?” He chuckled.

“And I’m sorry … I really wanted to keep my promise but someone begged me to stay by her side last night … wonder who.” He continued, teasing you and glancing down at your face. She really doesn’t remember, he sighed, relieved. You were now staring back at him in disbelief.

“Lies !! I never made you stay … I made the five metre rule so clear, why will I even ask you to stay… Don’t you try to secretly take advantage of me when I am sleeping!! I actually have black belt in Taekwondo and I am level satan ninja turtle so you can’t fight me, I will slam you off the bed before you can do anything!!” you blabbered and reasoned, an indignant and don’t-try-anything-on-me expression plastered tightly on your face.

“Okay okay, whatever you say.” Jungkook rolled his eyes and cuddled you tighter.

“Hehe.” Happy with your verbal victory, you snuggled in his chest and smiled. As you softened in his embrace, he chuckled softly and gently carressed your hair.

This girl… I love her so much.

He thought back to whatever happened last night.



“Hey!! Why do you always watch these boring shows… I don’t understand a single thing that is going on,” you pouted at Jungkook. You two were twenty minutes into Superman Versus Batman and you are getting frustrated at this stupid show with no subtitles.

“Girl please give this show a chance… Namjoon hyung said this was fabulous and lent me the tape, we should at least be supportive and watch it,” Jungkook reasoned.

“Okay fine. You watch your show, I will just… try to make out what’s going on,” you grunted.

Jungkook chuckled. “Come here babe.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you towards him, resulting in you crashing into his chest and arms conveniently around his waist.

You blushed. Jeon Jungkook is always like this, playful on the outside but always doing things to make you feel all so squirmy inside.

He whispered into your ear. “I will explain everything to you and make sure it won’t be boring, okay?”

You nodded and stayed lean

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jessjejc #1
Chapter 1: This is short yet beautiful!
winger #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute. I was squealing in the car when I read this! <3