How You Get The Girl

How You Get The Girl
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Hi guys, first of all, I wanna thank you guys for reading this, so I hope you enjoy it! 

And this is the first time writing such a long story that's not for school work so sorry if it's not up to your standard, but thank you very much!

It was probably 6 in the morning when Momo realised that the stupidest thing that she ever did, which actually held quite a bit of a value considering how stupid she can be, Momo realised the stupidest thing she did was thinking she could live without waking up to freckled sprinkled face, waking up without feeling a pair of delicate arms wrapped around her waist, waking up without Mina with her.

Now the only thing that welcomed her to the world each morning was the bottles of soju and boxes that once contained jokbal, and indulging in those weren’t even enough to make the ache in her heart go away. Deciding that the best thing she could ever do now was to clear those green empty bottles and boxes, since Mina would absolutely hate to see them lying around, Momo stood up to clear them.

But Mina wasn’t in her life anymore

And so Momo sat back down.

It was 6.30 in the morning and Mina swore that she didn’t sign up to train to be part of the national sprint team or whatever it was called when she took up this job. But for the past 6 months, every other day, Mina would be doing what she was doing right now, sprinting past her usual coffee café, sparing a glance for it as she ran with all her might with only a singular thought in her head, she cannot be late. Mina swore on her grave that she will not be late for work, no reasons except that she prides herself as a responsible working adult.

But Mina was late anyways, and no longer had a late free record, which is a miracle considering sprinting to her job was almost a daily routine. Mina was vaguely reminded that this would never had happened when her significant other would walk her to work, running ahead of Mina to buy Mina a cup of Americano when they reached that café. So the day started off crappy plus a memory to rub salt to the wound, Mina could only wish that her day wouldn’t end as crappy.

But what difference would it make, when Mina sighted a desk that looks suspiciously like hers with a stack of files/papers that resembled a damn ing hill. Mina swore that god hated her.

But Mina hated Momo more, so it didn’t really matter.


It was 6:45am when Momo decided to finally stop drowning in self-pity, defying her body’s will by getting ready to go for a jog to run off all those fat that she put on, regretting that the job scope of a dancer that required a fit body.

Momo realised 6 months ago that it was unhealthy to think of Mina with whatever she did, like now, as she jogged past the coffee café. And Momo truthfully did everything she could possibly do to forget about the owner of the gummy smile that Momo had grown addicted to over the years, which explains the type of food that were scattered around her home.

But Momo couldn’t

So Momo picked up her pace again, only to feel her heart ached more than normal, not the tiring ache kind of ache, but the type of ache that feels as if your heart is being squeezed by an external force that can’t seemed to be removed. Momo willed her legs to go faster.

She was best at running away after all

Mina swore that she needed that daily dose of coffee now, like at this instant. Her boss had rattled off a bunch of assignments to do for the day, and her lack of focus due to the absence of coffee in her body system had proven to be costly as she was lost after the first task that was set for the team to do. Mina looked up to see Sana, this pretty blonde colleague that was unfortunately attached to this overly-energetic intern that goes by the name of Dahyun, waving THE list of task that was supposed to be done at Mina.

Mina wanted to scream out her appreciation for Sana that goes along the line of ‘I LOVE YOU SANA’, but she was sure that the boss and Dahyun definitely would not appreciate such an act, and Mina was normally the reserved and quiet kid, never one to proclaim such love for another or make the first move.

Except for Momo

But Momo had decided to walk out of her life 6 months ago.

And Mina’s heart had never really healed after that

By 10:00am, Momo was sure that she had explored a good whole chunk of the outskirts of the city. And that the 2nd stupidest thing she has ever done in her entire life is to run on an empty stomach without her wallet to an unknown area, plus her English and her phone was useless cause everyone she knew definitely was at work. Mina was the one always for directions as she looked on anyways, so it didn’t matter then.

But Mina wasn’t here anymore

Momo had tried to live without Mina, but this situation proved that Momo wouldn’t be able to. If Mina was here, they would first have a wallet, which would get them a taxi, but Momo didn’t have a wallet, and hell she wasn’t gonna sell her body for a ride back to the city (Momo has resigned to the fact that it was for the one and only Myoui Mina, even if Mina wasn’t hers anymore).

So Momo did what the typical Momo would do, she turned around, deciding to retrace the steps she took. It was her off day anyways, and she had her phone to keep her company.

Plus a broken heart

Mina was tired alright, when she finally cleared the stack of files and papers plus the task that her boss had set her to do, she was ambushed, like literally, ambushed by a guy named Mark constantly trying to flirt with her, sending her winks that looked like a face spasm. And while the rest of her colleagues found him adorable, Mina really didn’t roll that way, and she wasn’t planning to do so. And even if she did roll that way, Mina was pretty s

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1241 streak #1
Chapter 2: Aww~~so cute
Chapter 2: This is so cute!!! n.n
Chapter 2: Damnit! Why didn't I notice this earlier???

You had me melting into mush with this sweet MiMo two-shot. Thank you so much for that ♡
Chapter 2: Iloveyou
Chapter 2: this was totally amazing!! plus listening to how you get the girl by ts while reading this just made it better. btw that ' momo' had me cracking up
Chapter 2: MiMO xD This is so fluffy and adorable ashdjdnchwf <3 My MiMo feels kyahhh xD Thank you for this great fic Author-nim :D Fighting!!! :D
Kriase #8
Chapter 2: Omooo glad that you finally updated this. Now I can die in peace. I love your writing style, will certainly read ur one shot series hehe. Oh and sorry for your evaluation test :( Cheer up author nim!