life after death

life after death

*Warning: This one shot due with the death of the members. Please do not read if you are uncomfortable. 

A short OT4 one shot to celebrate Mamamoo's 2nd anniversary on the 15/6. 

My first time writing for Mamamoo. Criticisms are welcome. 


Yongsun opened her eyes and found herself lying on rough grass patches, the patches poking into her skin. She felt sick as she pushed herself up to sitting position. Her head felt a sudden shot of pain and she lifted her hand and tried to nurse her probing headache. Why was she in this place? Where are her friends? She heard growling from all sides and decided to get up and leave. She grabbed her samurai and handgun from the grass patch and ran.


Zombie apocalypse.

Walkers were everywhere, food was scarce, and humans were killing each other for supplies in order to survive in this world where the population of walkers are more than humans.

Yongsun often questioned herself.

Why me?

Why is God so unfair to me?

However, there were times where she felt that God is actually being very kind to her.

To allow her to be reunited with her sisters, forever.


Wheein was the first sister Yongsun reunited with.

She found her in a convenient shop at a petrol kiosk rummaging for supplies.

Yongsun dropped her samurai immediately and gave Wheein a hug so tight that she felt Wheein coughing and patting her back asking Yongsun to let her go. The feeling was so overwhelming Yongsun wailed her hearts out while mumbling “thank god” over and over again while holding Wheein.

However, Wheein being Wheein, the first thing she told Yongsun after they reunited was,

“Unnie…. I am hungry..”

Yongsun wiped her tears, took a cookie out of her bag and smiled for the first time since the zombie apocalypse broke out.


Having Wheein by her side were very useful, Yongsun thought. She is clever (a nerd, Yongsun often call her) and she has a very positive mindset about this whole ordeal, something Yongsun really needed.

“Its okay unnie, it will be over soon. Besides, I find walkers very interesting! Aren’t you curious how are they walking around when technically they are already dead?”

Ah, my cute and naive Wheein.

She wanted to thank their mom for sending Wheein to archery classes. Wheein was very precise with her shots and this often allows them to escape hunger. Whenever Wheein is out hunting for food, Yongsun would follow her.

“I don’t want to lose you again”

Wheein didn’t mind Yongsun’s presence.

However, as someone who just turned 21, Wheein wanted to be independent. She finds Yongsun being too overprotective of her. She wanted to bring home food that she hunts entirely by herself for her sister.

“Unnie, I am an adult now. I can take care of myself!” 

Wheein didn’t mean to raise her voice at her sister, she wanted the words to come out in a calm and assuring tone. Seeing Yongsun’s eyes welled up with tears, Wheein dropped her bow and rushed to give Yongsun a hug.

“Unnie, unnie! I am sorry! Please don’t cry, unnie. I am sorry! I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. I promise, I will not go anywhere from now on without you by my side. Unnie, please don’t cry!”

Yongsun cried for a long time and Wheein didn’t hunt for that night.


“Unnie, don’t you miss Byulyi unnie and Hyejin?”

Yongsun had hope that Wheein doesn’t bring up Byulyi and Hyejin.

The thought of them out in the wild, fighting for their lives made Yongsun’s eyes welled up.

It has been 8 months since Yongsun last saw her sisters.

Yongsun prayed that Byulyi and Hyejin are still alive.


In this cruel world, one must learn how to protect themselves in order to survive.

Yongsun decided to allow Wheein to hunt by herself.

“Wheein ah, do you want to go out and hunt for food by yourself? I think it is pretty safe for you to go out alone at this timing. There are less walkers around.”

Wheein grinned.

“I will bring back something delicious for you, unnie!”


Yongsun heard gunshots.

Her heart was pounding hard against her ribcage.

She ran towards the forest, praying that Wheein will be safe.

Please, God.


Yongsun saw Wheein’s bow lying on the ground, covered with blood. She couldn’t believe her eyes. The sight before Yongsun left her speechless.


She saw Wheein hugging a blonde and a short hair brunette.

“Byulyi..? Hyejin..?”

Byulyi and Hyejin looked up and saw Yongsun staring at them with wide eyes. They smiled and walked over to Yongsun to give her a hug that is so comforting that for a split second, Yongsun thought everything that happened to them would be fine as long as her sisters were around.

“Unnie.. We’ve finally found you.”


Wheein was visibly shaken up.

“She twisted her ankle. We saw walkers dangerously close to her and Hyejin fired. When I cleared the walkers away, I saw her eyes. She was afraid and was crying. She recognized us and we were comforting her. I was about to check if there are any bites and you came.”


“Hey! You! Those 2 over there!”

“Wheein ah on the count of 1, 2, 3 lets run! Ok?” Hyejin took Wheein’s hand and was about to run when a buff guy dressed in black suit stood infront of them.

“Trying to run away? Your dad owes us money!”

“Please spare us! I’ve got 2000 won here!” Wheein dug into her pocket and showed the notes proudly on her hand.

Jesus, dumb Wheein. Hyejin couldn’t help but to face-palmed herself. They were only 6 back then but Heyjin knew if Wheein weren’t her twin sister, she would abandon her right then and there.  Hyejin knew they couldn’t win them in a fight and decided to shout for help.


The guy in suit was flustered and decided to cover Hyejin’s mouth with his bare hands.

Wrong choice.

Wheein lurched on the guy like a puppy that she is and bit his hands that were covering Hyejin’s mouth.

“Let Hyejin go!”

The guy screamed and released his hands, not because of Wheein but someone kicked him in the groin.

“Yongsun unnie! Byulyi unnie!”

“Lets run!” The two older sisters grabbed them and ran away.


Wheein would often have fits in the middle of the night. She would scream in pain and this broke their hearts. They knew Wheein was bitten and death was near.

“Byulyi unnie, do you remember when we were young, we would often run away from the creditors? Ah… I would rather be running away from creditors everyday than to be in this hellhole. Byulyi unnie.. I am in pain… I am in pain… “

Byulyi was holding on Wheein’s hand and sobbing.

Why must this tragedy fall upon us?


It took 3 days for Wheein to turn. She was growling and moving frantically, desperate to break free from the wires they tied around her.

Yongsun didn’t want Hyejin to finish the job. Wheein was her twin, her playmate, her bestfriend and someone she shared almost all of her life with. Yongsun had to do it. She took a machete and stabbed right in the forehead. Hyejin wailed while Byulyi hold Hyejin close to her.


After Wheein’s passing, Hyejin’s eyes lost their glow. She refused to eat anything and soon, her body weakens.

It was one morning where Byulyi went to wake Hyejin up, she didn’t wake up at all. It was inevitable, Yongsun thought. They grew up as best friends and there are many firsts together for them. Yongsun didn’t want Hyejin to turn and so she took a machete and stabbed Hyejin right in the head.


The day they buried Hyejin, it was raining. They say if it rains during a burial, it means the person will be going to heaven. It comforted Yongsun and Byulyi a little bit.

At least they knew their sisters are going to have a good afterlife.

And so, they buried Hyejin right next to Wheein under a huge canopy tree in the forest right next to their house for the past 8 months. Byulyi and Yongsun bid goodbye to their lovely sisters under the rain.


In the span of 2 weeks, they lost 2 of their sisters.

Byulyi was being strong, she went out to hunt for food and didn’t show any signs of weakness.

Soon, they were running out of supplies.

Byulyi suggested that they would move out to the city and look for supplies.

However, moving out to the city without a car is a suicide mission.

But still, for a better rate of survival, they decided to go to the city for supplies.


It was winter, Yongsun recalled. It was cold and the wind was merciless. Yongsun and Byulyi were wearing thin clothes as they make their way to city. They would often huddle together whenever they are resting or spending the night in order to bring warmth to each other.

“Unnie… I am cold…” Yongsun shuffled herself closer to Byulyi to give her some extra warmth that nobody knew if it works.

“Byul ah, talk to me. Don’t fall asleep.”

“Unnie…” Byulyi was getting weak but Yongsun knew she was a tough lady. She will get through the night and tomorrow morning will be warm. 

Yongsun prayed that God would not take Byulyi and leave her alone in this world.


Yongsun woke up with warm sunlight hitting her face. She tried to wake Byulyi but she wouldn’t wake. Her lips were blue and her body was stiff. She had no pulse.

Yongsun screamed. She screamed her heart out and questioned her fate.

Hordes of walkers gathered around due to Yongsun’s screams.

Yongsun couldn’t care less.

All she wanted now is to be with her sisters.

She closed her eyes and allowed the walkers to devour her.


Yongsun opened her eyes and saw Wheein reaching her right hand out for her to take while the left hand was holding a cookie.  She saw Hyejin and Byulyi waving at her behind Wheein gesturing for Yongsun to hurry up. Yongsun hurriedly took Wheein’s hand and the rest gathered to give Yongsun a hug.

“Ah, unnie, you are finally here. We will be together forever now.”

Yongsun couldn’t help to let out a genuine laugh.

She will be with her sisters forever now. 

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Chapter 1: Th-this is so amazing! I love it so much! Mamamoo ot4 and as sisters are really hard to get! We need more of this kind of au!

Btw, i love how wheein is always with her cookie. Such a cutie pie~
mytholora #2
Chapter 1: bruhhhhh you can't do this the feels are too much you killed off them all and wheein turned ugh.... my heart
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!