

Chanwoo let out a sleepy grunt and shot up from his sleep. Eyes matted almost shut with sleep and his hair sticking up at all angles, he yawned and tried to figure out what he was awake at.... 
He glanced at his bedside alarm clock. 
Why he was awake at this ungodly hour. 
Then he heard it. Sounds from the tv? He figured it made sense, he'd always been a light sleeper.  

Clumsily, he stumbled out of bed. He hissed lightly when his feet touched the cold floor, but was careful not to wake his roommate. 

Tiptoeing out of his room, Chanwoo crept down the hall and peeked into the living room. 
The television was actually on a fairly low volume, and the flickering blue-ish light illuminated a lone figure sitting on the couch. 
"Bobby-hyung?" He said quietly, his voice scratchy and low. 
"Oh! Chanwoo-ah, did I wake you up?" Bobby moved over and made a space for the younger to sit. 
"Kinda. What are you doing up?" Chanwoo sat down in the spot offered. 
"Couldn't sleep. Wanna snack?" 
Chanwoo gave a small snort. "Sure, hyung." 
Bobby got up and walked to the kitchen. When he came back, he was carrying two glasses and a package of something. He handed one glass to Chanwoo and pulled back the top of the package after he sat down. 
"What are we watching?" Chanwoo asked as his Hyung sat down. 
"Dunno. I'm kinda just flipping channels." He looked at Chanwoo and smiled mischievously. Then grabbed something from the package and stuffed it into the maknae's mouth. 
"Umpf!" Chanwoo squeaked in surprise. After chewing the snack he raised his eyebrows at Bobby. "Oreos?"
"And lemonade. Don't tell Hanbin." 
The two giggled. 
If Chanwoo was being honest, he was having more fun than he should be. Bobby had always been his favorite hyung. 
Actually... That wasn't true. Chanwoo had always been far more fond of Bobby than just the fondness he felt for a hyung. Ever since Mix and Match, the maknae had harbored a crush for the rapper. 
After finally settling on some detective program, Bobby reached to the side of the couch and pulled over a blanket that he draped over the two boys. After moving the cookies and empty glasses to the floor, he pulled Chanwoo closer, so that the two were snuggling under the blanket. 
Chanwoo felt himself start to doze off. It was hard not to. He could hear Bobby's heartbeat from where his head was laid on the older' chest, and he felt warm. Safe. 
His eyes drooped shut as Bobby's fingers brushed gently and rhythmically through his hair. 
Chanwoo was just about to fall asleep completely when he heard Bobby murmur something. He couldn't catch what it was. 
What he didn't miss, however, were the soft lips that met his own. 
His eyes flew open. 
Both boys stared at each other before springing apart and flinging themselves to opposite ends of the couch. 
Bobby had a hand on his heart and looked scared. "Yah! You almost gave me a heart attack! I thought you were asleep!"
"I scared you!? You scared me!" Chanwoo thought his heart was about to leap out of his chest. "Did you just kiss me? You just kissed me! Wh-why the hell?!" 
Bobby looked hurt. "I thought you were asleep. But... Was it that bad? Are you that upset by being kissed by a guy?" 
Chanwoo blinked. "What?" 
Bobby scowled. "Go. Go back to bed."
"It's not because you're a guy." 
Bobby's scowl deepened. "So it's because you like someone else?" 
"No?" The scowl disappeared, replaced by confusion. "Then why were you upset?"
"I wasn't. You surprised me. And..."  
"And?" Bobby tilted his head to the side, clearly lost. 
Chanwoo bit his bottom lip. His nerves were everywhere. Slowly, he moved so that he was sitting with Bobby again. 
"And?" Bobby asked again. His eyes held Chanwoo's. 
Chanwoo leaned forward and quickly kissed Bobby. "And I really like you."
Bobby quickly tackled Chanwoo in a huge hug. "Chanu-ah!!!!" He screeched and started planting kisses all over Chanwoo's face. 
"Hyung!" Chanwoo laughed and wiggled around to try to escape. 
The two ended up falling to the floor. 
Chanwoo sat up and looked beside him, about to say something. But before he could, Bobby stuffed something into his mouth. 
After eating and laughing, Chanwoo leaned over and kissed Bobby again. 
The older laughed. 
"You taste like Oreos!"

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robolord #1
Chapter 1: Really sweet and pure
chanuikonic #2
Chapter 1: This is so cute it had me giggling <33
annethundr05 #3
Chapter 1: That was so fluffy, I could die... but I won't. My precious OTP, BobChan for the win!!!
wulaaandari #4
Chapter 1: Kiyowo , very funny . and i hope more fics bobchan xD i really like them .
jjongine #5
Can't wait to get my reading on with this :P
chanwooyeah #6
Chapter 1: this is so adorable, i love bobchan <3
Chapter 1: This story is such sweet fluff! Thank you for writing it & I hope you're feeling better!