Sometimes it Lasts in Love

Someone Like You

It was a cloudy day when I first met the man of my dreams. Choi Seunghyun was everything I had always dreamt of; tall, silky voice like dark chocolate and eyes that made me lose myself in them. Not really qualities that tell much about the person, but with no experience in dating, you can’t really blame me for loving such an ideal man.

Being single for almost half a decade of my adult life(not like I had any before), my of a best friend decided to set me up on a blind date with her boyfriend’s friend. From what I had heard from the couple’s conversations, he was a book lover as well as very fond of art and architecture. A music major in a prestigious school, my first impression of him was a prim and proper uptight snob. However what I got was a gorgeous looking doofus who made me laugh almost the whole time we ate ice cream. We skipped the movie and dinner and had ice creams at a parlour like 10 year olds, because why the hell not?

When it was time to go, Seunghyun made me wait in front of the shop while he went to fetch his car to drive me home, even though I had insisted on going along. I don’t know if I should blame him or thank him for making me wait that day in front of that ice cream parlour. If I wasn’t standing there at that time, I wouldn’t have come to know those eyes. Those eyes that will be the death of me.

It was the same day that I met the man who was going to be the protagonist of my dreams in the future. Kwon Jiyong was everything I found unattractive in a male; girly features, voice thin and high-pitched like a parrot. But when my nonchalant gaze met his piercing one, I knew in the way my body had stopped responding that I was done for.

He passed by me, not paying me any attention and he didn’t even know what he had done to me. I was so lost chasing the shadows of that unknown man with my eyes that I didn’t hear when Seunghyun honked the horn of his car five meters from me. It was only when he came out of the vehicle and shook me by the shoulder that I came back to reality. I shook my head and went along with him.

 We reached my apartment complex where I shared an apartment with four other girls; being a TA doesn’t pay as much as people think. Seunghyun opened the car door for me and even though I should’ve swooned at the act,I had got to know earlier that evening that whatever Seunghyun might do, he will never manage to win my heart. It was already shaken by an unknown man with a piercing eye gaze. The same gaze that haunted me in my dreams for the next week and a half till I found a name to go along with it and time to memorize the face to which they fit.


It was a windy day when I again met him. I visited the road of that ice cream parlour daily without fail, in hopes of meeting the guy who took my breath away. Some would call it stalking, I call it curiosity; a curiosity that killed this cat.

“Hey you” I heard a guy call out. Paying no mind to it I started looking at the book again that I had with me as my cover as I sat at a nearby bench. “Hey you with the upside down book” I cursed in my mind as I noticed, that yes, my book was indeed upside down. I looked up to find a shadowed chiselled face staring down at mine.

“Umn yes?”

“You are here for me right?”

“Excuse me?!”

“Aaah, I knew Jiyong hyung won’t forget my birthday” he sighed with a smile while looking at the sky but when he looked down, what graced his lips was a smirk. “And what a good birthday it is going to be” he had a eating grin as bended towards me with his hands still thankfully in his pocket. “Which gang are you under? Mighty Mouth? EXO? But you don’t have a tattoo…….. Omo! Could it be? A fresh one!!! Wuah Jiyong really outdid himself!!”


“Oh, so you are an old fish…. No problem, I’ll enjoy you like one” he sat by my side and scooted closer and closer with each word. “And I should tell you that this librarian getup is reallllyyyy ” he added with a big scoot.

“I’m a T.A. and I think there is a confusion here. I'm here for nobody and even if I was it would NOT be you.” I collected my things, getting ready to leave. Anyone would know that this man is bad news if exposed to for long periods of time.But just as I was about to leave, my body stopped on it’s own will. Those eyes, they were looking straight at me with an emotion I could not decipher.


Hey people, this is admin Mandy with a new story on request!! I absolutely completely kept forgetting to post it and then sometimes I just didn't have time... But FINALLY i'm posting this chapter now when everyone else is asleep kekeke

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and this fic will probably have a chapter or two more till it is deemed complete.

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 2: Oh boy