Chapter 01

Different Girl

"Ahhh.. Isn't it a prepossessing day?" ChanYeol murmured while looking up at the blue blue sky accompanied by some clouds shaped into different types of animal.

He was in his own imaginary world. They were not even outdoor. How could he look at the 'blue blue sky'? It was just 6.57 a.m. Sun wasn't even up fully yet. 

BaekHyun rolled his eyes.

ChanYeol has this weird habit of him. He would always use eerie word to describe what he wanted to say. And day by day it was getting weirder and weirder. Just like a moment ago. Couldn't he just use beautiful rather than prepossessing? Thank God he was used to it. He couldn't do anything as he's his- Huh. Yeah. Best friend.

Why would he even make friend with such a freak?

They met when they were in middle school. Same class. Sat beside each other. So that was how they made an 'eternal' friendship. 

Well at least ChanYeol is caring. He couldn't deny that. He always helps people whenever they have problems. As usual, he's indeed a true friend. 

BaekHyun made an end of his flashback when he was 13 as he spotted his oh-so-flawless-in-and-out crush, Choi MyuRi.

He was love-strucked.

"Then Ice Bear just sat on the couch listening to every what Grizzly and Panda were quarreling about. I mean, couldn't Ice Bear be more- Wait. BaekHyun. Are you even listening to me?!" He paused halfway as he saw how dense BaekHyun had become in seconds. He quickly moved his attention to the direction BaekHyun was obsessed in.

"Ahh..." He got it now.

He crossed his leg, shifting all of his weight exactly on BaekHyun's shoulder. 

"Choi MyuRi ehh? Oh come on! She's so benign with us! Can't you just pff. Confess to her already?" He lifted his hand in the air, signing some annoyed expressions. 

"BaekHyun!" He shook his friend's body.

He just started to have this crush on her since last year! Stop staring at her like that dude. 

ChanYeol got himself off of him and folded his arms under his chest and then scanned his buddy. 

Yeah. Totally love-strucked. 

"Baek. You see. If you continue to look at her like that, she might finds you have a tumour in your brain." He nodded, agreed to himself.

BaekHyun scoffed listening to ChanYeol's statement.

"What does tumour has to do with me?!" He glared at the odd one as ChanYeol only passed him a smirk. 

"You know. If you want me to help you get her, just say it, okay?" 

"Yeah right."

They got back on their journey to the cafeteria before it was getting late. The school's cafeteria was always packed with their students.

"Hi BaekHyun! Hi ChanYeol!" MyuRi closed her locker to approach the two best friends. 

"Hi!" ChanYeol replied using the same tone as her. "How's your day going?" 

"Erghh.. I don't know. I mean, it's still morning. Nothing happened yet until now." She explained.

"Ohh yeah. Cool then." 

ChanYeol took a glance at BaekHyun. Again. He froze everytime she speaks. ChanYeol shook his head.

"MyuRi-ah. Can you teach BaekHyun what's algorithm? He has some problems with it. I heard you are good in Math." He pushed his friend towards the girl, startling both of them in unison. 

"What? Since when did I say-"

"Why don't you tell me then? I like helping people!" MyuRi cut BaekHyun off, making him stare into her eyes.

"What? I'm willing to help. Algorithm is easy." She tucked one of her strands behind her ear.

"Oh okay then.Thanks. How about now?" BaekHyun inserted his hands into his pants' pocket. "I'm free." 

ChanYeol elbowed BaekHyun before he walked away. "You owe me." 

BaekHyun tsked. "Yeah. Thanks." 


Here it was. You were in front of your new school, Hyundai Highschool. 

This was where everything was going to change. 

Well. Not everything was going to alter. Cause you knew you would still be the same.

Alone in class. Alone at the cafeteria when it was lunch time. Alone at the library, studying some useless books. Alone doing group assignment. Alone reading novels when others were playing basketball. Alone when girls were gossiping. Well typical. Not going to worry. You'd been through that for 10 years. 

Yes. Nothing to be perturbed about. 

You stepped into the school and started to wander in the school.

Well at least the school was surely larger than your old school. The building was clean too and the air was nice and fresh.

You gave a gander at your watch. It said 7.12 A.M. That old man, you mean Principal Kwon said to meet him in the office when it was 7.30 A.M. You still had some times to check out this colossal school. 

Suddenly your stomach grumbled.

You quickly thought about the cafeteria. You hoped the food was good here. 

You looked around to search if there were any signs that could guide you to the cafeteria. 

You caught one beside a pine tree and you began to follow the direction it was pointing to. 

If the school was mammoth, the cafeteria was huge. 

There were students indulging their breakfast, spooning in some food into their mouth and chewed. You noticed the place was well-decorated. But who cared about that? 

People only cared about food when it came to cafeteria. And of course cleanliness so you wouldn't get a nausea while eating. 

You launched into checking out the food the cafeteria offered. 

You paced into the space where students queue. But you didn't need to do that as there were only you and... one holy tall boy talking to the cafeteria aunt. Probably the tallest man you'd ever seen. 

Yeah whatever.

 Hurmm.. So there were bungeoppang.. Yummy. Gyeongju bread... That was good too. Ahh Hotteok.. Popular street food. Warm hoppang. Oh my good this is absolute yummies, chapssalddeok. 

Oh you were already in love with the cafeteria aunties right now for cooking these delicates. So now. Which one should you get? Too many to choose. But what you stated just now, the best for you was gyeongju bread and chapssaltteok.

Ermm.. Let's just get-

"No! Why isn't there banana flavour?! Why is the flavour melon?!" 

Wait. Did someone say melon just now?

You tilted your head to the scream. Oh it was the tall boy you were talking. He hitted his fists and was holding onto a plate of melon cake. 

"Look, kid. You can't force us to cook what you like. We have menus. Choose whatever you like from the menu. Not out of the menu."

"But my father paid the fees for me! That fee is included in your salary! So all you need to do is bake a banana cake for me!"

You scanned the scene. Fron what you knew, that kid didn't like melon. He likes banana. And there were no banana cake so he insisted the aunties to bake a banana cake for him saying that he already paid for it. 

That kid probably ate too much banana that he got so hyper. 

Well who cared? Now you saw melon on his hand, you were going to get that as you love melon. 

But you couldn't literally go and take it from his hand, right? It was... Horrifying. Plus the boy was quite mad.. And he's so tall.. And he looked so fierce.. And the aunts got angry with him... 


You waited for a few seconds as you resumed watching them quarrel. 

"The fee your father paid is not included in my salary. You pay for my food with your own money."

"Wait. Really?" 

"Ermm.. Yeah."


You suddenly blurted out making them both peer at you. You tensed, you were not used to have people look at you like that.

But what the aunt said was right. 

You gulped. Now you had their attention on you, why didn't you just say what you wanted?

You took out your hand and the boy drew attention to it.

"Ermm.. Since you don't want the melon cake, I want it." You lifted one of your shoulder and their lips sealed.


You smiled awkwardly, hoping any of them would reply.

The boy backed off. "Well. Okay. You can have it." He slided the plate to you on the counter. 

"Thanks." You took out your purse from your blazer's pocket and made your way to the aunt to pay.

"But I'm not done with you!" The boy pointed to the woman. The woman inhaled while clenched her fist. 

Geez. Situation was getting more unpleasant.

"What is wrong with you, kiddo?" She yelled. 

You gazed to the boy's nametag.

'박 -  찬 - 열 ' 'Park - Chan - Yeol '

"ChanYeol-ssi." You called out. He angled his head to you.

"It's okay. I'll buy you one."

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Happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim readers and friends! Have a nice day! Congrats after going through a whole month of fasting!


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Chapter 5: Nice chapter! Btw, 사랑해요 author-nim..♡
Saw this and it looks good; I can't wait to read this!
Interesting . hehe