
Tearing Down the Wall

Jimin a shoved a fist right into the wolf’s jaw.

The crack was audible, and it only made the wolf’s jump even worse. It landed a bit of ways into a tree before it stood again. The snarl was crooked, as its jaw was incredibly weakened, with red drool dripping from the corner of its mouth. Jimin stood, her legs weak, but her fists stronger than ever. She’s not gonna die now, nor ever, and she’ll fight before it can happen. Screw whatever negativity was in her brain! When she’s done with this particular, giant , the Top Madame’s gonna go murder some more of the es that’s been messing with her life. 

“Well, no more!” The Diva ran forward with a fist raised. “I’m going for victory!”

She bashed a punch into the wolf’s snout, and another audible crack was heard. The wolf fell downward, struggling to get up. Jimin watched as the wolf suffered to get up. She didn’t know where the unholy rage come from, but she was glad that she could use it. It certainly saved her life, and she certainly couldn’t help but feed it in return. The Top Madame never goes back on a favour.

The rapper stomped on the wolf’s gut before bending it over and tearing a new one. Blow by blow, fist by fist, blood by blood, and flesh by flesh does Jimin tear through and fill her hunger for vengeance. With each punch she could feel her hatred growing deeper, digging itself with each strike and settling comfortable within Jimin’s psyche.

The colours of the world were no more, as the Top Madame only saw monochrome and red.

Sweat wiped her brow and trickled itself right on top of her plump, yet sore cheek. The rapper could feel herself twitching, the journalist part of her slowly disappearing. Whatever was written in the first few chapters and the foreword was gone, now only leaving a twisted and grin that shone as bright as the moonlit snow around her, and just as stained with the blood of the wolf.

“I’m the mothering top madame,” Jimin rapped out with a heel on the still wolf’s rump. “And your blood fits well to be my wine.”


An explosion of light stung Jimin’s eyes, forcing her to cover them with her arms. Its heat washed through the grime in her limbs, wiping away the exhaustion and the bloodlust in one wave. But with its relief came an ever creeping dread that plagued Jimin’s heart. Oh, but this time it was, much worse than she thought.

When the light subsided, Jimin looked down to see the wolf gone, but in its place something much worse. She couldn’t believe it. The blood was still there, the stench shocked and burned , forcing her to cover to hide against her sins. Her sins, which were amplified with the lack of the wolf, but the appearance of a young woman.

The young woman, slender, beautiful, but impossibly pale and barely breathing.

Her eyes were half-lidded and her voice was pained, struggling to silence the pain, but the way she struggled to breathe merely amplified what she was trying to hide. Her long, sleek hair was a safe distance from the blood, but it was slowly falling over to its ends. She was in a dress as a white as snow, but not as white as her skin, but that didn’t matter because it was drowning in ever-rushing blood. Her blood. There was a large crater where her abdomen was, where the red ichor bubbled and flowed from. 

Jimin saw the redness beneath her eyes and looked down. Her hands were bloody as well, and she jumped back, keeping distance from those weapons. She couldn’t screech, she couldn’t scream, she couldn’t recoil, she couldn’t run and wash herself off in the snow. The blood was everywhere, on her sleeves, shirt, jeans, hair, everywhere. Even on her face, where she could smell her the ugly stench of death in the air.

“I tried…” A gasp. “To tell you… Sorry…”

“Seolhyun, no!” 

Jimin knelt beside her visual, trying to rationalise what would to FNC if their main face died. They’d lose their main revenue since CNBlue, N.Flying, and FT Island were irrelevant, and AoA would surely sink to the bottom of the proverbial K-Pop sea as a one hit wonder with Miniskirt. Jimin’s career would end just like that, but even worse she’d go to jail for the murder of Kim Seolhyun, one of Korea’s sweethearts.

Holy .

A migraine walloped Jimin’s brain, forcing her over Seolhyun. It didn’t help that the other girl was screaming right in her ear just as the pain started to pierce her skull. Just what was happening? A blast of heat pushed the rapper off of the body and flew her a few feet over. With a swift roll in the snow, Jimin landed safely before crashing into a tree and causing more snow to fall on her. The dark white covered her before black faded in. 

“We got her.”


A gunshot split the air, cracking the whiteness with a red and black haze. It was spreading across the empty land mass, but keeping away from the Mars-like terrain with the UFO. Chanmi looked up to see the sudden flood of contrast in the world, before looking down to see the sudden contrast in her outfit. 

It was red against the whiteness of the uniform. 

More gunshots filled the space, causing Tzuyu to jump and Sana to scream. Eunha could only watch in horror, her body freezing at the sight of death and all that blood. Chanmi fell on her back, the shock keeping her from fully realising that she was hurting. She’ll be dead soon, and she could feel it with the struggled breaths. They were bated, awaiting their last in this horrid world. The maknae’s eyes could only watch as the emptiness of the world behind her turned dark, whatever white it held before pouring in as a heavy and thick mist. She couldn’t even keep a cool smile.

Another gunshot cracked, and this one was for Hyejeong’s leg.

The tall woman yelped at the pain, blood profusely flowing from the wound. Gomindo grinned at the appearance of the other angel, before engaging in battle with the cripple. Hyejeong dropped the leg and kept it back before throwing a right hook. The ninja glanced it away with a raised forearm and flipped the gun in her hand so that she held the barrel and pistol-whipped Hyejeong across the cheek, before flipping the handle back. The pain was quick, but it was enough.

By the time Hyejeong caught eyes with Gomindo again, another gun shot had pierced the air. 

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