Heavy Heart

Tearing Down the Wall

”Well, there goes that realm,” the blonde said quietly, before brandishing an instrument from the crows feathers. ”By the power of metal given to me, I shall slay you in the name of the Bias List!”

A wailing divebomb screeched in the night air, followed by a flurry of electrified notes that visibly across the sky from atop the giant raven. Points of multicoloured light formed and all around Choa before they spun in a circle around her. The points accelerated until they all blurred into one, large halo around the bias before it split at one point and directed itself at Jimin. The rapper covered herself from the ensorcelling gale, but she was still able to see the rapid line of light splitting back into tiny little dots.

Like shotgun pellets.

Jimin dove to the side as the dots rushed past her. They exploded behind her, propelling the tiny madame forward towards the confusing situation she wants so desperately to avoid. She felt the winds beat to the flap of the raven's wings, as it flew closer to her direction. Jimin quickly stood up and fell back from the sheer power of raven’s flight as it soared at her, a storm of light swirling around its head. Jimin couldn’t do anything, with or without her powers, against Choa. Instead, she panicked and screwed her eyes shut, trying to calm herself with her beating heart as she waited for it to stop.

“What the hell?!”

Jimin opened her eyes to find herself in a white expanse. Instead of something protruding from her stomach, she sees the blonde twitching furiously as she stood a few feet from her. Her raven, her guitar, her magic was gone. The world was gone, save for the two unconscious bodies and the statue behind the rapper. Her heart pounded at light speed, the adrenaline trying to counter her fear so she could make a reaction. 

“The world is gone!”

Jimin took a few steps back as Choa began staggering towards her. 

“What do you mean we ran out of budget?!”

The rapper tried to dodge, but was too slow to avoid the sudden grip of the blonde. Her airways were constricted and she could feel her skin bruising just from the sheer strength of Choa’s fingers. Her eyes started to darken, before she dropped onto the floor like a (small) bag of bricks. Jimin inhaled the sweeter air as she watched her unnie pace around whilst grabbing her own hair.

“Well if Woozi didn’t use up all the for pyrotechnics-“

She paused. 

“What do you mean I used all the resources?! That Dark Souls setting was a steal, and-“

Jimin crawled slowly and quietly to the bodies before she shook from the sudden stomp.

“Why the you lying?!”

The rapper recognised the other two, with Kisum in leather armour and Yezi in a pristine cassock and a tattered, but luscious dark purple cloak.

“A Dark Souls theme is better than fire in a suburban neighbourhood!”

Jimin tried shaking the other rappers awake, hoping hard that she could get their help instead of having to deal with a Bias alone.

“We’re already losing viewers as it is so- Oh, so the holder of this realm is the problem, huh?!”

The Top Madame wanted to slap the Kisum awake, but she didn’t want to alert the distracted Choa, so she went with multiple fists to her friend’s gut.

“Out of all the worlds in the Fanfictionverse, you couldn’t even find one place for me to rent while the rest of the plan carries out?!”

Maybe just a few more hits-

“What do you mean improvise?! Oh, ‘figure something out’, you say?! Well, if you don’t do some serious negotiating I swear I’m going to get Momo over there and shove their foot up your-“

Kisum’s eyes fluttered open, and a soft groan almost escaped her lips if Jimin didn’t caught it with her hands.

“Oh, so now she’s missing?! But she’s our newest recruit! Minhyuk too?!”

Kisum glared in panic at Jimin, before the latter motioned to Yezi with a few air punches.

“This is not a good day, we’re already stretched for time and resources as it is.”

The solo rapper sat up and knelt beside Jimin before throwing a deft punch across Yezi’s cheek.

“What are we gonna do for the readers now- uh oh…”

A roar filled the white emptiness and a fiery Yezi stormed her way to Choa. Jimin and Kisum watched with slowly falling fingers at the monstrosity they have wrought, deciding to make it less obvious that they might’ve killed Choa by directing the crazy dog’s wrath. They have a new fear in life, and it was currently charging at an unnie. The two tiny rappers would have slowly exited if there was an exit to speak of in this blankness.

Suddenly, a jagged pillar of ice stabbed from the ground right in front of Kisum and Jimin. 

“Not very ice ice baby.”

The pillar shattered into tiny water droplets, and out appeared a handsome young boy of seemingly mixed descent. His fair skin was further emphasised with the sparkling of the water droplets, as if his skin shone radiantly and created a magnificent rainbow around him. It didn’t help that he was wearing a relatively thin white t-shirt and some khaki slacks, making his presence even brighter than any angel. 

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when his eyes landed on Jimin and Kisum.

“Is this the fail high school ripoff fic?” He asked all chill-like to the two child-like rappers. “Is Woozi-hyung here?”

The girls only shook their heads.

“Aw,” he pouted. “Nuts, looks like we’ll have to meet later on then, amdames.”

And just as he appeared, the boy disappeared in a cocoon of ice before it exploded. No trace of the boy remained, which is good since Yezi ran through where the pillar with a choking Choa raised above her. The blonde was about to turn blue before her hand began glowing.

“Not,” she managed to wheeze out. “like… this!”

Choa threw a fist behind her, shattering an invisible wall. The white pieces gave way to a swirling vortex of black and purple nothingness, streaked with gold. It radiated clouds of darkness, which grew to become tendrils, which first grabbed Yezi and Choa. They were yanked quickly, but not before the blonde let loose a manic laugh that echoed in the white expanse. The clouds slithered their way to the remaining rappers, who would rather not dare wonder where those tentacles would take the-

Too late.

The tendrils snapped onto their legs and the world swiped into sudden darkness. Jimin felt the fear again, the choking sensation returning and the panic creeping up her nerves. It was all dispelled though, as something warm, tight, yet gentle, gripped against her small fingers.

And no, it’s not anyone’s unmentionables. They’re no-no zone. They’re you-know-whats.


The cold frost stormed through Jimin’s nerves. The sound of wood cracking wrenched her eyes down to the fluffy snow, pocked with tree stumps. The ground grew closer until it hit her. Or, she hit it. The point is, she landed, along with the three other women. Everyone’s landing was softened by the snow, but they were still dazed by the speed at which they fell. Jimin’s hand quickly rushed to her nose when she felt the thick warmness flowing downwards.

And no, it wasn’t because she a broken nose.

A pair of legs were flailing about, trying to pry itself from the mound of snow. The rapper’s eyes just couldn’t move away from the beautiful sight, as her gaze just travelled up from the elegant ankles, to the toned legs, thick thighs being enveloped by a sleek black dress, and that big, juicy-

A bark roared behind the leader and perked her ears up.

She twisted to the source, and a blurred form pounced from the shadows of the woods. 

Her world was engulfed with snowy fur and snapping teeth. Her arms kept the jaws open, but wasn’t strong enough to stop the wolf from twisting its head around. She could smell its ugly breath and see the stench in its teeth. The top madame was not on top at the moment, and she’s wondering where the others were-

More howls in the distance. 

Quick footsteps and hushed tones.

A pop of snow and more retreating steps. 

"Damn it, where are the other biases?" the voice trailed away.

Jimin was alone against the jaws of death.

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