The First Punch

Tearing Down the Wall

…or was he?

Just then a bright, red beam bursted through the window, shoving the alien back. Minhyuk gasped as he felt his legs once more. He felt the rush of boots move the wall he laid on before they landed into view, forming a wall between the author and him. He laughed in relief, hugging Jungkook close as he threw his back in victory.

The cavalry has arrived!

Minhyuk stood and limped out of the window, assisted by one of the figures in black uniforms. The black helmets covered their face, but the rough way he was being held was a telltale sign on who was helping. Minhyuk grinned as he gritted his teeth before looking to the older bias.

“Took you long enough, Leo-hyung.” Minhyuk coughed out blood. “I thought I was going to die.”

“We thought about it,” Leo said. “But then we saw you were holding Jungkook.”


They laughed before looking back.

“Let’s quickly return you,” Leo said. “It’s about to get ugly.”

“Took you guys long enough to intervene!” The author walked up to the biases in black. “I had ot delay this fic for a few months just to wait you guys. Do you know what it costs to keep a fic like this in stasis? A lot!”

The tallest of them walked forward and threw forward a fist, trying to freeze the author. The young man laughed at the frost gathering around him before he drew a quill with golden sparks in mid-air. He punched the gold drawing, shattering it. The shiny flecks dissolved into flames that flew, gathering together in a spinning cyclone of inferno that roared to the biases. The cyclone disappeared as soon as it came with a wave of a bias’ hand, and the author grinned.

“I can’t believe I’m finally confronting the supporting antagonists of this story!” The author rolled the sleeves of his jumpsuit as Taehyung and Zico walked to stand beside him. “This might actually be fun!”

“Get ready to die,” The frontman threw his helmet off. “The Official Pimp is going to beat you down.”

“Bring it on!” The author yelled with a jump. “This is a fight the readers will actually enjoy!”

And they charge-!


They all froze.

All except for the author.

The rush of papers stopped mid-wind, Momo had a fist in Mina’s face just as the younger had her hands on the older’s neck. Leo helped the burdened Minhyuk with Jungkook in mid-step, and the biases were in suspended animation. Zico and Taehyung had only lifted their back legs. The author took wary steps around the scene, trying to make sense of the stopped time. He walked up to the bias before white filled his vision.

The light shoved him back into a soft wall.

Grunts played in his ears as he rolled on the metal floor. Curses followed, and feminine groans reverberated in the room. The author was still blinded, blinking away the heavy lights as he tried to stand. He could only manage a half-hearted seat as rapid steps indicated that people around him were getting to their feet quickly.

“Look who joined us today.”

The author laughed.

“Amazing,” he remarked. “You pulled me away from battle without my writing. You’re getting stronger.”

“I try,” Youkyung said smugly. “You didn’t exactly made it hard either.”

“Is that supposed to wound me?” The young man staggered up. “I don’t feel it.”

“You’ll feel this!”

The author slapped away the fist with closed eyes. He raised an arm to the side that blocked a kick, and shot out a leg forward. He felt a soft bit flesh, and heard, “Woah,” before it was followed by a thud.

“I felt that, by the way,” he snarked. “Smooth.”

He heard a growl and fell on his back to dodge the fist to his face.

“And I ain’t just talking about your lovely hands, Gomindo.” The author caught the calf that was ed onto his stomach as he spat out the bullets that would have been on their way to his face if he didn’t caught them before they were fired. “Magic!”

The author opened his eyes to the garbed head before he spun the leg, causing the ninja to fall. He quickly stood, realising he was in the hangar a few chapters back. The author grinned when he saw the 3 trench coats. He gave a deep bow and stepped back, looking to see that the little angels were here as well. And the crazy dog. And the corpse.

“Right, Hyejeong’s dead,” the author remembered aloud. “Resurrection should be relatively simple, but without tearing another universe in fanfiction, it’s gonna take awhile.”

The protagonists turned to see the two new people in the room.

“Wh-where are we?”


“Eunha, don’t curse!”

“Sana, we need to get out now!”

Eunha took a step forward, but spasmed in literal shock. Her screams echoed in the metal room, and Sana could only watch in horror at her friend. Chanmi ranforward, but was held back by Choa, who gave her wary look.

“I thought Tzuyu had them,” the author said. “How did you-?”

“Author powers,” Youkyung sang. “You’re not the only one!”

“You fool!” The author began looking for cover. “You’ve doomed us all!”

“Oh, this fear is enjoyable!” The drummer was was doing jig with glee. “I can’t believe I’m actually-“

A screech pierced everyone’s ears, bringing people to their knees. The author laughed through the pain in his ears, watching as his enemies fall from their own doing. Despite the echeos of the painful sound crawling through his body, he managed to kneel up, taller than the rest of the people. He stared pitifully at the beauty as she cradled her friend, her cries causing pain for the other characters. His eyes then landed on Youkyung, who was glaring at him.

He watched as her see her lips blaming him for this whole ordeal.

The author felt a hand grip his shoulder before pulling him back. He looked to see Chanmi, gritting her teeth as she trudged forward. Every step was all the more agonizing the closer she got, but she was compelled. These were the friends that accompanied her from the beginning of the fic (even if they were fairly useless), and she must arbitrarily stop them. The maknae felt a pat on her waist, glaring at the author before realising that there was a sudden weight on her side. She looked down and found a sword in a plain black sheath with a plain handle and guard. Chanmi looked back with confusion, but all the author did was give her a thumbs up.

The silence was deafening.

Sana had stopped screeching, but that was only because her face was buried in Eunha’s shoulder, her cries muffled by the unconscious body. Chanmi took one last step and fell over the two girls in an attempt to hug them. She buried her head in Sana’s back and shushed gently.

“It’s okay, Sana,” Chanmi comforted. “She’s gonna be fine, it’s just a shock.”

Sana sniffled as everyone else watched in awe.


“Yep,” Chanmi nuzzled the Japanese girl’s cheek. “It’s gonna be fine…”

“…Weawwy?” Sana turned to Eunha and gave her the cutest puppy eyes anyone has ever seen. “Ish okay?”

“It is,” Chanmi reassured tiredly, feeling her heartbeat slowing. “Shy, shy…”

“Oh, no…” The author quickly jumped up to stop them. "Don't-!"


“Shy, shy, shy!”

Everything bursted into a long, high-pitched ring as the world turned black.

A/N: ...been a while, eh? Why don't you guys check out why, at this here little link for another thingy I'm kinda working on? Eheheh....

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