
Tearing Down the Wall

4 women lay in their blood as, around them, the world turned into a raging inferno.

One of them bore a wound in their head while of the rest of them bore a wound in their abdomen that finally began to slow, but that only the end was near for them. But alas, they lay in pain, struggling to breathe and maintain whatever light they can still sense through their quickly blurring eyes, from tears or death, they know not. They were abandoned, but only because they were left for dead.

“ this, unnie!” Chanmi tried to crawl to her older, dead lover. “We’re supposed to be the protagonists!”

Hyejeong didn’t reply, nor did her body really respond much. Choa laughed as she struggled to stand, her body sitting up to fight the gravity pulling her blood. Her hand clutched at the wound, and she managed to raise herself to a crouch, before finnaly pushing herself up to a stagger. She hobbled over to her fellow members, a strange motherly look to her eyes.

“Get away from us!” Chanmi swung her arm to fend against the bias. “You and your friends have done enough damage to the worlds!”

Choa’s legs gave out on her and she fell forward onto her knees. The pain was subsiding, but then so were the feeling in her feet. She chuckled at her maknae, and she could look at her with regret. The bias sighed and looked down, shaking her head.

“This is really screwed up,” the oldest member admitted. “We did go a little crazy and broke a few earths.”

Chanmi huffed, wincing at the act as it pulled on her shot muscle.

“But it’s not too late,” Choa said as she held Chanmi’s hand. “We need to hide for a bit.”

“Where can we hide?!” Chanmi threw the hand away. “You’re a bias! They’re going to find you no matter where we hide, and then they’ll find us!”

“They’re too busy fighting the Big Bad Author up there,” Choa pointed. “We can throw our lot in with Youkyung.”

Chanmi blushed.

“A-are they sufficient?” Chanmi looked away from the blonde. “I-I mean, I know she’s capable, but…”

“Oh , you’re heart is really wishy washy,” Choa said with a palm to her face. “I thought Hyejeong-“

“She is!” Chanmi covered her face as she fell over the other angel’s body. “B-but…”

“Someone else is writing,” The 4th woman growled as she limped over to the angels. “It’s either author or Kisum, or Youkyung, whoever it is.”

Yezi knelt hard in front of Hyejeong’s body, clutching the bleeding slit in her abdomen.

“Coincidentally that’s our only option,” Yezi said. “If we go to the bias, we’d all be dead.”

“All? Choa’d be welcomed back, wouldn’t she?” Chanmi questioned. “First bias and …”

“Actually, I’m not first bias,” Choa retorted. “Though, I’ve ed up too much to come back, and besides if we go to the author’s troop, I’d still be dead since Jimin’s there.”

“It’s a ing battle up there,” Yezi said as she looked up to the lazers poking past the dragon. “It’s a bad idea to get up there with the wounds we have.”

“Oh come on!” Chanmi shoved a fist into the red dirt. “We’re protagonists! It’s not like we could actually die!”

Yezi and Choa merely looked to Hyejeong, and Chanmi gulped.

“Point taken.”

“Youkyung it is.” Yezi began pulling on Hyejeong’s side. “Chanmi, Choa, help me push Hyejeong on my shoulder.”

“A-are you sure, unnie?” Chanmi said as she kept a hand close to her wound. “That’s gonna agitate it.”

“N-no, it’s gonna be fine.” As soon as Hyejeong’s body was supported by Chanmi and Choa, Yezi moved her hand to her thigs to pick her up on her shoulder. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”

She winced as she the pain of her stab wound was intensifying form the extra weight, but it didn’t matter. The extra weight was incredibly soft against her weight, the rigor mortis not kicking in yet. Yezi smirked through the pain and took a step forward for balance before looking back to the other angels as they carefully stood to mitigate the pain.


Choa and Chanmi screamed at the sight of the blood on Yezi. Not on her clothes, but on her face. Specifically her nose. Yezi was bleeding intensely from her nose.


Yezi twitched before her body dropped, an intense river of blood coursing from her knife wound. She groaned as the body dropped on her, and it didin’t help that it landed right on her face. Yezi scrambled, trying to get the body off of her, but stopped quickly once the pain pulled her seized her muscles form moving. Choa and Chanmi only stared in loss, not even shocked at the growing pool of blood around Yezi.

They wordlessly picked up Hyejeong, both of them keeping their shoulders close to keep the weight distributed. And not to be like the stupid rapper bleeding on the ground. They quickened their pace when they heard said rapper scrambling to get up.

“Unnie,” Chanmi whispered to the bias. “I think we should run before the enemies catch up to us.”

“Agreed,” Choa agreed with the biaswrecker. “Youkyung is a definite course of recovery.”

“Yes,” Chanmi agreed. “Angels among angels.”

“And not dogs.”


And with their first step, their world warped with the sound of a whipped blanket. From the treacherous of infernos of Not-Mars they had perchanced upon a metal hangar, though perchanced is the wrong word. They weren’t there by chance, someone brought them there.

“I heard you need my help.”

3 figures in trench coats stood across from the bloody angels (and the rapper that was running to catch up with them). Everyone gave each other hard looks, no one moving an inch. Everyone’s fingers were twitching.

“Guys, guys,” Yezi broke the tension by staggering to the space between. “Look, we’re in no shape to fight so let’s just cut to the resting period.”

Gomindo raised a hand, allowing a golden glow to overcome it as a circle drew itself in the air. A quill materialised in the circle and glowed intensely. Gomindo crushed the circle and punched out a beam of light to the protagonists.

They could only close their eyes.

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