life lesson


in which choi youngjae loses out because he doesn't gamble.


i don't know what this is and i'm blaming my friend for making me post this. :') thanks katie you're a champ.

1.6k words of unedited garbage.

and now i'm sad.


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putrikrisna #1
Chapter 1: Is youngjae sleep with jaebum (jinyoung flatmates) ? Sequel 2jae please..thanks
kimchispaGHEItti #2
Chapter 1: um, excuse me bUT i'm v weak for 2youngjae in general and wHY WOULD YOU HURT US LIKE THIS Oh mY gOD

when jr asked yj for his phone to call hyunsik, my heart literally dropped.

keep up the good work! you've got a unique but great voice when writing; it's really refreshing to read :)