Learning More...

Love Notes



It was okay with her to talk all night.. Okay! 


From: My Handsome Prince

To: Love Song

Okay, let's play 20 questions to learn more about each other okay?

Me first.. Shin Soohyun imnida, I am 24 years old, U-KISS leader, and I live alone. My family still lives on the farm in my hometown. I visit whenever I can. Hmm.. What else??


I texted her back, waiting to see if she wanted to know anything else.


From: Love Song

To: My Handsome Prince

Arasseo, but oppa I knew all that. :P tell me something I don't know..

Aika imnida, I'm Japanese Korean, I stay home alone often because my parents are busy working, my ultimate bias is Shin Soohyun from U-KISS. He inspires me to do more, achieve more, and reach for my dreams.


Whoa.. That's me?? I do that for her?? Really?? Wow... Hmm.. What doesn't she know...


From: My Handsome Prince

To: Love Song

Umm.. Wow.. I am all that for you? Thank you so much.. ;.;

And well, I have dated girls in the past before my debut. But they never lasted long.. They always left me :(

For someone who was better looking.

I really enjoy singing, and I want to find that special girl and sing to her..

I also can't wait to be a father one day, I want to be so good to my children. And to have a wife that loves me completely.


There, I revealed two new things about me. I hope she doesn't get creeped out.


From: Love Song

To: My Handsome Prince

Yes you are all that for me. And much more.

And aww.. Oppa.. It's their loss!! You are handsome!! Too bad for them!!

And that's cute.. I knew that from rocketboxx, serenade a girl. :)

And aww.. How many children do you want?? I think I would want 3?? At least one boy and one girl. :)


Hmm.. That's the same as me.. I want three too.. 2 boys 1 girl. And Aishh.. Well.. I'll think of something new to tell her...



For the rest of the night, Soohyun and Aika constantly texted each other until she fell asleep at 2AM. They talked about anything and everything, likes, dislikes, hobbies, food, people, music, bands, school. Everything.


Aika had never told anyone so much of herself ever before in her life. Her parents didn't even know some of the things she told Soohyun. But he was just as open as she was. Telling her all his doubts, fears and insecurities. It left both of them feeling vulnerable, but they had each other. And it made everything better.


After Aika went to sleep, Soohyun did a fan talk on twitter until 4AM when he also fell asleep. But not before he left a special text for Aika to wake up to.


From: My Handsome Prince

To: Love Song

Good morning princess~ how are you today? I hope you slept well~

Soon, I'll be back in Japan. And we can meet again.. :)

Author's Note:
Love youuuuu guysss <333
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Chapter 30: Ahhh i couldn't help but read another one of your UKISS fics ~ this one's such a light-hearted one, nevertheless I loved it! :) if only life could be such a breeze, full of fluff, and happiness :") i really enjoyed reading this one thank you for sharing! Soohyun's been my fav member lately & reading this made me feel in a daze all day long haha :))
sahl-li #2
my friends name is aika!!
everytime we read this she really likes it!! LOL
Rianne2580 #3
Lol oh goshhh :O lol yeah.
All fluff for Soohyun but I got more to come :)
Sarapyon #4
WHOA!!! This is seriously a cute story ^~^ Too much fluffiness that I wanna hug it ^O^

See! I read it in one go again ^^ hehe
Rianne2580 #5
lol~ umm.. yes. twins. then Jaeyeon :D sorry for confusing youuu!!
hmmmmmmmm 3 kids in 3 years? are the 2 elders twins??
anyways, I liked the story :)
i like it soooooo muchh !!!
Rianne2580 #8
thank you so much<3
I looooove this story it's so cute <3