
Kisses From Hell
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The next morning, I had to wake up really early to do Wonho's homework. After doing his homework, I got a call. I hit the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

"What?" I asked a little irritated. 

"Sorry, it must be a bad time, I'll call you later." The person on the other line said. My eyes widened. Once I realized who it was, I immediately regretted how I spoke to him. 

"No, no, no, no, no, don't hang up." I said as quickly as I can. "I'm sorry, baby. Is there something that you need?" I asked while walking around my room. 

"I was wondering if you were busy after school." He said.

"No, why?" I asked.

"Can we meet after school?" He asked.

"Yeah, but why? Did something happen?" I asked a little worried. 

"No, I just miss you, that's all." He said, which made me smile. 

"Aw, my baby misses me. I miss you too." I said. 

"I have to go, I'll see you after school." He said.

"Okay. Bye, baby." I said.

"Bye." He said then hung up. I smiled then walked over to my closet.  I get to see my baby today! Maybe the rest of the boys will come too! I hope they do, I miss them so much! After getting changed, I made myself breakfast. Once I finished eating, I walked to school feeling both happy and excited. When I got to school, I went straight to my locker. The halls were empty because it's still pretty early in the morning. 

While I was putting my books in my locker, I could hear high heels clicking. I looked up to see who it was. Great! It's the es! I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Maybe, they're not looking for me. I continued to put my books in my locker. 

"Hey, you, nerd." She said. I closed my eyes. What the does she want? I opened my eyes and looked at her. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"I saw you with Wonho, yesterday." She said. 

"And?" I asked. 

"I want you," She said then pointed her finger at me. "to stay away from him." She said.

"Correction, I wasn't with just Wonho I was with Monsta X. And they came up to me, not vise versa. " I said.

"Stop making up lies. We all know that you're trying to get close to Wonho." She said.

"Why would I want to get close to him?" I asked.

"Because you're a ." She said. I looked around the hall to make sure that no one's here cause, it, who cares if I hurt a ? I was having a wonderful morning, and she ruined everything! Once I made sure that no one was near us, I looked at her dead in the eyes. 

"Get your crusty finger out of my face." I said. She was shocked at how fast I changed. 

"And what if I don't?" She asked while shuttering a little. 

"You're going to lose an arm if you don't get it out of my face within five seconds." I said. Once I said that

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y'all remember to vote for Shine Forever! SHINE FOREVER! SHINE FOREVER NEEDS TO WIN! MONSTA X NEEDS TO WIN!


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Chapter 8: Awww :) Sweet and embarrassed Wonho <3
Chapter 3: This is so cute :)
Chapter 11: awwwwwwwww i can imagine this actually happen <3
Chapter 3: This is so cute!!!
Chapter 2: i started to like this story <3
shaz27 #6
Chapter 2: okay?? many question in my head right now
robot_pop #7
Chapter 2: is that boyfriend?
lunieya #8
Chapter 1: Love it.. Can't wait
shaz27 #9
Chapter 1: OMG cant wait for the next chapter=D
who's the real EunA??