Chapter one

The and I

Chapter 1 

"To say that I was happy to move to Seoul would be a lie. I was beyond pissed and my parents were to blame for it. Although they forced me into something as sudden as this, I still respect and love them. 

So eomma, appa thank you."

My thumb has never tapped the backspace button on my phone so hard before. They say that expressing your feelings through writing it down always helps relieve anger but they also forgot to warn me that I might have to purchase a new cellphone in case I broke mine whilst expressing my anger. 

I lift my head and turn it to the side to get a better view of Seoul. My new home. It had been exactly an hour and a half since my flight arrived and I've been in this car ever since. My destination unknown but I couldn't care less. 

"Miss Lee, we will be arriving at our destination soon." My driver spoke softly as he made a couple more turns. I nod politely, refusing to show any signs of disrespect towards my elders. 

The car came to an abrupt stop before I could continue gazing outside my window. I confusedly began doubting my driver's sensory skills. When he said that we will be arriving soon I didn't know he meant we were already here. 

"I apologize Miss Lee some idiot doesn't know how to cross the road." He scowled slightly as the car begins moving again. 

Upon hearing this news I look out my window searching for the supposed 'idiot' until my eyes landed on a tall blonde haired boy standing a couple meters away from the car. He had a sheepish smile as he apologized for his actions. His features most definitely didn't belong to those of the Korean bloodline so I assumed he was of another Asian decent. I found myself staring a little longer than I would've liked, wondering how a grown man lacked the basic skill of crossing the road. Especially with the aid of pedestrian crossings. 

The car unfortunately sped off before I could make further observations. "Mr. Dong how long will it be till we arrive?" I ask my driver whom I haven't spoken to since he picked me up. 

"2-3 minutes Miss. Lee so please sit back and relax." He replies curtly. I roll my eyes in response at him before opening my mouth again, "I know you work for my parents but you can call me CL. I'm not at that age where I should be called Miss. Lee especially by my elders." I smile reassuringly at Mr. Dong. Although he was a lot older than me, the vibes that radiated off him told me that he was a good guy. I didn't intend on making friends here anyway so why not make friends with my driver? 

He looked a bit taken aback by what I said so I shrugged it off. He only nodded and returned the smile. I looked around the luxurious car before returning to punching the keyboard on my phone furiously to relieve my stress. 


As soon as I hopped out of the car, I was embraced by the warmth of the sun. I stretched and yawned absentmindedly before grabbing my bag. 

"Room 307 is yours, your luggage will soon be sent to your room. Please contact me if anything comes up Miss Lee-" I narrow my eyes slightly at him, he stops mid sentence and clears his throat before continuing. "CL." He corrected awkwardly. 

"Thank you for driving me Mr Dong." I thank him and bow before leaving. I faced the entrance of the grand apartment complex in awe and distaste. I had no problem to adjusting to an indipendant life style, it just didn't feel right. 

Walking through the doors and towards the elevator felt foreign, that was until I was greeted by a pair of familiar dark eyes. 

Familiar blonde hair. 

Familiar tall figure. 

Well if it isn't the idiot who can't cross a road. 

I entered the elevator and stood awkwardly next to him. He constantly slipped side way glances towards me as if he recognized me as the girl in the car that almost ran him over. 

"I'm sorry to come off as rude. But aren't you the girl in the car that almost ran me over?" He asks, his eyes as lost. 

I should become a fortune teller or something. 

"Yeah. That was me." I answer politely. A deep chuckle slips from his lips and fills the dense atmosphere of the elevator. 

"I'm Tao. I live here in the complex." He extended his hand out toward me with a friendly smile. Growing up in Korea has its perks but when it comes to meeting new people, being rude is just not an option. 

I took his hand and shook it lightly before letting go. "Chaerin Lee but you can call me CL." The elevator door opened on my floor and I took this opportunity to escape from further awkward interactions. 

I turned my head slightly and gave a small wave before descending towards my designated apartment. 


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kimilin425 #1
Chapter 2: Update? Pls?
Alice13299 #2
Chapter 2: Please update!!
syeda_fz #3
Hey can you please update this story????
syeda_fz #4
Chapter 2: Is this story abandoned or what???
2nexo2nexo #5
Chapter 2: Yasss Chaekris ~
seemstobeadream #6
Chapter 2: Thanks for the update ♡♡
YGbigfamilynow #7
sounds like romcom