My Choice Is You


"What are you doing here?" Mark asked as he look at Jackson. While Jackson is still looking at him and holds him like he is going to break anytime.

"Mark you need to eat" Jackson say and now the one to caress Mark's hand. "You look so weak." Jackson added and he get something from the table beside him, a bowl of soup. "I made this for you." Jackson said and take a spoon full of it.

Mark look at the soup and look back at Jackson who is staring at him and now he is sure he is not dreaming. He can't believe Jackson is right there in front of him and offering him food. He doesn't understand, but he feel like crying.

Before he can sy anything, he eat one spoon and keep staring at jackson. "Why.. are you ok?" Jackson asked "Why do you keep looking at me? anything wrong with my face? dirt?" 

Mark shook his head with Jackson's question. "No, you look perfect." This words suddenly slips Mark's mouth and though it was the truth, both boys blushed. Though it was awkward, Jackson keeps feeding Mark.

Mark ate everything and he is now feeling much better and maybe seeing Jackson again helps him a lot. He don't know why but his heart has been beating very fast and he can't stop looking at Jackson's handsome face.

And he noticed Jackson had also lose some weight. "Are you eating well?" Mark asked. "I should be the one asking you that Mark, you look so thin." Jackson said and Mark suddenly smile at him. This adorable person, Mark thought.

Mark lean his forehead to Jackson's and look straight at his eyes. "Jackson I know I can't change things anymore.. but.. but I just want to ask you.. did you love me before?" and with Mark's question, there was an emotion in the younger's face that Mark can't understand.

Mark know that everything is his fault, he doesn't understand his feelings because he was too afraid and now all he want to know is.. Did Jackson really loved him, nothing more. 

"Before? why are you asking about what happened before when all I know is I love you now and I will be loving you forever." jackson said while looking lovingly at him and all Mark can do is bit his lip and try to stop his tears.

"but.." Mark tried to say but he can't construct anything from his brain. "All I need to know is, do you love me?" Jackson asked and place one hand on Mark's cheek and that's what it takes for mark to melt into Jackson's touch. 

Do you love me? Jackson's question echoed in Mark's ear and there will be no more hidding what he feel, not now because this might be his last shot and the way his heart beats now doesn't mean nothing. 

"I might be too scared but now isn't the time for that.. because I can't do this anymore.. I need you in my life.. I had always love you." As soon as Mark finished Jackson had already hugged him so tighly, that he feel like he can't breathe. "Hey Jacks.." Mark said trying to move.

Jackson let go of him and the two look at each other. Mark had never been happy for so long and never been too brave. "I love you" Jackson said and Mark can't stop smiling, showing his beautiful and perfect teeth.

"I love you too." Mark said and everything stopped when Jackson kissed him with all the love and devotion he had for Mark and the older hold the back of Jackson's neck to even deepen the kiss they are sharing.

If he can get Jackson this way, he would do it because holding Jackson and having him beside him is all he want and with those days that he didn't see him he feel so empty and sad.

There is no time thinking about anything else because he is flooded with one person, Jackson Wang. When Jackson move back to breathe, their eyes tells everything they fell for each other.

"Please don't leave me" Mark said and lean to kiss Jackson's cheek. When Mark look back at Jackson, he give the older a smile. "I will never do that, even when you push me away." 

 They both smile "I'm sorry" Mark said as he look down and he feel Jackson's hand on his chin to make Mark look back at he and he did. "You don't need to say sorry."







The next day after what heppened with Jackson and Mark last night, the confession Mark made just makes Jackson very happy. It is what Jackson wants and all he needs. Jackson is now sitting infront of Emily in the cafeteria.

"He confessed?" Emily asked while smiling brighty at Jackson. She is obviously excited to here about what happened last night.

Jackson nodded at here question while holding his obvious happiness about the what happened and Emily , making him smile even more about the thought of it.

"We still have a lot of things to fix." Jackson said, refering to the troubles and problems they might done and will done. Emily's mood went down about the thought.

She remembers that the time she will introduce this real boyfriend to his father is coming near and she is scared about his father reaction.

"When will you introduce him to me?" She was taken back to reality when Jackson asked him a question while smiling. Jackson understands her, she might really like his boyfriend because he knows the feeling of being deeply in love with someone.

"I can introduce him to you tomorrow, we can have a double date with Mark." She said and Jackson like her idea, having a double date. Though Mark isn't his boyfriend yet.

"I will ask him if he like to."


After the short break Jackson went back to work and all he can think about is Mark, Mark Tuan. The most lovely person he had ever met in his whole existence. 

He grab his phone amd type a message for Mark Hey Markie, what are you doing? Mark must be working in this hour but he just miss the older. Jackson smile when Mark texted him back.

Thinking of you Jackson just want to scream after reading Mark's text. He feel very happy and lucky because this time comes. Don't worry I'll be in front of your apartment later, two more hours. Wait for me there.

Jackson can't wait to see Mark but he remember he need to talk to the predisent about the offer, the offer that he will not be accepting. He knows that the old man wouldn't be that angry but it's still hard to do.

He also want to help Emily, like how Emily had help him a lot with Mark.


After a tiring day of working Jackson rush to meet Mark. He put his car's speaker in a high volume listening to an up beat song and singing a long. When suddenly his car hit a xar that had stop in front of him.







Mark recieve a mesaage from Jackson that he is in the hospital because he had a minor accident while driving to his apartment and Mark is so schock and worried.

He run outside his apartment and ride a taxi to the hospital. What if Jackson's hurt? No, he don't want to see Jackson hurt. While he is in the car, Mark just wanted to cry.

This is all my fault why Jackson is in the hospital. This is all my fault. He keeps repeating in his mind, blaming himself.

When he arrived at the hospital he rushed to the counter and asked where is Jackson's room and he tried to hold his tears before opening the door to Jackson's room.

There he saw Jackson, he is in the hospital's patient's clothes. They all that each other before Mark run to Jackson and hug him thighly. 

"You.. You made me so worried" Mark said nuzzling to Jackson's neck and when he let go Jackson saw tears running down Mark's check. 

"Hey don't cry" Jackson said while wiping away his tears. Mark keeps crying and sobbing.

"This is all my fault." Mark said while pauting. Jackson can't help but smile because Mark is so cute even though his face is wet with tears.

"No, not your fault. I wasn't carefull, I'll be more carefull next time. Don't cry, I don't want to see you crying." Jackson said and he pressed his lips to Mark's cheek for few seconds.

"But still.." Mark said while pouting 

"I only had minor injury in my right ankle, nothing more." Jackson smile at him "You had never been conserned about me before." Jackson scratches his neck while looking down.

Yes, Mark had never show anything intimate to Jackson but that was Mark who is scared. Who didn't realized his feelings for Jackson and all he want to do now is show his love. 

Mark sit on Jackson's bed, facing the younger and pouting. 

"But.. That was before." Jackson was confuse when Mark was leaning closer to him and move to sit on top of his lap. This isn't a right place to do this things but Mark didn't care.

"Hey what are you doing?" Jackson give him a questioning look but he just smile at him. 

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angelicabq #1
Chapter 14: Yesterday I started reading this so Im really happy that I finished because today you updated! Omg Jinyoung you ! In every fic I read Jinyoung its the bestfriend and of one of them xD thats funny tbh. Im really looking forward for the next chapter!
Chapter 13: an update!! yay!!!thanks for it!!! (you have angsty tendencies isn' t it? I mean the car crush)
petshopxoxoxo #3
Chapter 11: Oh please Mark. Just say it. Just say that u want him, u need him, and u love him. Jackson will not say no.
Chapter 11: T.T a very angsty chapter, at least at the end there's a possibility of a Happy ending
Chapter 10: when is Markson going to be happy together????
andie41225 #6
^..^ awwwwwww
Chapter 8: Okay this story is too much for me!!! My emotions why do you do this too me. This is a really good story but why is Jackson running away from Mark after basically pinning for him. I need more of this story like now!!!!
petshopxoxoxo #8
Chapter 8: oh. no. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
ok. they were shocked by their own actions which was kissing each other.
but... why? why u ran away Jackson?
u did really drive me crazy when u ended this chapter like this author-nim... too many questions in my brain now =.=
petshopxoxoxo #9
Chapter 7: I love u so much author-nim!
Finally! Mark, u did it. U show ur feeling!
And Jackson, Mark does not hate u. He loves u. U are both idiots, big idiots who are in love with each other.
Author-nim, I understand u, College is my stress too... Fighting!
petshopxoxoxo #10
Chapter 6: I hope this fever can make Mark realizes that he has feeling for Jackson.
And somehow YuBam can help Markson a bit.
JB did a good thing (letting Jackson knows that Mark is sick).
I hope Jackson will be back to Mark after work since Mark is still sick and stay the night + sleep together in the bed while hugging each other.
oh, u can make Mark sick for a few days with Jackson by his side + taking care of him or Mark pretends to be still sick and craved for Jackson's care/appearance & make sure the sick Mark is the Mark who shows all his feeling because the normal Mark does not do that).
but I'm happy with whatever u write/decide (just bring Markson together hihihi).