together again. (this time forever)

you in heart.

Title: together again. (this time forever)
Warning(s): zombie!au, blood&gore, character deaths.
Inspiration: warm bodies and zombie movies??
​Summary: ​Youjin had always been looking for Inseong, but when he finds him, Youjin doesn't know what to do.

For days now - maybe even weeks, he didn't count -, Youjin had been roaming the city's quiet streets, alone but determined. But even that was dwindling, as the bit of hope he had left was fading with each second that passed by. Even so, the brooding man continued on with only one thing in mind: Jung Inseong, the light of his life. The thought of his lover was all that drove him forward, to live yet another hopeless day.

With long and confident strides, Youjin paced across the deserted street, ignoring the blood that splattered against cars left abandoned. Too much awareness would mean his demise, but so was too little. He had learnt that lesson well from the earlier days.

Sharp eyes were hooded as they scanned over the tops of the vehicles, watching for signs of life - or at least movement. His senses were keen, honed by experience, listening for the slightest sounds. But everything was silent - not even the wind blew.

Youjin adjusted the metal bat resting against his shoulder, then tilted his head from left to right. He rolled his shoulders heavily, once then twice, as he approached the glass doors of what was once a mall. Perhaps not the smartest move however, Youjin swung the bat against the glass, smashing it with a loud crash, then stepped inside nonchalantly.

He felt not an ounce of panic well, even as the groans of the dead were aroused. Not even for a moment did he fear for his life. Youjin continued on into the abandoned building, bat heaved onto his shoulder once more as his eyes browsed over store names, looking for ones that would suit his needs.

Then a groan comes from his left, too close. Swivelling about, Youjin's eyes were wide - and widened further if it was even possible.

By instinct, Youjin had his bat ready to be swung. But there it stayed in it's swing, Youjin unable to finish the blow.

A familiar face greeted him, albeit with lifeless eyes, flesh rotting over his cheeks. A wrist was bent unnaturally so, one leg dragging under him as he walked. Youjin's body was tense. The bat fell from his hands.


His whisper echoed, punctuated with a spark from a short-circuited wire. Inseong, with his damaged eyes, stared right through Youjin. An arm stretched out towards the taller. A groan emits from the animated corpse.

Youjin could only watch as the corpse came closer, hands unfolding, reaching out blindly for contact. Then he grabs it, ignoring his reason. He held the cold hand in his own warm ones. He pressed it against his own face to cup his jaw, disregarding the blood that stained those precious hands.

And for a second, Youjin saw a glimpse of the past. The smiles Inseong would wear. The way the mall used to look, before all of this happened. He remembered Inseong's teasing little winks, and he remembered the way Inseong would always lean in for a hug.

But it was all gone now, and he snapped back to reality as a pain erupted in his throat. A scream threatened to rip out from Youjin, from the pain. But instead, tears pooled in his eyes as he s his tired arms about his lover. And as Inseong tore into his shoulder, Youjin bit his lip until it bled, preventing himself from crying out. He buried his face into the crook of Inseong's neck, and embraced the shorter once more.

"I found you."

Youjin's last words were rasped, as he felt life slip from his grasp.

He would rise once more, and this time, he would walk the Earth with Inseong by his side.

They would be together. Together forever.

a/n: this has been hiding in my drafts for even longer than this collection tbh. i finally completed it.

but idk if i like it??? i hope you do though. thanks for reading!!


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Chapter 1: It's so adorable !! They are so cute <3
I want more (>.<)
Chapter 1: Awwww this is really cute <3