First Mission

Finding Me


P/s >> hi everyone^^ thanks for reading my fiction story (^_^) I’m bad at grammar, so please forgive any grammatical & tenses mistake. Hope you guys will like it. Thanks for supporting me ;)



Yeohee’s POV

We look at each other with a confuse look after reading the mission card. Such a simple mission, yet we have no idea for it.

“I thought WGM are the one who will name our couple.” I said that to break the silence.

“As far as I concerned… yes. They named their previous couple before.” He answered while toying with his thick blond hair. I realize how pretty he is, maybe prettier than me I guess^^. No wonder people sometimes call him ‘princess heechul’.

“I think we just need to start discussing it first.”

“Neh, but I don’t have any ideas for it. Ah!! Yah!!  why don’t we name our couple as ‘ABB couple’?”

“Bwoh?? Anhde!! It sounded like kindergarten partner. I object!”

“Wae?? It is not represent the alphabet that we learn in kindergarten. ABB stand s for our blood type."

“Still sounded like kindergarten. Hmm… Heechul shi, what is your favourite colour?”

“owh.. I like pink, red, colour of blood. But why?”

“Bwoh?? How can a guy like pink colour?”

“It is because I’m a pretty boy, that’s why pink suit me very well.” He makes that girly face at me again, thinking that it shows his cute sides. I have to admit, it is quite cute, but rather than says it cute, it is actually kind of annoying. He looks like someone transvestites, not manly at all.

“I like whites and black more, sometimes grey. Hmm.. heechul shi, how about your hobbies and interest?”

“Yah!! Stop calling me heechul shi!! I’m 5 years older than you, call me oppa. I think we should discuss about what should we call each other first, I’m getting annoyed hearing you calling me ‘heechul shi’ 2x”

“Bwoh?? Because you’re much older than me that’s why I called you ‘heechul shi’.”

 How can I call him oppa for our first meeting, and why did I feel like he is so much the same as someone? It really reminded me of hongki when we are doing Mnet scandal. He also ask me to call him oppa, thank god I shot back to him to called me noona. What am I doing?? Thinking of another guy while sitting with my husband? But they are so alike..They’re best buddies after all.

“Just drop all the formality, call me oppa after this.. or maybe you actually want to call me nampyeon? Owh.. how sweet of you buin ah~~”

“Eeeuuu!! Stop it! I’ll call you oppa, just stop those cheesy words.”

Wae buin aa~~..”

Now he’s making those face again.. oh no, I can feel the heats on my cheeks.. I hope the makeup can cover my blush right now..

Heechul’s POV

She's so cute when she blush.. But I will just pretend like I don’t see it for now. No wonder hongki likes her . I can tell that he seriously like her before, although he said that it is only a normal like. ‘Oh come on man, you wouldn’t be so surprise when you see her in the news as apple girl before she debuted if you really don’t have any special feelings for her’. He even follows up all yeohee’s progression after that. Yeohee must not have realize yet that I know about her and hongki before since I act like one.

I kind of disbelief the fact that I’m actually married my best friend’s crush right now. He definitely will be surprise when I told him after this. ‘Don’t worry man, I’m on your side.’ I might now be yeohee’s husband, but I will always see her as my jesu (sister-in-law). Hongki is like a dongsaeng (younger brother) to me. ‘Jesu ah~~ oppa already approve you, just wait for oppa brilliant plan and hongki + you will have to thank me later^^’.

“So it’s decided, you’ll call me oppa and I’ll call you buin.”

“Who says that you can decide as you like?”

“call me oppa.”

“o-op-oppa, I don’t want you to call me buin.”

Kekekeke… I can see her even blushing now. OMG!! Her panic face is also cute..she must be really awkward to call me oppa. ‘hongki aaa~~ you really have a very good taste in girls.’ I’m sure he learned this from me. Oh no..  I suddenly miss sohee now. It’s been months since I see her last time. I wonder what her reaction will be after hearing that I'm mow married with another girl. she must be jealous, after all I'm her one and only loyal Idol's fan of her.

“Wae? We’re already married right? Aren’t that what husband should called their wife?”

“We’re are not married for real. Ok, how about op-oppa call me yeohee only.”

I feel so bad to her.. I’m teasing her nonstop today. I better stop it here or else she might be planning something evil for me in our next meeting.

“Arasso.. yeohee aa~~ , I suddenly got an idea for our couple pet name. How about we called our couple as AppleChul or YeoHeechul?”

“YeoHeechul sounds great, I think I can consider that.”

“Yeah!! Finish our first mission!! By the way yeohee ah, I used to dance whenever I’m free.. I guess that’s my hobby.”

“So we still have no common interest in that also. I love to play guitar or my Iphone apps music or composed songs whenever I’m free. Hee.. op-pa, what kind of dance you love to do? Can you teach me next time, I don’t really know how to dance.”

“I love to dance those girls’s group dance, especially Wonder Girls’s dances. Sure, I’ll teach you everything next time.”

“*laugh* oppa, you should dance the boy’s steps more than girl’s.”

“Omo!! You called me oppa fluently now!! Yeah!! *jumps up & down*”

She is blushing again. Yeohee sure blush a lot with guys that she just met. I wonder how many guys have fallen for her before. Poor hongki, thank god she’s my make belief wife now. If she is someone else partner, sure someone will seize her away from hongki without giving him a chance to fight for his love. 'you sure owe me a lot hongki aa~.' 




P/s >> thanks for reading my fiction. this cahapter is kinda boring coz i don't have much idea for it.. sorry i haven't update it for so long.. like I mention, got no idea.. but I think I know what I'm gonna write for my next chapter.. ;)


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foreversucks #2
hongki!! :D
i already read your new updates! :D
AyWany #3
Hhmmm.... I thought that Heechul will be playing cupid, but it seems that he is falling for her; What about Hongki?
new subscriber !! <br />
Loove your story ^^ <br />
Hope she'll somewhat ends up wit heenim , they're cute >_<
Wow an update...<br />
Unni do you really have to emphasize the once??? I really find it cute...<br />
And unni HWAITING!!!<br />
<br />
Waiting for your update^^
Yeoheechul!!! Hahahaha.... Update soon!
jam_9445 #7
haha..currently i support heechul but it'll depend on ur future chapters if i'll still be in team yeoheechul! yeoheechul are soo cute! thanks for replyin me!^^
HyunNi_Shin #8
@jam_9445 >> welcome ^o^ i'm glad u like the story... wah~~~ u already made u'r choice ;) r'u sure u gonna stick to YeoHeechul team till the end? Hongki have not really met Yeohee yet~~ but thanks for supporting heechul (at least for now) >_<
jam_9445 #9
hey im a new reader and..I LOVE YOUR STORY!! HEECHUL IS SUPER COOL!Cute couple..i hav a strong feelin she'll end up wif heechul..maybe it's in team heechul! continue writing! update soon can't wait to read more!^^
HyunNi_Shin #10
@IHSEULPARK >> are you sure? or she angry because her pride hurts? hope u'll like my latest update ;)<br />
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@syazCANDY >> i'm not sure yet how should i end it.. it depends on my readers (u guys) & as the story grows.. who knows she might end up with heechul ^o^<br />
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@chibie >> welcome!! thanks for supporting my fanfic ;) hope u'll like my update too >_<