Love At First Sight [one-shot]

Love At First Sight [one-shot]



"This is super cool! We are gonna go to Florida!!" my best friend Layla shouted and jumped up and down.


"We're not going to Florida to sun tan under the sun or see hot guys, Layla." I rolled my eyes. "We're gonna go there and look at some car museum."


"Well, who knows..maybe there's a so called Hot Guys Camp and they visit Daytona 500 Experience!"


"Let's just hope..."


"Oh come on Swati. Don't be so negative. I have a feeling that this trip would be great."


Ugh, I hate it when Layla gets this kind of 'feeling' cause it always happens. i don't really hate it, I just don't like to be on the edge thinking about what's
gonna happen with her 'feeling'. Our school decided to go on some trip
to Daytona 500 Experience and look at cars. I don't know why out of all
places, our school decides to take us there. It is in Florida
anyway..might as well just try to enjoy it.




"Feel free to look around everyone. I will meet all of you here at exactly 2 hours from now. The bus leaves 15 minutes after that so if you miss it then too bad for you."
Mrs Smelther, our home room teacher said. I rolled my eyes at what she


"I have to admit Layla, this place is kinda interesting." I smiled at Layla.


"See, that's the spirit!" She said as she pointed some cars in the corner, "ooh let's go there it looks cool."


As we walked over to the cars on display, I noticed 4 guys playing and pushing each other with 2 humongous bodyguards standing as far as possible making sure they
weren't pushed. L.O.L I thought. Those 4 guys are so immature to be
playing in a plcae like this. They could break things or something. No
wonder they had bodyguards.


I looked at the cars and noticed something. I turned to Layla. "Eww! Are these mud on the tires or something?! This is so gross. When was the last time they cleaned-
OUCH!" I fell to the ground and landed on my .


I looked up at the guy who had pushed me down and he looked so apologetic. I knew it, he was one of those immature guys. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. I am so very
sorry.." He repeated this over and over as he helped me up. "Are you
okay? I really am sorry." I knew I couldn't stay angry at him cause he
looked so cute. He had cornrows and the clothes he was wearing were
probably a hundred times larger than him but it looked okay on him.


"It's okay, I'm fine." I said and saw Layla behind me staring with wide eyes at the guy who pushed me down. What's wrong with her? It's like she saw a ghost.


"Im Tom Kaulitz by the way. This is my twin brother Bill and our two friends Georg and Gustav. You are?" OMG!! I screamed and jumped up and down in my head. Why didn't I
notice it before that he was THE Tom Kaulitz! It was such a dream come
true to meet them in person as I am the biggest Tokio Hotel fan. I
looked into his eyes and I felt some sort of weird connection and then
there were butterflies in my stomach. I have never felt this way


I tried to keep my voice calm and said, "Hey, I'm Swati. You guys are from Tokio Hotel right?" That was the dumbest question ever cause it was so obvious that they


"Yeah" he chuckled, "You're a fan?" I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed. "I'm guessing that's a yes. Could I maybe take you out for dinner later? You know to make up
for my clumsiness." And he grinned.


"Well....I'm not really from around here. I'm just here cause of a school trip."


"Ah, I see. Then can I have your number? I don't think it's fair for me to just walk off after pushing you down."


"Yea sure." We exchanged numbers and then I realized that 2 hours has already passed. "Me and my friend, Layla, have to go now. We're supposed to report back
now..Goodbye." "Come on Layla!" I pulled her and quickly walked off.


I looked at Layla and she looked like she was still in a state of shock. I waved my hand at her and snapped my fingers and finally she came back to reality. "You don't
know how I'm feeling right now after I met them face to face! I was
literally screaming in my mind the whole time and every part of my body
was jumping up and down! HE ASKED FOR YOUR NUMBER!! YOUR SO LUCKY!


"Relax Layla... Breathe in, breathe out. Slowly now. Breathe in, breathe out."


"You think he's gonna ask you to go out?"


"I doubt it. He's probably already forgotten about it by now. They are busy anyways."


"That's a bummer. I told you this trip would be great!"


"Yeah yeah."




Everyone seems to be out today. It's Saturday anyway..and its my 19th birthday too.. I sighed. I got a couple of happy birthday wishes from my parents then they headed
out to go to their office. Their work never really seemed to get
finished but I don't really care much. Now I'm stuck here at home with
nothing to do and nobody to hang out with. I was hoping Tom would call
or text me. The two of us have been texting each other and hanging out
for lunch but its mainly cause he wanted to get to know me better. I
didn't tell him it was my birthday cause I didn't wanna get too much
attention but I still wished that he would ask me out.



At night phone beeped and I read my new message.


Hey ! You free tonight?

Wanna hang out? ;)



Sure :D I texted back.

I sighed happily...I was going out with Tom Kaulitz! Looks like my wish came true. I smiled and went up into my room to get changed. I wore my favorite dark green
shirt and a black mini skirt. I slightly messed up my hair and tied it
loosely over my shoulder. I had long hair with dark curls so it looked
nice when I did it that way. I thought of putting eyeliner but decided
otherwise cause it didn't look that well with my dark skin tone. I
heard two knocks on my door and rushed down the stairs to get it.

"Hey Swati. You ready to go?" he grinned.

"Hi! Yea I am. So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I smiled. I don't really like to be taken somewhere I don't know but I am a big fan of surprises. I wonder where he'll be taking me.


I dídn't know where he was taking me and since it was already evening it was too dark to see anything. The car stopped and Tom got out. He opened the car door for
me and I stepped out immediately feeling the cool night breeze.

"Where are we?"

"It won't be a surprise if I tell you" He stepped behind me and blindfolded me.

"What are you-"

"C'mon stop asking questions.. I'll guide you through no matter what happens. I'll be right here, trust me."

"Okay fine.." I said giving up. It seemed he was never gonna tell me what was gonna happen so I just followed his lead. We must be at the beach because I heard the
waves crashing on the shore. I felt Tom release his hold on me and I
heard him go behind me.


Without saying anything, he undid my blindfold.

It took a moment before my eyes adjusted to the surroundings. I saw balloons. Lots of it. Pink, white, purple.. But what really caught my attention was a big, black,
heart-shaped balloon in the middle. On the balloon written with white
ink was "Happy Birthday Swati ♥" I felt my heart skip a beat. I turned
around and I couldn't find Tom anywhere. I turned in all directions but
couldn't spot him. I panicked and as I was about to shout his name I
heard a piano playing a familiar tune. It was In Your Shadow by Tokio
Hotel. I walked to the direction of the music and saw someone behind
the piano. I laughed as I recognized that the piano was built to be
exactly like the car I was looking at when I first met him at Daytona
500 Experience. As I walked closer I realized that Tom was the one
playing the piano. Suddenly he started to sing the chorus part. This is
a surprise because never in my entire fan life have I heard Tom sing!
It was amazing. As the song finished, he stood up in front of me. He
took my hands in his and looked at me in the eye.

"Happy birthday.. I love you Swati. I have never felt like this before and when I met you..The moment I looked at you, I felt a connection. A sudden spark and I knew
you were the one I've been waiting for. It was like love at first
sight! I couldn't stop thinking about you. In fact, the band was so
sick and tired of me talking about you all the time. I know we've only
known each other for a few weeks and it might be a rush...but..can you
be my girlfriend?"

My heart was practically going up my throat looking for a space to beat fast "Yes Tom" I smiled "This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you."

"You know I blew all those balloons all by myself!" He said and smiled proudly to himself.

I laughed "Sure you did." We stared at each other for a moment and then he leaned in close to me. Our lips met and everything around me disappeared. It was just me and



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Nice OS <3
choikimin-shann #2
Nice . (: maybe you should write a more-than-one shot for me and minho ^^