Moving On

Not Enough Time
Jimin decided to get some fresh air at lunch after 4 hours of continuous school work.  He was starting to get a headache from all the information he was trying to remember and he desperately needed a break.  He walked into the park where he first met Miyoung and smiled as he strolled by the path.  The wind was blowing slightly, creating a nice breeze for the sunny day.   Jimin looked around to see others enjoying the nice day.
Children were playing in the playground, adults were sitting on the benches and talking while eating their lunch, others sat under trees to read books, and others just found a spot in the grass to relax or take a nap.  It brought peace to him, finding a calming place to just walk around and think.  He walked to his favorite food truck, delighted to see only one other person there.  While he waited for the person in front of him to finish their order, he took out his phone to text Jin.
Do you guys want anything from the truck?
Nah, just come back and don't skip next period again.
"NEXT!" The guy from the truck yelled.
We'll see.  Jimin chuckled as he pressed sent and walked up forward to give his own order.  Instead, he bumped into the person that just ordered, causing them to spill their food on his shirt.
"Oh , I'm so sorry," the girl said.  Jimin just stared at his shirt, not looking up at the girl, as she took napkins out of her bag.  "Here, I'm so clumsy."  Jimin looked at the napkins in the girl's hand being offered to him and rose his head to look at the girl in the eyes, ready to scare her with his angry eyes.  However, his expression changed quickly when he saw her face.
"Miyoung?" Jimin stood still, shocked that Miyoung was standing before him.
"Huh?" Miyoung looked at him curiously.  "How do you know my name?"  She started to bring her outstretched hand closer to her body out of nervousness and stepped back one step.  "Who are you?"
"It's me.  Jimin," he frowned as she looked at him with a blank look, "from the café and Naeun's thing with the drink?"  He completely ignored the fact that the food stains were settling into his shirt and watched for her facial expression change at all to show any memory of him.  He sighed in relief as her confused look changed to a smile when a light bulb lit up in her mind.
"Oh! It's you!" She looked down at his shirt and bit her lip.  "Crap, I'm so sorry.  We always meet each other like this."
"No, don't worry about it.  I can wash it out," he reassured her.
"Come here, you have to clean it up a little though so that it's not so hard to do later," she turned around to walk to a bench behind them and sat down as she pulled out wipes from her bag.  He followed suit and sat a little bit farther from her.  He didn't want to be so close to her and freak her out, no matter how eager he was at the moment.  Miyoung gave him the wipes and he smiled as he took one then started to wipe away the food on his shirt.
"Wait!" She yelped.  He jumped a little in surprise at her outburst.  "I'm sorry.  It's're doing it wrong."  She inched closer to him and took the wipe away from him with one hand and opened the palm of her other hand.  At this point, their knees were touching, making Jimin a little flustered.
 "You have to dab at it or else you're basically doing nothing and just making it worse," she said as she demonstrated on her hand.  "It's like if you rub at it, you're rubbing the stain into your clothing.  Here."  She gave it back to him and he followed her instructions while she smiled.  He continued as she looked around and saw the remnants of her food in the container.
"Well, there goes my lunch," she sighed.  "I'm so sorry.  Let me make it up to you by buying you lunch since I obviously stopped you from getting some."  She rose up from the bench and turned to the truck when Jimin grabbed her wrist to stop her.
"No, it's fine.  Don't worry about it," he said.  "I wasn't that hungry."  Miyoung slowly sat back down and looked at him as he finished up cleaning up his shirt.
"I'm so--"
"You apologize a lot," he said as he looked up at her.
"S-" she stopped herself and smiled softly.  "It's a habit."
"You don't have to say sorry all the time.  It starts to lose its meaning when you continuously do it and then your apology just loses its purpose."  He looked at her as she sat awkwardly, not knowing what else to do except apologize.
"Well, I want to make it up to you somehow.  Can I please buy you lunch since I need something to eat anyways?"  Jimin smiled and nodded, knowing that she needed to do this in order to get this off her conscience.  She rose up from the bench again with glee and went to order some more food.  Just when I was about to forget about you, you decide to show up in my life once again, he thought as he watched her give her order to the food truck guy.  Jimin looked at the time on his phone and thanked nobody in particular as he saw that he had enough time to hang out with her more.  He looked up again and saw Miyoung turn her head to look at him and threw him a smile.  He smiled back and she turned around again to grab the food from the truck.  He reached in his bag and pulled out the necklace to put in his pocket.
"I bet you'll be even happier to find this," he said to himself as she walked back to him with 2 tacos.  She sat down and handed him one after he thanked her.
"Thanks," she said as she unwrapped her taco, "I feel better now."
"You feel better?" he said with a raised eyebrow, "I'm the one who got meat and salsa all over his shirt."  Miyoung stopped unwrapping and was trying to hold back from apologizing.  He just laughed at her surprised state.
"I'm just kidding," he said as he bit into his food.  She sighed in relief and smiled as she ate quietly.  They sat in silence as they ate, unsure of what to say to one another.
"So what happened to you?" He asked.  She paused and started chewing more slowly, as if trying to collect the right words as she remembered the whole day.  "When I went back after school, you weren't there and Naeun told me things about you which worried me.  I couldn't believe I lost my best friend already within 12 hours.  I thought we would at least have a huge battle royale in college as we fought over a tshirt or something."  Miyoung just laughed, bringing a smile to Jimin's face.  She wrapped up her trash and threw it out in the garbage can next to them, then looking up at Jimin to give him some sense of what happened that day.
"Well after Naeun's father fired me for something I didn't do, Naeun decided to add fire to the flame.  I was already trying to figure out what the hell had happened and what my next move was, but she just kept pushing me and trying to get on my nerves.  I guess it got to this heated point when her dad left that she decided the best way to get to me was to offer me the tip jar.  But, I have too much pride and just dropped it on the floor, which explains all the glass on the floor if you saw it," Miyoung's leg starting bouncing as she was retelling the basics of the event.  She didn't want to get to much into it and bother Jimin about it.  Miyoung touched her neck to feel her necklace for some comfort and scoffed when all she felt was skin.  "That same day, I lost my necklace, which is so important to me, and now everything is just a mess.  I have no idea what to do.  Norhing seems to be going the right way." 
Jimin watched as Miyoung bit her lip trying to fight the tears.  It crushed him knowing Miyoung was put in such a horrible situation and nothing was working out all because of Naeun.  He looked at his pocket and sighed.
I might as well try to make at least one thing better, he thought as he pulled his hand out.
"I'm so sorry that all happened," he started.  Miyoung just smiled as she looked at him.
"You don't have to apologize."
"I know, but still.  I wish I can help you."
"No.  It's fine, don't worry about it.  I'm actually on the way to a job interview," she said as she pointed to the building across from the park.  "Maybe they'll love a high school office assistant."
"Well, maybe this can help you and give you some good luck," she looked at him curiously as he outstretched his hand and opened it in front of him.  In the center of his palm, her necklace glittered as the light hit it.  Miyoung looked at it in surprise and looked at Jimin and the necklace continuously.
"How..." her voice trailed off as she clasped her hands together tightly.  Jimin brought it closer to her and she blinked before slowly releasing her hands to reach for the necklace.  Miyoung rested the necklace in her palm, trying to fight back the tears.  Jimin just watched, happy that her mind was now focusing something else more positive.  She was just staring at it when he decided to get closer to her and take the necklace back from her.  Miyoung looked up in shock as she was snapped out of her trance.  He twirled his finger to gesture her to turn around away from him and he went to help put her necklace on.
"Thank you Jimin," she said softly with a small smile.
"You're--" before Jimin could finish his sentence, Miyoung punched him square in the face.  His head flung backwards, brining his body with him.
"What the-" Jimin sat back up holding his nose and instead of seeing Miyoung there, he saw Yoongi who was just looking at him with a blank expression.
"So you finally woke up?" Yoongi asked nonchalantly as he continued to eat his lunch.  Jimin just looked at him in confusion as he looked around the room.  Rather than being surrounded by trees and grass, he was surrounded by shelves of books and scattered students at other tables.
"What happened?" Jimin asked, "did you punch me?"  Yoongi stopped eating to look at Jimin, this time with his own look of confusion.
"Why would I punch you?" He nodded his head towards a book on the floor.  "I threw that at you.  You kept mumbling in your sleep and the librarian told me to shut you up."  Jimin looked down at the book as he rubbed his face.
"What was I saying?" Jimin asked.
"I didn't hear anything, but it was annoying.  Why? Was it a dirty dream?" Yoongi teased.
"No, what the hell?" Jimin sighed in relief.
"You look like you want to talk about something though," Yoongi said as he went back to eating his lunch.
"Not really," Jimin replied.  He looked around the room to see if anyone was around the eavesdrop.  He put his hands in his pocket and felt the necklace in there, groaning in annoyance.
"You sure?" Yoongi said with one of his eyebrows raised.  Jimin just sighed and leaned over to pick up the book on the floor next to him.  He put it on the table and rested his head on it.
"I was dreaming about Miyoung."
"What happened?"
"Well, I basically just saw her again and it was really nice.  I feel so creepy, dude.  I've only seen this girl twice and I'm dreaming about her."
"It is creepy."
"Hey," Jimin said as he glared at Yoongi who just continued to chew on his food.
"Well what do you want me to say Jimin?  Look for her?  It's a low possibility that you'll see her again so just leave the necklace at home and stop carrying it around like some stalker.  You're thinking too much about her and Namjoon is right.  It might not be safe for you or her."  Jimin just sighed as he let Yoongi's words sink in.  He was right.
"Fine.  I'll stop from this stupid thing.  What the hell was I thinking? That we met for a reason?  If the reason was to make me go insane, then mission accomplished," Jimin got up from his seat to leave, "thanks, hyung."  Yoongi just nodded at him and took out a book to read.
Jimin walked out of the library and let out a deep breath.  Ok, Jimin, he thought, today you stop thinking about her and start focusing on more important .  You need to graduate, go to college, and take your family away from here.  He started walking down the empty hallway to get to his next class.  As he was walking, he pulled out Miyoung's necklace from his pocket.  You are the source of my problems right now.  From this moment on, I'm going to concentrate not about how you're doing and just focus on myself.  I refuse to let some girl I just met cloud my thoughts because of Yoongi hyung says something then it's definitely worthwhile.  He continued walking and checked his watch on his other hand.  He had 10 minutes before the period ended so he had time to do some final review.  Jimin sighed as he started to put the necklace in his pocket, not looking in front of him.  When he turned the corner, he almost bumped into someone.  He was able to avoid a collision, but dropped the necklace and scared the other person.
"," Jimin said as he bent down to the ground to pick up the necklace, "Sorry about that."
"Are you sure?" Jimin looked up at the person from the ground in confusion.  His expression changed to an annoyed one when he realized he was face to face with Yunhyeong.
"Yes," Jimin said as he stood back up after putting the necklace in his pocket.  "Are you ever going to apologize for just dipping that day when we were supposed to work on our essay?" Jimin answered.  Yunhyeong just sighed and looked at Jimin with a stern look.
"Look, can we please start over?  We don't have to be friends, but can we be civil?  I don't want an awkward year and I'm sure you don't want to walk in everyday into class angry," Jimin just looked at Yunhyeong.  He rolled his eyes after detecting the sincerity in his eyes.
"Fine," Jimin said.  "So when are we meeting to do this essay?"
"Um, when is it due?"
"Next Monday."
"Ok, so do you want to meet after school today to find a topic and outline our paper?" Yunhyeong asked.
"Sure, but this time you pick the place and if you dip again, I'm writing my own without you."  Jimin said.  Yunhyeong just chuckled to himself.
"Fine, meet me in front of school after last period.  We have to start now because I won't be here for the beginning of next week."
"I'm going to a cousin's wedding in China and I'm leaving this weekend.  So after today we can start writing our drafts and then when I come back, combine, and fix everything," Jimin just nodded as Yunhyeong talked, unsure about how he felt about their newfound civil relationship.
"Ok cool."  The two of them nodded to one another and separated to get to class.  Hopefully, we won't have any drama today.

The alarm blared in Miyoung's apartment as she groaned in her bed.  The light was being blocked by curtains, not being able to get through and bother her awake.  She laid on her side to reach for her phone to turn off the annoying alarm and fell back on her back when she saw the time.
It was 1 pm and she was still in bed.  Her muscles ached as she moved around slightly in her bed.  She got home around 2 am and couldn't sleep right away.  All the thoughts of her future resurfaced the second she walked in and she tried to do some chores to get her mind off of everything.  As she washed dishes, the image of her mom popped up.  As she vacuumed, she thought of all the assignments she had to do for school.  As she did laundry, she was reminded of how dirty she felt being in the club.  Whenever she walked out into the floor to collect plates or serve food, she saw the girls dancing as countless men jeered them on.  She watched in fear as the girls seemingly blocked out all the noise and continued throughout the night with a dead look in their eyes, all of them staring at the clock in front of them.  They were all snapped out of their trance when the security men in front of them tapped their foot, signaling that they had a "special" show to do.  These performances earned them extra money since the tips were heavy, but the girls all left the rooms with a heavy heart and depressed look.  Miyoung wasn't ready to become a robot.  Despite everything, she had do it all.  If she didn't, the guilt would kill her.  She would rather die from exhaustion from trying than depression from regret.
"Ok, let's get this day started," Miyoung mumbled as she stood up to go make breakfast.  She didn't have to leave until 5 to make it to her shift.  Her first day working outside the kitchen.  Miyoung shuddered at the idea of being stared by all those men.  To calm her mind down, she the radio and listened to some music to relax her as she cooked.  She sang along while she fried the eggs and bacon, taking in the aroma of food.  One of her favorite songs came on while she was washing the rice and she couldn't help but dance a little bit.
"Spending all my time loving you, all my time loving you, 25 hours in my day," she sang.  Miyoung finished cooking before 2pm and set up her table of 1 before going to get her laptop in her room.  Since she had the time, she had to decide on a high school in order to go get registered and let Dok2 know where to buy her uniform.
"Let's see what school I'm going to die in this year," she said as she scrolled around the high schools in her area.  She needed someplace that was near, but not too near.  Miyoung loved her quiet neighborhood, but if she had a chance to explore a little more of the area, she would.  She also needed a school that offered everything she wanted in order to get into a good college.  As she scrolled, she found one school whose name made her smile.
"Seoul Light High School," she chuckled.  "What a play on words."  As she browsed through their page, one of the things they had in their about page was that they love English and if you understood their school name, you get $50 that could go to senior year purchases.
"Hopefully I get to graduate from this school, so I can use that," she said as she wrote down the address of the school and closed her laptop.
I found a school, she texted to Dok2.  Do I need you to sign stuff or can I do this alone?
Nah, I used to go there.  Just give my name when you register and they'll know what to do.
"I guess I chose the right school," she said.  Unsure of how long the process would be, Miyoung decided to just get everything ready so she could go straight to work afterwards.  After doing the dishes and taking a shower, she left her apartment to go  to the high school.  Since it was a sunny, but breezy day, Miyoung decided to walk there.  It was a 30 minute walk, but it gave her the pleasure of going through the park everyday.  She could take the bus when it got colder.
As she walked through the park, she enjoyed the sun shining on her face and the soft breeze blowing against her, making her hair fly slightly behind her.  It all calmed her down and feel less antsy about her new path of life for the time being.  One of her favorite places in the entire park was a bridge that went over a huge lake in the middle of the park.  It was a cobblestone path and the stone has broken down slightly over the years, giving it a nice older look to it.  Miyoung walked to the middle of the bridge and stared out into the lake in front of her.  Some children were sailing boats or trying to skip pebbles.  The geese and frogs flourished in the waters with all types of plants growing out to the surface.  She rested her head on her hands as she watched time go by around her.
Everything happens for a reason, she thought, something amazing is going to happen soon.  She took out a penny from her bag and closed her eyes whole clasping her hands together.

I wish that everything that happens to me from this moment on will have a purpose and make me happy in the end.  She flipped the penny and watched it shine in the sun as it slowly made its destination into the glistening water.  Miyoung took one last look and continued on her way out of the park to walk to her new high school.


"This place is huge," she said softly as she stared at the building in front of her, "I'm definitely going to get lost."  The second she took a step closer, she heard a huge bell snd started seeing students trickling out of the school like water.
"," Miyoung cursed under her breath.  The students passed by her, not caring if they hit her or not with their bookbags.  Bracing herself, she walked through the front doors of the school and looked around the gigantic interior.  There were display cases against the walls filled with trophies and memorabilia.  There were tables set up around for different reasons such as clubs, committees, and more.  When she looked down one hallway, she saw every student crowded by their lockers and saw the same image play out in each hallway.  There weren't any signs to guide her way, so she had to act on instinct, which was going straight.
Miyoung tried her best not to bump into any student as she looked for any adult in sight.  All the kids looked intimidating so asking one of them wasn't something she wanted to consider.  When she got to the end of the hallway, she was met with the choice of either going left of right.
"This is ridiculous, she thought as she looked in each hallway.  They looked the same without any indication if she was going the right way or not.  "Screw it," she said as she turned left, which turned out not to be right.
"Ow," she said falling to the ground on her .
"," the person said as they looked down on her fallen figure, "I'm sorry."  Miyoung looked up and saw the boy offering his hand to help her up.  With an uneasy smile, she took it and got back up.
"Sorry," she said to the student.
"Nah, it's my fault.  I was in a rush and not looking where I was going," he said to her.  "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm all good," she replied as she looked around behind him.  The boy picked up on her confusion and looked at clock on the wall behind her.  Hyung's going to kill me, he thought.
"Do you need any help? Are you lost?" The boy asked.  Miyoung looked at him with relief.
"Yes oh my god," she said as she pulled out her phone.  "I'm supposed to be going to either Room 105 or the Main Office.  Can you tell me where either of them are?"
"Yeah, sure it's the least I can do," he turned around and started leading her through the crowd.  Miyoung followed the tall boy as he went passed through with ease.  Once they exited from the thick of it, Miyoung saw rooms around her with numbers at the top of the doors.  He pointed to the the door next to him.  "This is the main office."
"Thank you so much," she said with a smile.
"No problem," the boy looked at his watch and widened his eyes, ", I got to go.  Hope everything goes well."  He smiled and ran off back into the crowd.  Miyoung watched and turned to the door once she couldn't see his head popping around.
"Crap, I forgot to ask for his name," she shrugged and turned the knob to enter the room.  Inside, she saw a bunch of people on their computers clicking away at their desks.  She looked around for any free adult to give her some guidance, but failed to do so.
"Are you looking for something miss?" A lady asked looking up at Miyoung from her desk.  Miyoung stumbled as she went closer to her.
"Uh, yes," she started, "I'm here to register as a student."  The lady stopped what she was doing and rose from her chair.
"Ok, come follow me," she led Miyoung into a section of the office where there was another little room with a separate computer inside and tons of filing cases.  "Sit down."  Miyoung watched anxiously as the lady typed away at the computer.
"Ok, do me a favor and start filling out this form while I go run to get something,". Miyoung nodded as she took the paper and the lady left the room.  She filled out the basics such as her name, address, and birthday.  Miyoung paused at the parent/ guardian section, unsure of what to do.
"Ok, how's it going?" The lady said as she walked back in and took a seat.
"Um, I don't know what I should fill out for this section,"'she said as she pointed it out on the paper.
"Why?  Is there a problem?"
"I don't exactly live with my parents.  My mom is back in Ilsan and I'm living alone in an apartment less than 30 minutes away."
"I see," the lady said slowly, "how old are you?"
"I'm 17."
"Ok, so do you have any guardians or...?"
"Um, yes actually.  His name is Lee Joonkyung.  He told me he used to go here and if I gave his name everything will be settled."  The lady's expression changed from skeptical to shock.
"Oh, um," the lady said as she cleared .  "We will take care of that for you.  Have you finished everything else?"  Miyoung nodded and the lady took it from her.  The feeling in the room was no longer relaxed but more tense.  Miyoung watched the lady curiously as she kept taking glances at Miyoung.  Miyoung saw something in her eyes that looked different than when they initially met.  It was one of fear and pity, two of which she has never seen before.
"Here, just fill out this form and we can figure out the classes you will be put in for this year," the lady rose again, "I'll be back."
Miyoung sighed, not sure why the lady looked at her that way and went on to fill out the classes form.  Well, I can take AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, umm, she thought to herself, there are so many choices.  There were classes that ranged from simple algebra classes to hardcore statistics.  At the top of the page, it said that she had to choose at least one class from english, math, science, and history.  There were 8 periods in a day, so she had free space for electives or extra classes she might need to graduate.
"Hello," Miyoung turned around to see the lady again, "have you finished?"  Miyoung nodded as she handed her the paper.  "Wonderful."  She took the paper and added everything into the system.  After a few minutes, she rose from her chair to get Miyoung's schedule from the printer and more forms.
"Ok, so just come her first thing Monday morning before your first class and we'll give you your locker assignment, school uniform, and gym clothes," she handed everything to Miyoung and extended a hand, "by the way, I'm Ms. Jung.  Welcome to the school.  I hope you have a great time."  Miyoung shook her hand with a smile and exited the room.  As she was walking out of the main office, she noticed that this time, all eyes were on her.  She still heard the sound of keyboards clicking, but nobody was focusing on the computers but rather her.  Miyoung decided that she was being paranoid and continued to walk out of the building.  She turned to look at the school.
"Well, this should be a fun," she said to herself sarcastically.  She took out her phone and saw that it was only 3:30.  She decided to walk around the area to see what was around and find a snack to eat while at work.  As she walked around, she saw students from the school in uniform, in disbelief that she would finally be wearing a high school uniform after what felt like forever.
"Maybe things will be a little normal from this point on," she thought.

"Hey, what took so long?" Hanbin asked Chanwoo as he tried to catch his breath.  "I said meet me outside right after school."
"I'," Chanwoo said in between breaths.  After drinking some water, he took a deep breath and started to explain himself.  "I had to talk to Mr. Kim about something and then I had to help someone find the main office.  I think a new student."
"I don't care if some kid doesn't know his way around.  I want my chocolate ice cream," Hanbin said annoyed.
"Well sheee was nice and I'm happy I helped her," Chanwoo said, "come on let's get some ice cream.  It's hot today."
"You owe me a choco cone," Hanbin pouted.

Miyoung stood in front of the club, staring at the doors as she was trying to find the strength to walk forward and get inside.  Going inside meant that she was officially starting her new life in the club, a reality she was trying so hard not face.  Come on, she thought, you can do this.  All you have to do is dance.  You love to dance.  It's just a little different because there is a pole and there are people watching you and they'll pay for your show in person.  And if they really like you, you can show them your awesome moves privately like a private lesson.  Miyoung bit her lip as she tried to fight the tears from coming out.

"Who the hell am I kidding?" she said to herself.  She gripped her bag tightly while her knees began to shake.  "I can't do this."  As Miyoung begun to step back slowly, she felt an arm around her shoulder.  When she turned to look at the person, she began to calm down a little bit.

"Hey sweetie, how you doing?"  Miyoung smiled up at Hayoung who had a lollipop in .  "Getting cold feet?"

"Yeah.  I don't know what to do."

"Well, first of all, you need to walk through that door and look around the room.  Then you walk through it like you own it," Hayoung turned to Miyoung and held her by her shoulders as she looked at Miyoung with care.  "It's going to be scary and you'll feel like you're going to throw up, but trust me.  Once you get through tonight, the next few nights will be easier.  It's all going to , but you need to give yourself a slap in the face and it up because this is what you have to do."  Miyoung looked at Hayoung, tears threatening to fall down her face.

"Thank you," Miyoung croaked.

"Hey, don't worry about it.  Remember, I am here to talk if you need it okay?"  Miyoung just smiled at Hayoung and the two of them entered the building to start the first friday night of the month.  The first person Miyoung saw was Dok2 and he looked at her with a smile as he walked up to her.

"Hello sunshine," Dok2 said.  Hayoung gripped Miyoung's shoulder to signal that she was going to the kitchen and left her with Dok2.  "I got a call from the school saying I could pick up your uniform.  Your uniform for this, however, is already here."  He picked up the box that was on the table next to them and opened it up.  When he took it out, he looked at her with excitement while Miyoung looked at it with horror.

"It's a little big because of regulation since you're so young, but don't worry once you get older, we can give you a different one," Miyoung gawked at the outfit and couldn't find any words to describe how she felt.  Big? she thought, this is too small even for a toddler.  "Aww, you're speechless.  Great.  So why don't you go change and then I'll have Jiyoon be a mentor for you tonight."  He patted her shoulder and left to go talk to Jiyoon while Miyoung just held the piece of cloth in her hand.  I can use this as a tissue for my tears, she thought.  Miyoung dragged her feet to the changing room and instantly felt a shiver of cold run up her body as the cold air touched her skin.  When she finished and looked in the mirror, she was worried by how much was showing.  She tried to pull the skirt down further, but it only showed more of her stomach.  Frustrated, Miyoung just sat in the ground with her head in her hands.  She looked around the dimly lit room and sighed.

"I need to it up," she said as she stared in the mirror, "I need to do this for mom."  Miyoung helped herself back up and went to her locker to put away her things.  She decided to let her hair loose and tussled it to give it a messy and voluminous look.  If she was going to start her new life here, she might as well change her look so she could wear it as a costume.  Miyoung took out her makeup bag, looking for the most bold colors.  As she was doing so, she heard a knock on the door and saw Jiyoon's head pop in.

"Hi, Miyoung right?"  She entered the room as Miyoung nodded.  "Oh, you don't need to put all that yet.  You can do it later before we open.  I'm just going to show you around a little ok?"  Jiyoon offered her hand to Miyoung who took it and followed her out of the room.

"So, do you have any dancing experience?"

"I mean I used to dance a little when I was younger and occassionally when I'm home alone," Miyoung said with a grin.  Jiyoon just laughed and nodded.

"Ok, so here, you're going to have to go a little out of your comfort zone.  Your goal is to have a lot of men watching you because that means more money.  Just do whatever you feel is y and let all the movements flow out of you like water.  You have to move in a fluid motion because it gets all the guys in a trance like you're putting a spell on them.  They won't touch you up here, so don't worry about it for now.  Dok2 has made you special this weekend to not be put in any of the private rooms yet, so you're safe for now.  But, when the time comes, I'll be back to help you ok?" Miyoung just nodded as she took in everything.

"This is such a big thing," Miyoung said as she rubbed her arm in nervousness.

"Hey, don't be too scared.  Just treat it as a stage ok?  Play the part and try to have fun.  If not, just remember it as a way to get money and that's it."  Miyoung nodded and looked around at the other girls practicing their moves.  "Come on, you came a little early today."  Miyoung looked at the clock and saw that it read 6 p.m.  "Not a lot of people come in now so I can help glam you up and hide whatever you want to hide."  Miyoung followed her back into the changing room and the two of them sat in front of a mirror and worked on theirselves as more women came in to do their own make up.  As she was putting on mascara, Jiyoon slipped something to Miyoung.  

"You can use this mask.  Maybe it'll help calm your nerves and give you a little more confidence," Jiyoon winked at Miyoung as she walked to her own locker to get some water.  Miyoung stared at the little black mask and gripped it tightly.  No matter what happens, the one thing she has had control over one thing and that is her identity.  She smiled as she put the mask around her neck, giving herself a little more of a relaxed feeling.

After about 10 minutes, Dok2 knocked on the door, signaling the ladies to all go outside and start the night.  Miyoung followed the crowd and went up on her own stage a few feet away from Jiyoon.  Miyoung put the mask over her eyes and saw a netted view of the club, but clear enough to see where and what she was doing.  She took a deep breath, ready for the night.  She heard the music over the stereo get a little louder as people started to trickle in slowly from the outside.  The girls around her began their routines and were swinging and twirling around the poles.  Miyoung grabbed the cold silver pole and started to move around it.  There were already some people watching her and she decided to close her eyes out of fear.  All she could hear was the music and the smell of alcohol, then let her body take over.  She moved to the music and after a while, she felt little breezes and little pinches hit her body.  She opened her eyes slowly and saw more people watching her with an amused look on her face.  Miyoung looked on the ground and already saw some money on her floor.  A wave of confidence rushed through her body and her movements started to have more power.  She ignored everyone around her and moved with the beat.

"Keep going honey," she heard one man say with a hearty laugh.  "Dance for us all."

"You're so y," another voice said.  Miyoung tried to block out these voices for the next hour or so and just did her thing as she felt more bills surround her.  Her security guard tapped her foot, getting her attention.

"You can take a quick water break if you want," she nodded and stepped down to refresh herself.  On the way down, she felt someone slap her and she turned around in embarrassment to see who the culprit was.  It was a middle aged man with a drink in his hand.  He had a drunken smile on his face and watched her with lust.

"Mysterious and perky," he winked at her and his bottom lip.  Miyoung looked at him in horror as her security guard shoved the dude.

"Hey, hands off buddy."

"Sorry man, I just got a little excited," he took another sip from his drink and turned to walk away.  Miyoung rushed to go to the bar to get some water and huddled under the counter.  The bartender just looked at her with confusion and continued to fix his drinks.  Miyoung took deep breaths as the panic was rushing through her veins.  Just calm down, she thought, you're fine.  Nothing happened.  She closed her eyes again as she gulped down the water and stood back up to rush to her station.  She tried to avoid anyone she saw in fear of getting touched again.  For the rest of the night, her movements weren't as fluid as the fear overtook her body.  She was more shy with what she did, causing the tips to not come in bulk.  Men still looked at her with hungry eyes and it caused her to have shivers down her spine.  They all had the same lustful and sensual look in their eyes, all of them making her move more stiffly.  Her security guard had to tap her again and ask if she was alright in order to snap her out of it.  This is ridiculous, she thought, this is so dangerous.  By the time the clocked reached 2 a.m, there were less people in the club.  The amount of men around Miyoung decreased making her heartbeat go back to normal and allowing her to slow down a bit with her dancing.

"Miyoung," she looked down to see Dok2 gesturing her over.  "You can leave now if you want.  You came early so it's fine.  Just get all your money, change, and come to my office."  She nodded and went back to her station to collect her bills.  She put everything in her locker and stripped away the little uniform from her body and put on some sweatpants, a tshirt, and a sweater.  When she was sure every inch of her body was covered, she sat down on the bench with relief.  That feels so much better, she thought.  When she looked up in the mirror, she decided to skip on cleaning off the makeup.  The sooner she left, the sooner she would be home.  She put a hat on and gathered all her things including her earnings for the night, then set off for Dok2's office.  

The club itself was almost empty.  It didn't close for another hour, but some waiters and waitresses were already cleaning up certain sections of the club and putting the chairs up.  When she reached Dok2's office, she knocked and entered inside.  He was sitting at his desk, typing away from his computer.

"Just sit down and count everything you made, then we'll go from there," he didn't look up from his computer as he said so and Miyoung just followed his orders.  After about 5 minutes, she looked up at him and saw him stretching in his chair.

"I have $300 here."  Dok2 sat back up in his chair and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Damn, you made a lot for your first night.  I should have known when I saw that crowd of men around you."


"Yeah, there was a lot of people watching you.  I guess the mask helped you out a lot.  The mysterious aspect of it," he clasped his hands and rested his head on it.  "So the way it works is that we take 15% of everything you make and this goes to the club.  Then I take 10% of what you have left as my profit and all that.  That leaves you with just under $230.  That's still a lot for you though so great job."  He took the money from her and changed it for bigger bills that would be more convenient for herself.  "You did amazing tonight, so have a good night."  He nodded at her and she bowed as she left.  Miyoung held her bag with pride, amazed at how much money she made in one night.  It sometimes took her one week to make what she just made.  She saw Hayoung wiping down a counter and smiled at her.

"So, how was your first night?"

"It was a little fun because I just ignored everyone."

"That's great," Hayoung smiled.  "Everyone in the kitchen was talking about you and your little mask.  I think you'll be fine here since you have something everyone else here doesn't have, which is a little control and protection.  I'm a little surprised Dok2 didn't take it away from you because Jiyoon tried to use it and he refused to let her even bring it in.  He said that it wasn't good for business."  Miyoung looked at Hayoung in shock and turned her head to look at Jiyoon who was still working at the floor.


"Yeah, so you must be special," Hayoung said with her eyebrows raised, "be careful of that though." 

"I'll try.  Dok2 gives me the creeps sometimes," Hayoung just laughed at Miyoung's remark.

"Well you better head home.  It's really dark so be safe ok?"  Miyoung nodded and saw the garbage bag by Hayoung's feet.

"Sure.  I'll just throw this out for you," she said as she grabbed the bag.

"Aww, thank you baby," Hayoung said, "I appreciate it."  Miyoung just smiled and went out the back where the trash cans were.  She gave a small nod to Jiyoon on the way out who responded with a smile.  When Miyoung opened the door to the alley, a wave of cold air brushed past her.

"Yikes," she shivered, "why is it so cold?"  She put the garbage bag in the huge cans and tried to lift the heavy thing over her.

"Do you need me to heat things up for you?"  Miyoung froze as she felt two arms hug her from behind.  "I can certaintly help you out baby."  She could smell the alcohol from the man's breath and crumbled at his laugh.  She turned her head slightly to see the light from the other end of the alley and took a deep breath.

"I would love that sir," she said softly.  Once the man chuckled and loosened his grip on her, she elbowed him in the gut and made a run for it when he stepped backwards.

"!  You just made a huge mistake!" the man yelled as he ran after her.  Miyoung got closer to the end of the hallway and turned to the right to see an empty street with only a few lights from the stores that were still open.  She looked behind her to see the man still chasing her.

"Damn it," she hissed and turned her head around to look forward.  She decided to turn the corner again to try to lose the man.  However, she bumped into someone, but luckily their reflexes were quick and instead of falling, the person grabbed her to steady the two of them.

"Oh , dude, slow down," Miyoung looked up at the person and was met with a familiar face.  The boy looked down at her and his face slowly turned from a worried look to a smile.

"We seem to have a thing for running into each other," Miyoung sighed in relief as she recognized him as the book she bumped into at the school, "are you lost again?"  Miyoung just shook her head and she was trying hard to catch her breath.

"No, there is this man--" before she could finish her sentence, she heard the quick shuffling of feet and saw the same man turning the corner and setting his eyes on her.  Miyoung tried to run away from the boy's grip, but he processed the situation quickly and instead held her tightly.  Miyoung looked up at him in fear, still trying to run away.  "No, please, what are you doing?" Miyoung's heart was beating 100 miles a minute.  Please don't give me to him, she thought as she saw the man slow down and stop in front of them.

"Ahh, thanks little man," the drunk man said.  "My girlfriend here took something from me and I'm just trying to get her and my belongings back."  The man stared at Miyoung with a smile while she looked up at the boy who was holding her tightly.

"No, no please.  I don't know him at all.  I've never seen him before," the boy refused to meet Miyoung's eyes and instead, looked at the man with a blank face.

"Well sir, I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think I want to think my girlfriend is cheating on me," this time the boy looked down at Miyoung as he held her closer, "I would be very sad to know she was going behind my back to hurt me like that.  She was always so nice to me, so I think I'll have to take my girlfriend's words over yours."  The boy looked back at the man who was looking at them curiously.

"Well then, I guess you and your girlfriend have a lot to talk about," the man said as he walked backwards slowly.  "For both of your sakes, I hope not to see you two again."  He turned around and walked away from the two.  Miyoung inched away from the boy when he loosened his grip on her.

"Thank you so much.  I don't know how to repay you," Miyoung said.

"Well, I don't think it's safe to go home yet because I'm pretty sure he is still waiting at the corner," he whispered to her.  He turned to look at the store next to them.  "But I know how you can repay me."  He grabbed her hand and led her inside the convenience store.  He led her to the ramen section and grabbed himself a cup with a smile.  Miyoung gladly took it and one for herself and went to go pay for the both of them.  He put hot water in them when she came back and sat at the windowsill with her.

"Thanks," he started as his voice started to trail off.

"Miyoung," she said as she finished his thought.  "I'm Miyoung, but I think I should be thanking you more."

"Don't worry about it.  There's no way I was going to let some creep take away a potential classmate.  Did you find what you were looking for by the way?"

"Yeah, I'll be starting school on Monday," she said as she ate her food.

"Oh cool.  What grade are you in?"

"I'm a junior," she said with food in .  She swallowed and looked at him with an apologetic look.  "Sorry, I'm really hungry."

"I can see," he said with a chuckle, "I'm a junior too.  Maybe we'll be in the same classes."

"I hope so," Miyoung said.  "It'll be great to have a friendly face around there on the first day."

"If you want, I can meet you on the first day and show you around so you don't get lost again."  Miyoung looked at him with glee.

"That would be amazing if you did."  She took out her phone while the boy did the same.  "Here," she said as she handed him her phone and while she took his.  When she got her phone back, she read the name on the contact.

"Chanwoo," she looked at Chanwoo with a smile.  "Thank you for everything Chanwoo."

"Ahh, don't worry about it," he said.  "But wait, give me back your phone.  I need to put a picture for it."  She laughed as she gave back her phone to him.  Miyoung giggled as he took the picture at a high angle to give himself the best possible picture.  He gave her phone back to her with confidence and she just continued to giggle as she saw it.

"This is great," she smiled.  He took his phone and started to aim it at her.

"It's your turn now," he said mischievously.  Miyoung just rolled her eyes and posed for the picture with a v sign.

"Happy?" she said.  He just nodded at her and got up to throw away their food.

"So how far do you live from here?" he asked.

"About 15 minutes away," she replied, "why?"  He continued to stand and took her bag from her.

"Because I'm going to walk you home, obviously," he started to walk out the store before she could protest and she just hopped off the chair and rushed after him.

"Chanwoo, it's totally fine.  You don't have to."  Chanwoo just ignored her and continued to walk straight.  "You don't even know where you're going."

"I'm not going to let you go off alone and possibly get caught by that weird guy again.  Now tell me where you live."  Miyoung dropped her shoulders in defeat and pointed out the way.  They walked in silence and only the sound of the wind and their footsteps filled the air around them.  Miyoung stuck her hands in her pockets as Chanwoo walked by her side.

"So what were you doing out so late?" Miyoung asked to break the silence.

"I was going to get a snack.  I got hungry while I was studying."

"Do you live far from here?"

"From the store, not really.  I just live in the other direction with my friends."  They stopped at a crosswalk and watched the cars whiz by.

"What about you?" he asked her.  "What were you doing out so late?  How did that guy get to you in the first place?"  Miyoung just bounced on her heels as she sighed deeply.

"Well I just got off work and when I was leaving, I took out the trash for one of my friends in the alley and the guy just came up behind me.  Maybe he was about to throw up or something because he reeked of alcohol."  Chanwoo just nodded as he listened to her and continued to walk with her.  They were entering a little park at this point.  "I live a block away once we get out of this little area.  Are we really far from your place?"

"No, it's ok.  I can be home in like 5 minutes if I jog back.  What do you work as?"

"Um," Miyoung stared, "I'd rather not say if that's ok with you."

"Fair enough," he said as they exited the tiny park.  "Where to from here?"  She pointed out the way and led him to the front of an apartment building.  Miyoung turned to him and took her bag from him.

"Thanks again for tonight, Chanwoo," she looked up at him under the dimly lit streetlight.

"Don't worry about it Miyoung.  It's the least I can do for a fellow classmate."  He checked his phone and looked at it with surprise when he saw the time.  "Crap, it's almost 3 am.  Jinhwan hyung is going to kill me.  Um, I'll see you on Monday.  Just text me ok?"  She laughed as she nodded and he smiled then ran off in the direction to his place.  Miyoung turned around to her building and entered her apartment.  When she got inside, she took off her makeup, took a shower, and put on her pajamas.  When she plopped into bed, it was almost 3:30 am.  She decided to text Chanwoo to see if he got home ok.

Hey, thanks again for everything.  Did your Jinhwan hyung kick your ?  She sent the message and waited for a reply.  After a few seconds, he didn't open the message.  He's probably sleeping already.  She rose up from bed and went to grab some water.  When she clsoed the door on the fridge, she saw a picture of her and her mother.  She looked at it wistfully as she drank her water.

"I'm ok mom.  How are you doing?" she asked as she looked at the picture of her mother.  "I'm sorry for losing your necklace."  She touched her neck where the necklace used to lay and sighed.  "I'll be home soon and help with everything.  We'll be together again soon."  When she walked back to her bed, she saw 2 new messages on her phone.  Both from Chanwoo.

Hey, I said it's fine.  We're even now.  As long as you're ok, everything is fine.  She smiled as she read and looked on to read the next message.

He gave me the biggest lecture when I got home and almost replied to your message since you sent it whilst angry mom mode.  We might be in trouble :P  I better head to bed before he hears me and takes my phone or something.  Good night Miyoungieeeee <3

Miyoung just laughed at his message and replied with a happy heart.

At least you're home and alive.  Good night!!  She sent the message and put her phone on her nightstand, then fell asleep almost immediately from the exhaustion. 

"I'm sorry hyung," Chanwoo whined as Jinhwan stood at the front door of the apartment.  Chanwoo walked to the kitchen and placed his phone and keys down as he went to get a glass of water.  "Something came up."

"I was worried sick Jung Chanwoo.  Why didn't you at least call?" Jinhwan asked in anger.  Chanwoo just groaned as he hit his head against the fridge.

"I'm sorry.  I forgot and lost track of time."  Yunhyeong decided to enter the kitchen and paused when he saw the scene before him.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked mid stride.  Jinhwan just looked at him with a glare.

"And why are you still awake?  We have practice tomorrow guys.  If you're all tired, then we're going to tomorrow.  I'm already dealing with Chanwoo coming home late," Jinhwan said with his hands on his hips.  Yunhyeong perked up at this and went to jump on Chanwoo.

"Oo," Yunhyeong teased, "maybe he was with a girl."  Yunhyeong wiggled his eyebrows at Chanwoo sho shoved him off and rolled his eyes.

"No, I was getting a snack."

"Chanwoo, I swear.  Just get your to bed before I kick it,"  before Chanwoo could reply, his phone rang indicating a message.  Chanwoo looked at it and Jinhwan and jumped for it.  However, Jinhwan was closer and grabbed it before him.

"Hey, thanks for everything?!" Jinhwan said with fury in his eyes.  "Did your Jinhwan hyung kick your ?!" Chanwoo looked at him with wide eyes filled with fear.  "First you're lying to me and now you're talking about me to somebody else?"

"Uh, hyung," Chanwoo said with a smile to ease the tension.

"ARE YOU LAUGHING RIGHT NOW?" Jinhwan yelled.  "It is 3:30 in the morning and you are talking to some girl?!?!  You are here to study Chanwoo!  Not flirt with some girl!"  Chanwoo just looked at Jinhwan as he was at a loss for words.

"I'm going to give her a peace of my mind for seducing our little Chanwoo," Jinhwan was about to open his phone when both Yunhyeong and Chanwoo grabbed for it.  Yunhyeong didn't want Chanwoo's chance at a girl to be ruined by Jinhwan and wanted to see for himself.  Chanwoo just wanted the night to end.  Luckily for Chanwoo, he got the phone first.

"Look hyung, I'm sorry for lying.  She was in trouble and I was just in the area getting my snack when I saw her.  So as a gentleman, i went to go save her.  Ok?  Nothing bad.  Then I walked her home.  I did it all to make sure she was safe and not come back home here wondering what the hell happened to her."  Jinhwan just looked at him with his arms crossed.

"You know what fine.  Just go to bed Chanwoo," Chanwoo mentally jumped for glory.

"Thanks, hyung.  Sorry again," with that, he bolted for his room and jumped into bed.  He replied to the messages and quickly hid under his covers when he heard the door open and close.

"So, what's her name?" Yunhyeong asked from his side of the room.

"Shut up," Chanwoo said, his voice muffled form under his covers.

"Come on," Yunhyeong pestered him, "this could be your first girlfriend."

"Well, if you were at school Monday, you will see her."  Chanwoo took off his covers and stared at Yunhyeong.  "And she isn't my girlfriend."  He threw the covers back over himself and laid down.

"But I won't be here."

"Well for you."


"I'm sleeping," Chanwoo said and started snoring.  Yunhyeong just rolled his eyes and turned over in his bed.

"Fine," Yunhyeong said.  "I'll see her eventually."

hohoho oh you will Yunhyeong ;D

HEY GUYS!! Well this took longer than I expected, but I kept rewriting the beginning.  I hope you all enjoyed it =)  I'm not sure when the next update will be because I have to focus on a bunch of tests and college stuff so I made this one extra long to compensate for that ^^ Thank you all for reading and for commenting!! I seriously got exicted when I saw the little globe thing get red with the updates.  Hope you guys enjoy this one and tell me what you think!!  See you guys in the next update!


OH, and if you were wondering. this was the selfie Chanwoo put in Miyoung's phone ;)


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Chansoox3 #1
Chapter 8: Love this Chapter (*-*)/)
NykitaBanana #2
Chapter 8: Take your time, it seems to be the beginning of a great story! :)
epikvip1007 #3
Chapter 5: ;) <3
epikvip1007 #4
first XD :P