

WARNING: Major plot confusion ahead.





KIM Jaejoong inwardly smiled as he noticed his best friend's walking to his way.

Jung Yunho. For the nth time, he grinned because of the sweet taste his name left on his mouth. Yunho waved at him. He nodded in return.

"Hey," Yunho greeted, sitting beside the bench he's sitting on.

He only hummed in return. They stayed like that. Listening to each others breathings, watching as the world goes by. He glanced at Yunho through his peripheral vision, and instantly liked what he's seeing.

Jung Yunho's his best friend since third grade - a boy who smiled with galaxies on his eyes. And just like the clichés in the movies, he fell in love with him. They were in college when he felt it. It took a year to finally admit it to himself, but it only took a day for him to realize Yunho would never feel the same way about him.


"Hey," a new voice came, and he looked up -- and see the boy who shines so bright, like the sun, like an angel - Kim Junsu.

He smiled in return. And Junsu grabbed Yunho's hand. "Let's go?" he asked.

Yunho nodded, turning to him. "I'll see you later." he said, grinning.

"Yeah, have fun." he said, faking a smile. Junsu nodded at him, he faked a beam.

And when they're gone, he finally let his facade down. He looked up above the vast sky, wondering if Yunho knew he's the reason he kept on wishing on a shooting star.




"How about this?" Yunho asked, showing him a plain blue collared-shirt.

"That's good too," he only said, watching as Yunho took a deep breath.

"Jae, I really think he's the one," Yunho said after putting it on.

That night of the first snow, Yunho asked Junsu for a date, and Junsu agreed.

"That's .. good," he said, grabbing a magazine from Yunho's bedside table, hiding his face.

"What do you think of this?" Yunho asked again. He put down the magazine, taking Yunho in. He's wearing the blue shirt with a faded jeans. Utterly simple. But he wondered, if Yunho knew how perfect he looked in his eyes.




Kim Junsu came into their lives three years ago - at the victory party for their basketball team where Yunho's an ace player. He was sitting beside Yunho then, when they saw Junsu walking like a super model, walking with chin held high, walking mightily like the king of the century. He would've looked away - if it wasn't because of Yunho's eyes - that was shining so bright the moment his eyes landed on Junsu. And while he sipped his soda, he wondered if Yunho see him looking at him the way he looked at Junsu.




"Hiya!" Yunho's voice called. He looked up to meet his gaze, and nodded. Yunho smiled before taking the seat from across him. 

"What's up?" Yunho asked afterwards, unwrapping his burger.

He swallowed down his lunch with his drink. "Good, I'm good." he replied.

Because you're here with me.

He looked around the busy cafeteria, and asked, "Where's Junsu?"

"Music club." Yunho said. He nodded again, finishing his lunch. These days, conversations were beginning to get .. awkward.


After his lunch, he stood up, nodding at Yunho. "I'll get going. Need to pass something to Mrs. Kim." he said. Yunho hummed without looking at him.


He's walking to his next subject when he find Junsu singing. Yes. Junsu sing, dance, act - he could do everything, everything he couldn't. And Junsu's got the only man he's spending too many nights wishing for.

Lucky him, he thought as he walked by.




He was preparing to sleep then, when urgent knocks came. Grunting, he shot upright. Climbing out of the bed, and walking wobbly, he opened his door. There he was, Yunho, standing behind the door - with a sweet smile on his lips.

"Jae," he called, hands on his pocket.

He opened the door wider, motioning for him to have a seat, but Yunho shook his head.

"No, I just dropped by to tell you that .. uhm .. me and Junsu, we're finally together." Yunho said haltingly, looking at him intently.

He conjured up a happy expression. "That's good news, Yunho. Congratu .. lations .." he said, his voice dry. Clearing his throat, he nodded at him. "That's great,"

"Yeah," Yunho nodded. "I'll be going now. I need to fetch him tomorrow morning, you know, duty of a good boyfriend." Yunho said with a chuckle.

"Hmm. Bye. Congrats again." he said, and when Yunho climbed into his car and drive away, a shooting star passed by. And for the very first time, he didn't make a wish. He closed his door, walking back to his car, wondering if Yunho knew that he's all he's thinking about at night.

Maybe not.




They were in the auditorium then. For a special performance from the music club for their anniversary - where Junsu's the star. When Junsu began to do his number, he looked at Yunho, and Yunho was looking at Junsu with a sweet sweet smile on his lips. He sadly smiled, because Yunho was so near, so close yet so untouchable.

And he thought that maybe, just maybe, it's the time to finally admit, and finally accept that Yunho's eyes and love and smile weren't meant for him.

When Yunho turned to him, he faked a smile so he wouldn't see whatever he's hiding.

Yunho grinned at him. He only hummed. Then, he secretly slipped away the next moment. Once out of the auditorium, he cried.




JUNG Yunho took a deep breath as he sat on his designated spot in that auditorium, as he waited for him to come. And after a minute, there he was, walking with his eyes cast down, a small smile adorning his face.

They both sat, watched as the music club began to do their annual presentation. When it was Junsu's turn to perform, he smiled - feeling proud of his cousin. Yes, you read that right. Cousin.

He closed his eyes, feeling the song, feeling Kim Jaejoong beside him. And when he turned to him, Jaejoong smiled. He wondered for the nth time if Jaejoong knew how that smile was the reason he couldn't sleep well at night.




He was outside Jaejoong's door, heart pounding too fast. It's late. But he wanted to see him. After procrastinating for twenty minutes, he knocked, flashing his sweet smile.


Jaejoong opened the door, and he uttered his name. Jaejoong opened the door wider, and he wanted to come in, but he shook his head.

"No, I just dropped by to tell you that .. uhm .. me and Junsu, we're finally together." he said. And hell. He inwardly smacked himself because that's not what he wanted to say. He wanted to take it back. But before he could open his mouth, Jaejoong smiled.

"That's great news, Yunho. Congratulations." Jaejoong said. And he bid goodbye afterwards. Because Jaejoong was too happy with his fake news, and he wanted to leave because he's so .. coward.

"Hmm. Bye. Congrats again."Jaejoong said, and when he turned his back, he bit his lips hard, his hands forming into fists.

Once inside his car, he punched the steering wheel.

"." he uttered under his breath. And he saw a shooting star. He blew a sigh, and though he never believed a fallen star could grant you a wish, he did, and wished for the first time.




"Hiya!" he called when he spotted Jaejoong eating his lunch alone. Jaejoong looked at him, nodding. He sat on the chair opposite Jaejoong's, and stole a glance at him.

"What's up?" he asked as he unwrapped his burger.

"Good. I'm good." Jaejoong replied.

Me too. Because you're here with me.

"Where's Junsu?" Jaejoong asked, and he noticed how Jaejoong was eating his lunch a little faster.

He wanted to tell him to slow down, because he wanted to be with him, longer. But seeing Jaejoong's in a hurry, he swallowed it down with his drink.

"Music Club," he only replied.


But Jaejoong stood up after a minute. "I'll get going. Need to pass something to Mrs. Kim." Jaejoong said.

Don't leave.

He only hummed, without looking at him.

Because he hated to see him leave.




It was one night during their victory party that he met Junsu again - his cousin from Busan.

He was looking at Jaejoong then, secretly. But he's looking at someone else's. And his heart ached, because he's looking at him the way Jaejoong was looking at someone else.

And when he told Junsu about him, he came up with a plan.




"How about this?" he asked, holding a blue shirt for Jaejoong to see.

Jaejoong said it was good.

"Jae, I think he's the one," he said after, looking at him. 

I think you're the one.

Jaejoong said it was good, and when he grabbed a magazine, he looked at him with longing. He wanted to walk to his way, kiss him, hold his hand. But Jaejoong had no idea he's all he's thinking about at night.




He almost jumped when he saw Jaejoong sitting on a pavement that day. For the hundredth time, he grinned upon looking at him. Not because of Jaejoong's good looks but because of the fact that everything he'd ever wanted to see was in front of him.

He waved at him. Jaejoong nodded in return. Sitting beside Jaejoong, he hummed. With the silence enveloping them, he closed his eyes and smiled. 

Really. Kim Jaejoong's his best friend since third grade - and he fell in love with him right after. But Kim Jaejoong's like a star in the night skies - shining so bright. And so unreachable.

He cleared his throat, he wanted to say something, anything, but his heart was beating way too fast. Through his peripheral vision, he watched him as he watched the people that passed by.

He wanted to tell him how much - just how much he's loving him. He wanted to tell him he's the one he wished on a shooting star. He wanted to tell him that he's all he could dream at night. He wanted to, but he couldn't.

Yes. He's a coward.

Instead, he settled on something he's good at. Hiding. Yeah. Freaking hide your feelings, Jung Yunho, he thought to himself.


"Hey," Junsu's voice came afterward, and Junsu looked at him with knowing eyes. Junsu grabbed his hands. "Let's go?" he asked, though they had no plans for that day, he nodded.

"I'll see you later," he said to Jaejoong. Jaejoong smiled. "Yeah. Have fun."

Fun? Yes. This is fun.

He nodded, and they walked away. Once out of Jaejoong's eyes, Junsu let go of his hand.

"Hyung. I'm sorry, but we have to stop pretending we're together now. Yes, I know I'm the one who came up with this plan, but -"

"It's fine. Look, it doesn't affect Jaejoong anyway. Thank you, anyway." he said, looking away.

Yes. They were pretending to be together just to see how Jaejoong would react. And it's pretty much downhill from there. Not only Jaejoong was way too happy for them - Jaejoong was slowly slipping away too. Farther and farther away.

"I really want to help you, hyung. I really do. Because I know how much you love him, but Yoochun's whining about he can't kiss or talk to me inside the campus because Jaejoong might see us," Junsu said, voice apologetic.

He patted the younger boy's head. "It's okay. Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it." he said, sitting on a pavement.

Junsu sat too. "But you know? The best way to do now is to confess."

He looked at Junsu. "Confess?" he asked, feeling uneasy just thinking about it.

"But what if --?"

"You know what? Sometimes we lose something or someone because of the 'what if's' in our hearts." Junsu said, cutting him.

He blew a deep breath. Confess? Hell. He couldn't even look at Jaejoong's eyes directly, then confess? He blew a deeper breath, and Junsu patted his back, sending him silent encouragements.

He finally smiled. Alright. Tomorrow, come what may, he'll confess.




"Hey," Jaejoong greeted first. He turned to him, heart skipping a million beats. Heck.

Can you be less attractive Jae? I'm trying to breathe here, he thought to himself.

"So, what's up?" Jaejoong asked. "Do you --"

He cut Jaejoong's words by grabbing his hand. He muttered a curse under his breath. Jaejoong's hand were so .. warm.

Jaejoong raised his brows, looking confusely at him. He squeezed Jaejoong's hand. 

What the fudge. No one ever said it would be this hard to confess.

"Yunho? What's wrong? Are you --?"

He cut Jaejoong's words again.

"Uhm. You know, I want to tell you uhm something .. " he said slowly. 

Yes. Just like that. Be confident.


He sighed in relief. There. He'd said it right. Right?

"I'm sorry, Yunho. But I didn't quite catch that." Jaejoong said afterwards.


"I think I love you. No - I love you!" he said, chewing the inside of his mouth.

Jaejoong hummed. "I love you too. Because we're friends. Best friends, by the way."

He bit his lips. God. Jaejoong's too dense. Clicking his tongue, he said. "I love you! -- not in a friendly way. But in a .. in a ual way!"

There. He sounded like a ert.

He looked at Jaejoong. And Jaejoong's eyes were in wide, mouth slightly opened. 




"I love you! -- not in a friendly way. But in a .. in a ual way!" Yunho said, grimacing afterwards.

He was taken aback by that. His mind reeled. He wanted to ask too many questions.

What about Junsu? Aren't you two together?

He wanted to ask about the --

Yes. There's too many questions, but he didn't dared asked any of them.

Instead, he looked at Yunho, seeking for one hint that he's only kidding. But there's none. And Yunho countered his gaze. Time stood still. And none of them dared to look away. Then, he saw Yunho frowned, heard him muttered a delicious curse before closing the distance between them, pressing his lips into his mouth. And yes, he kissed back.




Author's Note: So yeah, you've just read story with super duper major plot confusion. Hate me not.


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subtitler #1
Chapter 1: I actually like the presentation....
blingbling1 #2
Chapter 1: Good thing that Yunho confessed. So no more pretending and now only a happy ending.
Chapter 1: Well at least they have their happy ending :3
claire_yj #4
Chapter 1: Aww... poor jae. But I am happy that yunho finally got the nerve to confess. At least I can imagine their happy ending. haha

Thanks for the story. It is a lovely read.
annonim #5
finally theyre together *sigh of relief*
Frida26 #6
The game yunho was playing is not funny. What's new, Yunho is a coward.
Chapter 1: yun was funny der,confessing so fast dat jae cudnt catch it haha.gosh yunjae r too cute n sweet together *fangal mode* kyaaaa
Liebff #8
Chapter 1: Finally, they are together
Chapter 1: the numbering in the paragraph did hep in taking track of the the sequence ^^
Chapter 1: awwwwww at least they won't be hurting anymore ^^