Tick Tock

Tick Tock




"Mom I'm going." said the boy with onyx black hair, and marched toward the door, but his mother's voice stops him.

"Hey! Jung Yunho!" Mrs. Jung called. "Take this. It might rain today. You wouldn't want to catch a cold now." she handed him an umbrella, Yunho smiled and kissed his mother's cheek. "Thanks Mom."





Jung's were an average family living around Cheomdong Area. Their family own a flower shop near Gangnam District. Jung's only son, Jung Yunho often manned the shop. He was a third year student taking Engineering in SM University, a prestigious school only braniacs can pass the exams. He was a typical student but on that day as winter was approaching, Jung Yunho fell in love.




He walked in the busy streets of Seoul, across the boulevard where their shop stood among other stores. But even before he reached the place he should be in, something bizzare happened.

When his eyes traveled on an olden coffee shop, a boy suddenly appeared, looking above the sky. His feet stayed on the ground and his eyes not leaving the boy's face. 

And slowly, so slowly, a smile coaxes out of the boy's face, and he realized he has seen the most wonderful smile. The boy's gaze meet his and he felt the whole world stopped moving.

Everything stopped. There was a moment of silence so intense that he almost thought the whole world is asleep. No sound from the car's tires, no sound of footsteps. The only thing he could hear was his heart as it beat faster and faster. It was when a raindrop dropped on his head that he snapped out of his own thoughts. But even after the boy was gone, his heart thump faster he almost thought he's having an attack. He clutched the place where his heart lies and his voice was dry, as if he hadn't spoke for years, and he said, "What the hell was that?"




When he opened their shop, flower scents welcomed him. He smiled and does his chores. After he watered the plants planted on their backyard, he turned to plant some baby's breath and carnations, then waited for customers. Business was slow during weekdays, and on that day, only a handful of people came in, hence he decided to close up earlier. But even before he changed the signage, a boy walked in and his heart began beating faster again.

"Hi. I'm looking for a bouquet for my Mom." the boy said, smiling.

He awkwardly nodded and left to prepare his order. And he find his hands were trembling.

"Damn. What is this? Even his voice is wonderful." he said under his breath. He arranged roses together with lavender and wrapped it in a pink cellophane.

"Oh. That's wonderful." the boy beamed and reached for his purse but he shook his head.

"No. It's on the house." he said, and the boy smiled. And yes, he lost his mind.




The boy's image continued to haunt his life, awake or asleep. It took a week before he had the courage to try and see him.

When he walked inside the shop, he realized it was the place he really should be in. He picked a seat beside the window, fingers crossed, silently praying for the boy to take his order. And he did. When he took down his order, he finally recognized him.

"Oh. You're that guy from the flower shop. Aren't you?" he nodded and gave him a stiff smile, his heart bothering him again. "Wait. I'll get your order." he excused himself and he blew a sigh of relief. After a minute, his order arrived and the boy sat across him.

"It's on the house." he said, giving him a smile.

He smiled and offered his hand. "By the way, I'm Jung Yunho."

The boy nodded and took his hand, and he felt sudden twinge when his flesh rubbed with his.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kim Jaejoong."




It started there. And soon they became friends, learning each others flaws and all. Kim Jaejoong's a student in SM University too, taking Journalism. He was the president of Newspaper Committee since his first year. He lived in Cheomdong Area too. Their schools, houses and even the shops they manned were the same, and it did, no doubt made their friendship grew stronger. After they graduated College, they grew even closer. He learned how Jaejoong loved to cook. How he don't drink cola's.

And Jaejoong learned how he's addicted to coffee, or how he slept on his belly.


And after four years of friendship, he exerted all his efforts to confess to his friend he's been in love since day one. Jaejoong was surprised when he suddenly knelt in front of him, muttering the words he's dying to hear since they first shook hands. Jaejoong nodded quickly when he asked, "Kim Jaejoong, I really like you, will you be mine?"

He stood up and jerked to hug him.

"I'm so happy Jae. So happy." he murmured. Jaejoong smiled.

"Me too." He let him go and cupped his face, his face slowly leaning in closer, and when their lips touched, he felt he's the luckiest man alive.




Their love story wasn't that perfect, they often fight, but their love for one another was much greater than their mistakes, they always find ways to be together again. They're not perfect but the love they're sharing was. It grown into a beautiful flower waiting to be picked.

After a year of dating, he made another decision. Propose. On that coffee shop they first met, at the same time and day, he knelt in front of him again.







"It's June 1st 2016. We met here, five years ago." he grabbed his hand and smiled. "This place where I loved you, the same place where I'll promise you forever. Kim Jaejoong , will you marry me and stay forever with me?" He pulled a ring from his pocket and Jaejoong gladly took it. "Yes. Ho. Yes."

A three letter reply and he arose from kneeling down and hugged him.

"Thank you." he whispered. "I love you Kim Jaejoong."

He placed the ring on his finger and Jaejoong nodded. "I love you too Jung Yunho." and pulled him for a kiss.




Their love for one another was perfect. But at some point, perfect things doesn't last longer.




It's the night of their engagement party when something happened that changed their lives. Kim Jaejoong's an hour late for the party. Murmurs took over and a woman said, "Maybe he'd ran away, poor Yunho."

He'd heard it, but didn't comment further, instead, he waited patiently for him, despite all the voices telling him he'll not come. No longer can stand the words coming from their guests, he made his way out.

Once on his car, tears rolled down on his cheek.

"No. He maybe overslept." he said, convincing himself. "He wouldn't do this to me, he love me."

He pressed the accelerator and drive faster, but fate's so cruel to him he met a traffic along the way.

". Why now of all time?" he cursed. Moments passed but the cars in front of him hadn't moved. In desperation, he left his car and decided to run. But his knees failed him when he find the reason of that traffic.

A car accident.

And realization hits him. "No!" his mind yelled.

He doesn't want to accept the truth he knew at first sight. When rescuers pulled the body away from the car, his world crashed in front of him. Too many pieces broke, he don't know if he could have the courage to pick it up again.

He quickly ran to Jaejoong and fear almost succumbed him when he realized he's no longer breathing.

"Jae. Wake up. Don't do this .. to me. Ja ..e .. " he slowly said but Jaejoong's body stayed still.

Web of hands pulled him away from him, attached machines on him and he held on to that.

"Save him." he begged.



Jaejoong was wheeled immediately inside the Emergency Room when they reached the hospital. He begged the doctors to let him in but no one agreed. He waited patiently outside the room, reciting a prayer for whoever was above. But his prayers were left unanswered when a doctor approached him, shooking his head. "I'm sorry but the patient didn't made it." the doctor said.

There was a long moment of silence so profound that he thought the earth died because his soul had.

"No. That's not true!" he hollered and his knees fell weak when Jaejoong's body covered by a white blanket was wheeled to a door with a word that made his being weak.

It says 'Morgue'.

"He's alive! He's just sleeping!" he shouted and tried to hug him but pair of strong hands stopped him. He transformed into a wild animal, kicking, biting, clawing, doing everything to free himself from those hands but no to avail. "Jae! Wake up. Please!" he desperately called as tears start to rolled down his cheeks. He was to weak to move but he forced his tired limbs to run.




And he find himself in Han River. "Why?" he whispered. "Why do you have to do this to me? Bring him back. Please. Bring him back. Please!" he yelled though his voice was to strained. He knelt on the ground, forcing his voice to speak.

"Bring him back. Please. Please." he continued to beg. He raked his hair with his fingers and screamed in agony. Will escaped his being and all he could do was lie on the ground, but even before his back reached the cold ground, all their memories together dawned on him. Backwards. From the proposal to late night conversations to their first kiss to that day on the coffee shop. And before consciousness escaped on him, he knew, time has given him a second chance.





Their love was perfect. It was the right love. The right people. The right place. But it happened on the wrong time.






"Mom I'm going." said the boy with onyx black hair and marched toward the door, but his mother's voice stops him.

"Hey Jung Yunho!" Mrs. Jung called. "Take this. It might rain today. You wouldn't want to catch a cold now." she handed him an umbrella, he smiled and kissed his mother's cheek. "Thanks Mom."




He walked in the busy streets of Seoul, across the boulevard where their flower shop stood among other stores. But even before he reached the place he should be in, something bizzare happened. When his eyes traveled on an olden coffee shop, a boy suddenly appeared, looking above the sky.

And that's when images flashed before him. And he realized it was the second chance he'd begged. Before the boy's gaze met with his, he looked away and turned his back. He walked away slowly, clutching his heart, thinking it could ease the pain that lies in there. A rain poured out but he let it pour over him, mingling with his tears, washing across his skin, his hair. But unable to slough off the pain that wracked his heart.





Author's Note: I'm surprised you're reading this note.


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Chapter 1: Why :(
Just postpone the engagement party :(
Chapter 1: Aw...a time paradox story, sad but sweet n.n
annonim #3
so sad T.T
Kattan69 #5
Chapter 1: Why didn't he take this chance to make it better......he can prevent it since he now knows what will happen on that fateful day.
Chapter 1: Maybe if there is a second chance doesn't mean he has to die again, doesn't him? You do love sad fics,don't you?