


my friend Olivias story.  a oneshot about 2min, its sad yes but i would love it if you guys read it :) taemin and minho are best friends and when minho sees something he shouldnt, taemin protects him.


bad descpripion, but the story is good. and i dont want to give anything away





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Chapter 1: Oh my gosh this was just....why would you do that?!?!? It was so beautiful :')
SohAnna #2
Chapter 1: The best story i have read!!!!!! I cant see clearly cuz of my tears...
You made me cry........... but it was an awesome story, and really well written :)
Absolutely beautiful <3
I felt it the most when he was reading Taemin's notes. Because it was like THAT was when reality really hit him.
This fic is beautiful, thank you Olivia for writing this and thank YOU (idk your name) for posting this.
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #5
This is a really great story.<br />
I started crying when he laid with Minho. Now the tears won't stop.
jongnini #6
Its 4am here and I'm crying . Like REALLY crying . I just can't help it . Especially when Minho goes around their house reading Taemin's last notes, tears just started streaming down my cheeks ;~; Anyway thanks for this . I've been needing a good cry lately . Weird huh ?
This is so sad I'm crying
carrotcake #8
forgot to say. although it was extremely sad, i still loved it so much. it portrayed how true love can get. <3
carrotcake #9
why?! you made me cry and not just the simple teardrops cry, it's the cry wherein my shoulders are moving and i'm trying to catch my breath. T_T
why is this good and at the same time made me cry?