
Vanilla & Chocolate Ice Cream

"Mina-yaaa, hurry up!"

Momo pulls her lover's hand and quickens her steps.

"Momo, wait up! Don't run!"

"But you're too slow!"

Momo tightens her grip on Mina's hand and they run together towards the ice cream truck. When they get there, Mina pulls her hand away from the latter and breathes heavily because of all the running. Momo grins at her and she walks to the ice cream man to get some ice creams.

"One chocolate ice cream and one vanilla ice cream, please. Thank you!"

"Here you go!"

Momo gives the vanilla ice cream to Mina and takes the chocolate ice cream for herself. Then, they walk in the park while linking arms together.

"Great weather we're having today, right?"

Mina said while looking at the clear blue sky. The sun doesn't shines too bright, there's a perfect amount of clouds on the sky and she can feel the gentle breeze on her skin.

"Yeah, I'm glad that we decided to go out today!"

As they walk along the park, they found a bench under a tree. They decided to sit there while enjoying their ice creams. Suddenly, Momo tugs Mina's shirt and look at her with puppy eyes.


"Can I have a bite of your ice cream?"

Mina smiles at the latter's innocence.


Mina holds her ice cream close to Momo carefully. Momo takes a big bite of it with a happy smile. But suddenly...

"Argh!!! Brain freeze!!!" 

Momo holds her head with her free hand and hit it a few times. Mina just laughs at how cute her lover is.

"Can I taste yours?"


Momo holds her ice cream close to Mina, but when Mina tries to take a bite, she pushes the ice cream to Mina's face.


Mina scolds Momo but the latter laughs at her.

"Sorry, sorry. Here you go."

Mina pouts and tries to take a bite of the chocolate ice cream one more time. But...

"Momo!!! Look at my face! It's all smeared with chocolate ice cream now!"

Momo laughs like a kid being tickled, Mina glares at her lover sharply.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, I love teasing you so much. I promise I'll give you properly this time. No tricks!"

"Pinky promise?"

Mina shows her pinky finger to Mmo and the latter's entwines their pinky finger together. Then, Mina takes a bite of the chocolate ice cream carefully. Finally, she can eat it with joy.

"It's so sweeet!"

Mina said it happily, Momo grins at her. Then, she notices that there are still smears of chocolate ice cream on Mina's face.

"Hey, do you have any tissues? Let me wipe your face."

Mina searches for tissues in her bag but she couldn't find any.

"Nevermind, I'll just wipe with my shirt."

When she was about to wipe her face with her sleeve, Momo stops her.

"Don't, you'll stain the shirt!"

"Well, do you have any better ideas?"

MIna said it with a sarcastic tone.

"Come here, close your eyes."

"What do you intend to do?"

"Just close your eyes, trust me. I won't do anything bad to you."

Momo gives Mina a reassuring look and she slowly closes her both eyes. Suddenly, she can feel that Momo is getting closer to her. She gulps her saliva down, expecting for 'something'. Then, she felt a finger wipes the ice cream from her face.

She opens her eyes and she sees Momo the ice cream off her finger. Mina sighes in relief and continues to eat her vanilla ice cream.

"You know, I expected something different than that."

Momo lifts her eyebrows and smirks at the latter.

"Well, what exactly that you thought that I will do?"

Momo gives her a teasing smile and Mina quickly blushes from the question.


"Tell me."

"I don't want to."


Momo continues to finish her chocolate ice cream. Then she asks Mina for another bite of hers. Mina gives it to her carefully, not letting the ice cream to drop on her shirt.

After they both finished their ice cream, Mina lays her head on Momo's shoulder and she intertwines her fingers with the latter's.


"What is it?"

"I want more ice cream."

"You'll get brain freeze if you eat more."

"But, I want to!!!"

Mina ignores her and close her eyes. She starts to drift off slowly on the latter's shoulder. Momo takes a peek at Mina and she approaches Mina's face slowly. Gently, she pokes Mina's cheek and the latter's furrow her eyebrows. "Cute" Momo thoughts to herself. 

Then, she touches Mina's lips and stop her finger there for a moment. She gets her face closer to Mina's and she softly kiss her lips. She could taste the vanilla flavour from it. Then, suddenly Mina wakes up and pinches Momo's cheek.

"Stop! It hurts!"

"Momoring, what did I say about sneaking on people while they're sleeping?"

Mina stops and caress Momo's cheek softly. Momo holds her hand and said,

"But you were too cute while you're sleeping. Plus, didn't this what you expected from me to do earlier?"

Momo grins cheekily to Mina. Mina's face quickly turns red.

"No, that's... Ugh! Bye, I'm going back to dorm by myself!"

Mina stands up and walks away from Momo. Momo quickly catch up to her and holds her hands.

"Please don't be mad. That's just an excuse. Actually, I want to kiss you before we even get to this park. Sorry."

Mina smiles shyly at the latter's word. She pokes Momo's cheek.

"Just tell me if you want to. Don't need to sneak up on me like that. Okay?"

"Okay, ma'am. Now, I want to kiss you again. May I?"

"Yes, you may."

Momo kisses her lover softly, again. Then, they both smiles shyly to each other and walks back to the dorm while holding each other's arms.

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KarlaA1198 #1
Chapter 1: Es tan dulce y tierno. ❣️MiMo ❣️
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: Rereading this as sweet as sugar story
1241 streak #3
Chapter 1: Extra sweet ice-cream date for MiMo ^^ thanks for this ;)
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