First meeting

You will be mine!

It was already five in the morning and BamBam just got out of a bar. He was teasing his messy hair from anger of not being fulfilled with anything. Walking down some old streets, on the corner of a house he noticed a boy that got his attention, making him half close his eyes. He followed that boy. When the boy was getting close to a wall , he sensed someone behind him. He immediately turned around making a noise from fear, when he saw BamBam with dangerous tired eyes looking at him, he backed off and his back hit the wall. BamBam checked him full with his eyes:

-I'm sorry sir that I got scared. I didn't mean to insult you.....

BamBam was looking at his beautiful lips while the boy was talking, then his own lips making the boy stop talking. BamBam smiled in a sneaky way: 

-What's your name pretty? 


The boy made a noise of annoyance signing with his hand towards BamBam to go away and turned to leave. BamBam grabbed his wrist before the boy leaves:



Said YoungJae with fear in his eyes. He felt bad cause he's not the type of person to get scared easily. BamBam pressed him, with both of his hands, on the wall. YoungJae winced from the pain. BamBam was looking at YoungJae who had his hair falling on his eyes from the push. He approached YoungJae until their feet where slightly touching each other, he placed his elbows next to Youngjae's face, so they would be really close, and while looking at his neck and choker: 

-Well YoungJae, would you like to do me a favor tonight? 

YoungJae who was looking at him in the eyes , turned his face on the left avoiding to look at him. BamBam placed his right hand on Youngjae's neck softly and kept going down on Youngjae's chest , then belly making him hitch. This caught BamBam's attention making him look at his face again and chuckle. Fast BamBam placed his right hand behind Youngjae's head and the left hand behind his waist and kissed him deeply. YoungJae was making noise of surprise which quickly turned into struggling noise. He placed his hands on BamBam's shoulders and tried to push him away but failed. BamBam after feeling satisfied broke the kiss with smile, and after seeing YoungJae's annoyed face and pink lips he laughed loudly in victory. YoungJae felt the urge to hit him:



-Why did you kiss me?

-I can tell it was your first kiss so don't deny you didn't like it was me to kiss you first. I'm an experienced kisser 


YoungJae signed in a serious exhausted way and turned to leave: 

-I'm BamBam by the way 

Yelled BamBam a little since YoungJae was almost far now:

-Probably I'll see you again Yoo YoungJae...

Said BamBam then turned to also leave whispering:

-But next time...You will be mine!


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