He is ... grateful

He is

Even if he stands alone on stage, he is grateful to be part of SHINee



a/n: it’s like history is repeating itself ~ hahah well, I will not back out on a promise so therefore, for JJong’s 2nd win… tah dah





Jonghyun sighed as he handed the leader his clothes to pack for the trip to Paris. It was unfortunate that he’ll miss this one, but with so little time to promote his album, he can’t throw tantrums or miss a single promotion.


It’ll be lonely without them, even more without Jinki, but he has to be happy knowing that SHINee has maintained their status even after 8 years. Jinki noticed the sigh that escaped Jonghyun and it made the elder stop and wrap an arm around the younger as he kissed his temple.



“We’ll celebrate when we get home” Jinki promised and Jonghyun smiled a bit.


“Enjoy Paris hyung, take care of the kids.” Jonghyun said. “Watch out for Key’s outrageous excuses to go to every fashion boutique, Minho’s football addiction and Taemin’s need for adventure.” Jonghyun reminded him and the leader nodded.


“they might need to take care of me.” Jinki said, nuzzling his nose on Jonghyun’s neck. “I might get homesick and miss you too much.” Jinki replied and Jonghyun chuckled.


“silly hyung.” Jonghyun laughed then pushed the leader off of him. “Finish that so we can cuddle on the bed.” He said and Jinki merely nodded as he rushed his packing.




“Are you seriously going to wear that hyung?” Key asked as he eyed thee black long sleeved shirt, faded black shorts and a green snap back.


“It’s comfortable.” Jinki replied.


“Or you miss Jonghyun hyung too much to use his pyjamas.” Taemin remarked and he received a pillow to the face courtesy of Jonghyun while Minho erupted in singing Pillow Talk in the background.


“Whatever, this monstrosity of an outfit is too much, don’t go near me.” Key sashayed and Jinki laughed.

“I told you not to wear them.” Jonghyun pouted and Jinki kissed the pout away.


“I will wear whatever I want to wear. I love these on me just as much as they are on, or off, you.” Jinki replied and Jonghyun laughed.


“Please reserve the cheesiness for another day, we need to leave.” Minho announced. “Good luck on today’s broadcast! We will celebrate your wins when we return!” Minho chirped jus at Taemin pushed him outside of the dorm.


”I will! Have a safe flight!” Jonghyun chirped and kissed Jinki on the lips. “break a leg hyung.” Jonghyun reminded the leader who leaned and captured Jonghyun’s lips.


“Go all in Jjong.” He said and Jonghyun laughed as he pushed the leader away.



“You did not use Monsta X song for a cheesy line!” Jonghyun raised a brow but laughed, waving as Jinki exited the dorm.


“neo Yeopoda!” Jinki made bunny ears just as the doors closed and Jonghyun smiled at his adorable boyfriend.




It is quite lonesome to promote as a solo artist when you have been with a bunch of guys for 8 years, but Jonghyun manages it well. He could never truly say or express how grateful he was to be placed in a group with the other 4, and to be loved by his leader way beyond what he had expected. He knew words can never be enough, but he still tries to convey it the best he could.


When his name was announced as the winner for show champion, he was ecstatic, he was thankful and mostly, he was grateful.


He was grateful for being given such a chance to show his music with enthusiasm and passion, and he was grateful for the love and support every shawols gave to him. But most importantly, he was grateful for s and his Jinki hyung, because he knew, even when they are not next to him, they are always cheering for him and are genuinely happy for him.


“The members are going overseas for a schedule” Jonghyun said, looking at the camera with joyful eyes. “I won number one!” He said with a smile and everyone cheered.


He is truly grateful for all the love he is getting, whether it’s the fanchants or the wins that Shawols worked hard to give him, or the support from s, sunbae and hoobae that appreciated him; or just because when the plane landed in Paris, he received a message from Jinki, a selca of the leader whose eyes were like crescents as he smiled and a finger heart extended to him give him love.


“I love you too.” He typed back and goes back to his radio program enthusiastically.





a/n: why is turning into a domestic fluff… anyway… I hope you like this one ^^

It’s a little sad that SHINee is in Paris while Jjong is stuck at home.. but they’ll cope… hopefully

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Chapter 1: Soooo im in the mood for shinee amd this came, i never knew u wrote shinee fics!! I wanna ship jjong with someone after his snl skit xD but o dunno who, its either onew or key, im haven't decided
Chapter 3: Omgomgomg..... this is sooo cuteeee... jinki's cheessness like a mozarella melting on pizzaaaa.... cutie little jongieee
Chapter 3: Is it all? Really? Are you kidding me, jhengchie-ssi? Noooo... i need more jongyu, more than this.
I feel like, it's too short, there is much more than this. There is no jongyu y time, like their time being together is too short :(
Chapter 3: Unfortunately, he didn't have his 3rd win, but that okay thought
happy for the update, authornim
maybe they going to have y time when Jinki comeback from paris :)
Awwwwwwww........ So cute!!!!!!
Sooooo happppppyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He got his second win, authornim!!!
Sooooo happppyyy for him

I really your jongyu fic, authornim
Your are the best jongyu writer,authornim

Chapter 1: Aaaa~~~ you keep your promise. I like it. It could be Guilty Pleasure sequel. Evrything is so related. From how jinki missed Base showcase, the cause, leeteuk hyung n else.
*i find it funny how Leeteuk always got involved in jinki misses jong's showcases lol

It would be nice if Jong win n yoi write another chapters like before. But, let's be realistic. What if jong couldn win? Wouldnt be any more chapters or for ths time? It's sad :(

Btw... thank you. You make my day this sunday ^^
Waiting for our future convo in twitter that might give you another inspiration ^^)9