
That Time Jin wasn't Right

I wrote this when my plane was delayed for three hours and I didn't really proofread or anything, but oh well. Also my internet ed up so I didn't post it even though I thought I did, sorry ;-;

“You're such a baby” Jin sighs.

“I am not! You just don’t understand, because you have Namjoon.” Jungkook says stubbornly.

“Your statement doesn’t even make sense...” Jin closes his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose.

When Jungkook came in, Namjoon was already leaving for work, so Jin was left to argue with Jungkook alone. It’s been over an hour and Jin still can’t understand neither the point of this, nor Jungkook’s logic.

“I’ve came out over two months ago. With my cute face and amazing muscular thighs, I should’ve already found a hot and y boyfriend.” Jungkook says as a matter of factly.

Jin can’t hold in his giggles anymore. Jungkook isn’t making any sense. Seriously, how does he even come up with these ideas? Jin would think Jungkook is joking, but his serious expression says otherwise.

“Look, Jungkook, you’re not going to find anyone if you don’t even go looking. The only places you go is my place, university classes and dance practice...and on the off chance we invite you, to mine and Name cafe.

Though in all those places the only person you talk to is Jimin. I don’t even know if it counts, however, since he’s mostly the one who’s talking. I mean I’ve seen you running from cute people, who tried to talk to you. You’re just outright avoiding them.” Jin finally answers, trying to control his expression.

Jungkook crosses his arms and legs as if taking a defensive stance. He can’t believe Jin, who he’s always considered to be a good friend of his, could even dare to say something like this. Doesn’t Jin know Jungkook’s just shy? Sure, it was easy for Jin, when he’s found Namjoon so early.

“I bet doesn’t even find anyone else attractive anymore, since he’s in a relationship.” Jungkook thinks foolishly, scoffing.

“I can see you’re thinking something very silly again, Jungkook.” Jin says, pursing his lips together and raising his eyebrows.

Since Jungkook came out as bi and started talking about 'cute boys' (which was basically every other guy he saw on the street) and how he’s never had a boyfriend, he started making increasingly less sense. Maybe he was just ually frustrated, who knows? Or the fact that he’s only had girlfriends before is eating at him for some reason. Or it’s just all the pent up fanboying that he’s only letting out now...

“It’s not like a guy is just going to fall out of the sky and directly into your hands and then you’re going to fall in love and live a happy-ever-after life. It just doesn’t work that way.” Jin rolls his eyes.

“Well that was totally uncalled for.” Jungkook thinks dramatically. He’s actually fuming and Jin just feels like he completely doesn’t understand the other. It’s like he’s going through puberty right now, at 21 years old... Isn’t it a bit late?

Jungkook suddenly jumps up from his seat and storms out of Jin and Namjoon's flat without saying a word.

“Ah...this child. What is he doing with his life.” Jin sighs. He doesn’t even try catching up. It’s pointless, when Jungkook’s acting like a baby. He still won’t listen to him.

Jungkook doesn’t know why exactly he’s so angry at Jin. He’s probably right. Jungkook isn’t making a lot of sense, but he can’t help it. The thought of having a boyfriend really bugs at him.

“How do you even find someone of the same gender to date?” Jungkook asks himself as he’s turning to the park. He’s decided to take the long route home to calm down and think things through.

“I really am acting like a child, aren’t I?” Jungkook thinks, inhaling some fresh air and heading straightforward through the grass to sit down at his favourite spot in another end of the park.

It’s a warm summer day. The sun is shining faintly through the tree branches. Everything reflects the various calming shades of green and light yellow. Jungkook can hear birds chirping their songs, a loud crack just above his head and people’s warm laughter in the distance. He feels calmer.


Jungkook looks up. And in a matter of seconds, he sees a (very pretty) redish-orange haired boy (horizontally?) hanging from a tree branch about a meter above Jungkook’s head.

“Could you please try catching me?!” the boy says in a shaky voice, smiling a cute, square smile.

Eyes wide in shock Jungkook just quickly stretches out his hands as if by instinct. He closes his eyes as he notices a body threateningly fall towards him. Just a moment passes when Jungkook heavily plumps on the ground.

“Ah! It hurts!!” Jungkook hears the guy from the branch say in a deep voice as Jungkook rubs his head.

Chills run down his back and his heartbeat becomes even faster, because “how can a voice be this attractive?”.

Jungkook finally opens his eyes. The pretty boy is lying on Jungkook’s thighs, rubbing the small of his back. Then, in his clumsy attempt to get up from his uncomfortable position, he hits Jungkook’s chin with his head and Jungkook jumps in pain.

After a few minutes of failed attempts to get up and bumping heads, they finally succeed.

“I guess I owe you a coffee or something, don’t I?” the boy gives Jungkook a sheepish smile while rubbing the back of his head.

“You owe me a lot more.” Jungkook manages to answer the cute boy caught up in a moment of courage, but still blushing profusely.

“A number too then?” the boy winks aggressively seeing Jungkook’s red cheeks go even reader.

It takes all the control Jungkook has to not just run away, because he feels so embarrassed by blushing, as he gives the other a slight nod.

“I’m Taehyung, by the way.” the boy announces happily as he stretches out a hand to Jungkook.

“Jungkook.” he answers silently, shaking Taehyung's hand.

They exchange numbers and Taehyung gives Jungkook another one of his cute square smiles.

“Anyway, I have to go now. I’ll call you about the date arrangements.” Taehyung winks again. (“What’s up with this guy and winking?”)

When Jungkook finally barely sees Taehyung’s back, as the boy leaves, he softly smiles to himself.

For once, Jin's the one who’s wrong.

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wawa_ika200 #1
Chapter 1: Its not complete Yet..plis dont leave us hanging...huhu
Chapter 1: That's so cute! I please write more for this!
totallynotMyaSoriano #3
Chapter 1: There is something missing!!! You didn't complete it yet, please make a sequel!!
Chapter 1: More please......!!!
Kiing_jc #5
Chapter 1: Need more!
Yuriatsuki #6
Chapter 1: I love it!! So cute <3