It’s Never Christmas Without a Little Chaos

Not Another Christmas Story....

I sat up from my bed gasping for air. When my heart finally calmed down I realized something was very strange.

It wasn’t because I had failed no I was livid about that. What was confusing was the sun shining brightly into my bedroom.

“What are you doing?” a tired voice asked from next to me.

I look to my side to see Woohyun wrapped in my blankets staring at me with a very confused look.

“W-Why are you here?” I sputtered out.

“I’m glad I’m welcomed here!” Woohyun scoffed sitting up.

“I don’t understand every Christmas Eve I wake up alone!” I told myself.

“Well then aren’t you glad it’s Christmas,” Woohyun told me as he fixed his hair. “Actually Christmas morning.”

“WHAT?” I stood up from the bed quickly but because my lack of balance I fell to the ground.

“Are you okay?” Woohyun asked leaning from his spot to get a better view of me.

“It’s Christmas and you’re alive!” I shouted half excited and half confused.

“I’m starting to think you really are a idiot,” he teased smiling in my direction.

Before I could explain the bedroom door slammed open and Dongwoo ran in covering his eyes.

“Are you decent!” Dongwoo shouted his eyes covered tightly.

“What! Are you indicating that I’m easy,” I snapped as I stood to my feet pulling down my overly baggy tee shirt to hide my ghostly white stomach.

“Decent,” Dongwoo yelled as he removed his hands from his face.

Seconds later the rest of the members of Infinite piled into the way too small room.

“Merry Christmas,” Myungsoo shouted as he jumped onto the bed.

“Yes it is Christmas!” I said with a scarily wide smile.

“What’s up with him?” Hoya asked Woohyun.

Woohyun shrugged. “I have no clue.”

“Oh Hoya you owe me money,” Sungjong held out his hand.

“Ahh right,” Hoya frowned then looked at Woohyun and I. “I lost because of you guys.”

I raised my eyebrow. “You betted on us?”

“Yes, Hoya thought it would take Sunggyu till he fifty to admit his feelings,” Sungjong explained. “We swear we never thought you would realize you were gay.”

“But I’m not gay!” I told them.

The members looked at me with frowns then seconds later Dongwoo snorted like a pig causing the rest of the membered to burst out laughing.

“Good joke hyung,” Myungsoo laughed.

“Let’s go open presents!” Dongwoo bounced up and down in excitement.

“I already open mine,” Woohyun smirked holding onto the necklace.

“That’s gross!” Hoya frowned.

“Come on let’s go before they start kissing,” Sungyeol teased as he grabbed Myungsoo’s hand leading him out of the room.

“But we promise not to do presents,” I called after them but they had already left leaving me alone with Woohyun.

“Come let’s go Sungie!” Woohyun said cutely.

“Aish don’t come up with pet names!” I scolded him. “I’m still your elder!”

“Whatever hyung,” Woohyun laughed as he grabbed my hand leading me out of the room.

Both Woohyun and I gasped when we reached the Living Room. Around the beautiful tree were piles of Christmas presents that were decorated in brightly colored packaging and glittery bows that glinted in the light.

“How,” I sputtered out.

“The managers,” Hoya shrugged his shoulders.

“Or the fans did it,” Sungyeol added as he started to unwrap a box.

“We actually don’t know to tell you the truth,” Myungsoo said as he pulled out dvds from a box. “YES NEW ANIME!”

“Maybe we shouldn’t open them?” Woohyun suggested. “They could be from anti-fans.”

“It’s alright,” I smirked because I knew who they were from.

“Oh by the way Sunggyu the guy at the front desk wants your number,” Sungyeol  said while looking at his new motorized airplane.

“YAH!” Woohyun turned to look at me with anger in his eyes. “Are you already cheating on me!”

“No-OWW!” I screamed as Woohyun tugged at my hair roughly.

“I didn’t!” I screamed which only caused Woohyun to pull my hair tighter.

“Ah such a lovely couple,” Dongwoo laughed as he hugged a stuffed rabbit.

“SHUT UP!” the both shouted.

With  the chaos going on in the Livingroom they missed the laughing from the balcony.

“They really are idiots,” Yenny laughed covering .

“You realize your calling me a idiot too,” a voice said.

Unlike the Sunggyu inside this Sunggyu was older with black hair and silver highlights. His clothes were all white except for a pair of black converse.  

“You are a idiot too,” the girl laugher was even more high pitch.

“Can you stop wearing that face it creeps me out!” Sunggyu snapped.

“Fine be a party pooper,” then Yenny snapped her finger.


Suddenly Sunwoo appeared making Sunggyu cringe.

“Stop it,” Sunggyu snapped at her.


Woohyun appeared with bright blond hair and a smile on his face. Like Sunggyu he was wearing all white and he was much older than the Woohyun inside.

“You know the chief isn’t going to be happy that we toyed with our past,” Sunggyu crossed his arms.

Woohyun rolled his eyes. “You realized that you told me you loved me on your deathbed! You should thank me for intervene.”

“Yes thank you darling for mentally scaring me into watching you die over and over again,” Sunggyu said sarcastically.

“Your welcome!” Woohyun smirked. “We should do Sungyeol and Myungsoo next Christmas?”

“Really after everything you want to make Myungsoo watch Sungyeol die?!” Sunggyu yelled at Woohyun with disbelief.

“We will work out the details later,” Woohyun crossed his arms.

Sunggyu shook his head. “Why do I even follow your crazy plans?”

“Because you love me,” Woohyun answered.

“Sure I do,” Sunggyu retorted.

“Come on you love me!!” Woohyun smiled attacking Sunggyu with a hug.

“Leave me alone,” Sunggyu frowned but the corner of his lips was slowly turning upright.

“Never,” Woohyun laughed into his shoulder.

“Promise, ”Sunggyu asked.

“I promise you forever,” Woohyun answered then looked up so he could see into Sunggyu’s eyes. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas idiot,” Sunggyu retorted.

“YAH! Stop calling me an idiot!” Woohyun shouted grabbing onto Sunggyu’s hair roughly. Sunggyu’s loud pitch screams matched his younger self’s from inside.

It’s never Christmas without a little chaos.



So I hope you guys enjoy this story & like the twist ending. I'm also thinking about doing a 

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Chapter 14: I love this story so much
looshyhooshy #2
Chapter 14: can't wait to read it ♡♡
looshyhooshy #3
Chapter 13: u deserve it ..
congrats !!!
looshyhooshy #4
Chapter 12: wait what....?
so they r angels??
I don't get it .. or is it because I'm awake reading this story for 2 hours and didn't sleep .. it's 4:22 am XD
and I have uni to attend..
I loooooved it sooo much..
well done Morgan ♡♡
thank you for this beautiful peace of art ♥♥♥
looshyhooshy #5
Chapter 11: It isn't fair!!
looshyhooshy #6
Chapter 10: Darn it!..
I feel sorry for him :(
looshyhooshy #7
Chapter 8: I dunno ..
maybe .. if i were him I'll start thinking of dying as well.
looshyhooshy #8
Chapter 7: kissssed him???
sunggyu .. u r stupid thinking how girls would feel during this kiss!!
damn u woohyun .. this all for a wine -.-
looshyhooshy #9
Chapter 6: No comment :S
looshyhooshy #10
Chapter 5: wth??
poor woogyu T.T