Christmas Wish

Warmest Winter

The songs that inspired this one-shot are My Only Wish by Britney Spears and 1, 2, 3 by f(x). Happy reading!


She looked at the man in a Santa suit, seated on one corner of the mall, surrounded by little children and parents. She smiled as she took a step closer to where he was. ‘Santa’ was currently cuddling a little girl about five years of age, listening to her Christmas wish.

She crept closer, eyeing the box beside ‘Santa’s’ chair. It was labeled “My Christmas Wish” and mall-goers who want to are supposed to write their wishes on a piece of paper and drop them on the box and wait for their wish to be granted. It doesn’t matter how old you are, children and adults alike can wish and any wish, whether material or not, is allowed. It started a year ago, and it was just for fun…like the wishing wells and fountains. Though she didn’t believe that wishes come true once you drop the piece of paper containing your wish in that fancy box, she still participated. She knew she had nothing to lose.

She went to stand beside the box, took one piece of paper from the stack beside it and wrote ‘Choi Minho’ on it. She quickly folded the paper and dropped it in the box.

“Yah, what did you wish for? Him again?” a voice from behind her said as she took a step back from the box.

She whirled around and saw her friend’s smiling face.

“Jiyoung-ah! How long have you been there?” she asked, blushing.

Jiyoung shrugged. “Not long enough to see what you wrote.”

She grinned and linked arms with her friend. “Come on, let’s go to the skating rink.”

“But even if I didn’t see it, I knew you wrote his name, Soojung-ah,” Jiyoung said with her eyebrows raised.

“You’re wrong, I didn’t wish for him,” she insisted.

“Aish, you can’t lie to me,” Jiyoung insisted. “You had always wanted him to notice you. It’s been like your ultimate wish.”

“That’s not true,” she lied.

But Jiyoung knew her so well. Ever since she joined the track and field team in their school when she was thirteen and met Choi Minho, who had been sixteen at that time,  Soojung wanted nothing but to have him notice her. Now she is seventeen, but nothing ever happens. They’re still friends. It seemed he only sees her as a friend, or a little sister, even. Besides, he seems to like older girls.

“If only I was older and more sophisticated,” she had sighed.

“Stop that, Jungie,” Jiyoung had reprimanded. “You’re perfect the way you are. You’re beautiful, talented and smart and someday Minho oppa will gonnasee that and like you for who you are.”

Though she didn’t really believe it, or think that that someday will come, Jiyoung’s words comforted her. Still, she tried what she thought would probably catch his attention. And it did, just not in a very good way.

He had been surrounded by noonas as usual that afternoon when she passed by him purposefully.

“Soojung?!” he had exclaimed, doing a double take.

The older girls looked at her. Some raised their eyebrows.

Soojung had been wearing makeup, though she didn’t know if she applied too much, and she was wearing a short skirt and high heeled sandals, but she didn’t know if she looked sophisticated or just plain awkward.

It seemed the other guys liked it, though.

“Hey, y.”

“Looking hot, baby.Wanna go out with me?”

She just ignored the jeers and catcalls that came with it.

“What are you wearing?” Minho’s brows furrowed as he pushed aside the girls in front of him and walked toward her.

“Yah, you! Stop staring!” he barked at a guy nearby.

“What has gotten into you?” he had asked her, his face angry.

“Hi…oppa,” she smiled slightly. “D-don’t you like it? I just want to try dressing up and-”

“I don’t like it,” he snapped. “You look terrible. Go home and change.”

That had been the ultimate humiliation for her. She had cried the whole night after that incident. And after that she had never tried to catch Minho’s attention ever again. She even tried hard to hide how she really felt for him. But she continued being friends with him, even if she hurt every time he shows her his concern, because she knew he only cares for her as a friend should. Maybe she should be contented with that. But she wasn’t.

If she couldn’t tell him or show him that she cares for him more than a friend should, maybe she could as another person. So that was how she started to become the mysterious girl who chatted with Minho online. She had introduced herself as Krystal, a girl who is a year older than he was. It was actually how her friends had called her when she was in the US until she was six years old, but she never used the name when they went back to Korea. She figured out Minho would never know that detail in her life because he seemed oblivious of the things concerning her.

At first he seemed disinterested, but as she persisted they became good friends over the internet, chatting until the wee hours of the morning if there are no classes. It even came to a point where he had asked for her number and she had to tell her parents that her phone was lost so that they will buy her another one…hence she would have another number. She had thought nervously that Minho would find out about her real identity once he hears her voice. But he didn’t seem to suspect a thing. She guessed Minho never really paid attention to her that much as Soojung; he couldn’t even recognize the sound of her voice. She didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about that fact.

Nevertheless, their talks had been one of the happiest moments for her. Minho told her things he never told her when she was Soojung.

“What is your ideal type?” she had asked over the phone one time.

He chuckled at his question. “Hmm…someone…someone like you?”

Soojung’s heart dropped. Yeah, right, because he thought I am a noona.

“What do you mean someone like me? Because I’m a noona?”

She didn’t know why he laughed harder when she said that. But when his laughter subsided and his tone grew serious, she wished she had never asked because it only broke her heart.

“Someone like you. Thoughtful, caring, and someone I can talk to about anything and doesn’t judge me. Someone who always listens even when my story is crappy and laughs even if my jokes are cheesy. And I’m sure you’re a beautiful person inside and out,” he had said, his voice turning soft.

She had almost put down the phone and cried. If only Minho knew who she was. He would never say those things if he knew she’s Jung Soojung, his team mate whom he treats like a little sister.

She bit her lip and turned scarlet at the memory. It had been months, and she would have stopped her deception of Minho but she couldn’t. She wanted to hear him say how amazing she is, how beautiful her voice sounds, how he misses her when they couldn’t talk for hours…even if they are not meant for the real her but for Krystal, the older, sophisticated girl she had created.

As she and Jiyoung made their way to the skating arena, her phone rang. It was Minho.

“Krystal?” he said from the other end of the line as soon as she picked up. “Where are you?”

“Um…I’m at the mall with my friends,” she lied. They had left the mall minutes ago.

“Oh. Well, I have this thought…” he trailed off. “We’ve been friends for months and I really like you but we haven’t seen each other yet. What do you say we meet…tomorrow? I want to see you.”

Soojung’s heart began to pound hard and then it felt like a stone sank at the bottom of her stomach.

“Um…” what should she do? If she meets up with him he would know she deceived him and it would be the end of everything…but if she wouldn’t, he might think she’s just playing around and stop communicating with her. Either way she would lose.

“Come on, Krystal!” he prodded.

She sighed. “O-kay?”

“Yeah!” he cheered enthusiastically. “I’ll be waiting for you under the huge Christmas tree downtown. I’ll be the one in red.”

“S-sure. I’ll be there.”


“Unnie…please? Please, please, please?” Soojung sat on the floor hugging Im YoonA’s right leg as she begged her. Im YoonA is Soojung’s elder sister’s friend, and she is also like a sister to Soojung.

“Jungie, stop that!” YoonA reprimanded. “You’re crazy. Why don’t you just tell him the truth?”

“I don’t want him to be angry with me, unnie. Please, meet him and pretend that you’re me. Just once. After your meeting I won’t pick up his call or chat with him ever again, I promise,” she whined.

YoonA rolled her eyes. “Then he would think that you didn’t like him in person.”

“That’s the idea. I don’t know what else to do,” she said. She hugged YoonA’s leg tighter. “Come on, unnie. Please? As your Christmas gift for me?”

YoonA sighed. “Fine. But keep your promise.”

Soojung stood up and hugged the older girl. “Thank you so much, Yoong unnie!”


It was snowing lightly when Soojung accompanied YoonA to the huge Christmas tree. She immediately saw Minho standing under the huge Christmas tree with a huge gift tuck under his arm.

“Oh, Jungie, is that him? He’s really cute. No wonder, huh?” YoonA grinned at her.

She nodded as she stopped walking and stood at the sidewalk, a safe distance away from the Christmas tree. Minho would surely like her Yoong unnie. She is pretty, cheerful, and sweet. She sighed. It was her idea anyway.

She watched as YoonA continued to walk toward Minho. He turned toward YoonA…and looked surprised upon seeing her. But the shock on his face passed and he smiled widely at YoonA, and Soojung turned and walked away, not being able to bear everything anymore. It was all her fault.

Minho had called her number as Krystal the night after his meeting with YoonA, but Soojung didn’t answer it anymore. But that didn’t really stop him from meeting up with YoonA again. On her way home one day, Soojung went to the park to meet up with Jiyoung but before she could see her friend, she came across Minho and YoonA seated on the bench and she was close enough to hear their conversation.

Minho held YoonA’s hand in his and had looked at her before he asked, “So, will you be my girlfriend?”

Soojung didn’t stay to hear YoonA’s answer. All she heard was YoonA’s giggle before she abruptly turned and ran away, her tears streaming down her cold face.



She turned around and saw Minho running toward her.

“How are you? I haven’t been seeing you that much lately,” he put an arm around her shoulders and walked with her.

That’s because she had been avoiding him every chance she gets. His sweetness and concern just hurts her more and if she wanted to move on she should just stay away from him.

“Sorry, oppa. I’ve been busy,” she answered, her head bowed.

“Is there something wrong, Soojung-ah?” he suddenly asked her.

She shook her head and smiled. “I’m just really busy, oppa.”

He stopped walking and held her by the shoulders, turning her to face him. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

She shook her head and pulled away from his hold. “I have to go.”


She slowly got up from where she had fallen and wobbled on her feet before she started skating slowly again. It was the twenty-fourth of December, and that night would be Christmas Eve, but she stayed alone in the skating rink, trying to perfect her routine. She had recently quit the track and field team, and skating was the only thing she got right now.

She skated, gaining speed before jumping up and twirling in the air…and she landed on her again.

She lay down on the ice and stared up at the glaring lights.

Suddenly sounds of clapping startled her. She sat up and looked at the person clapping hands and walking toward the skating rink.

“Minho oppa? What are you doing here?” she stood up and skated toward the corner, closer to him.

“Jiyoung told me you’re here,” he answered. “I came to give you my Christmas gift.”

She looked at the package tucked under his arm. It almost looked the same as the package she saw him bring the day he and ‘Krystal’ are supposed to meet.

“Happy Holidays…” he handed her the gift. “Krystal.”

She took the gift, and it was awhile before she realized what he had just called her.


He grinned. “What?” he widened his eyes at her innocently.

“What did you just call me?” Maybe she was just imagining it.

“Krystal. You’re her, right?”

Her eyes went huge as his statement shocked her. She blinked. “But…how did you…”

He jumped over the railing so that he was inside the rink with her. He went closer to her and held her face with both hands.

“I know, Soojung-ah. I’ve always known since the first time you talked to me on the phone. I suspected that it’s you when you introduced yourself as Krystal, but I became sure the moment I heard your voice.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the floor to just open up and swallow her alive. “Oh, gosh, this is embarrassing.”

But she felt his hand caress her hair. “I know that you were called Krystal back in the US though you never use the name anymore. I don’t know why you did it, and I decided to play along so that I could talk to you without seeming like a stalker. I was just waiting for you to tell me…but it seems you have no plans of telling me the truth…”

Soojung put her face in her hands. “Oppa, I’m so sorry. I didn’t do it to play games with you…”

“I was really surprised when someone else showed up and introduced herself as Krystal to me,” he continued. “But then I got YoonA noona to tell me the truth.”

She continued hiding her face in her hands.

But Minho held her wrists and pried her hands away from her face. “Soojung-ah, look at me.”

She bit her lip and shyly looked at him, her face red.

“Why did you do it?”

She looked down and gulped. “Because…because I-I…like you, oppa. Not as a friend. More than that. I like you the first time I saw you. Lately, I think I’m already in love with you,” she took a deep breath. “But you don’t really see me the way I want you to. You like older girls, that’s why I tried to look older and sophisticated but you got angry with me. I created Krystal because through her you might like me. Gosh…I thought…all this time you knew and you have been playing along. I’m so ashamed.”

He was silent.

There, she said it. Now everything would be awkward. Now she would lose even his friendship.

And then she felt him pulling her toward him and kissing her forehead. “Silly Soojungie.”

When Soojung turned her face up to look at Minho, his face was lit up like Christmas morning; he was grinning widely and his eyes twinkled.

“Didn’t you know? It was like love at first sight for me the moment I first saw you, Soojung-ah. But you were too young then. I told myself I have to wait for you to grow up, and I have to content myself watching and protecting you like some scary bodyguard…and I was actually scaring boys who wanted to be near you in the process,” he chuckled.

She stared at him, dumbfounded. Is she dreaming? Was that why he constantly hovers over her especially when there are a lot of boys around? He had been caring and sweet to her, but she thought it was only because he looks at her like a little sister.

“B-but…but I often see you with an older girl, I thought…”

He sighed. “I must admit I’m more comfortable hanging out and talking to them. I even go out with some of them on the weekends, trying to see if how I feel for you will just pass but…I don’t know, everyday my feelings for you just grows and grows and I can’t stop it…”

“What about that time I dressed up? You looked so disgusted. You said you didn’t like the way I looked,” she said.

“That’s because you looked so beautiful and y all the guys were looking at you like they wanted to eat you and I hated it. I was so angry. I was thinking that you’re only mine even when I have no right to do so because you weren’t.”

“Oppa, it all sounds like music to my ears, hearing you say that,” she sniffed. “But you don’t have to say all that to make me feel better, you know. I know the truth. I saw you with Yoong unnie at the park. I even heard you asking her to be your girlfriend.”

“What?” he cupped her face with his hands again and wiped her tears with his thumbs. “Soojung-ah, I was practicing on her. I meant to confess to you and asked you to be my girlfriend, but you beat me to it.”

She stared at him, then, “Really?” she squeaked.

“Yes, really. What do I have to do to make you believe me?” he pulled her to him and hugged him.

“I love you, Soojung,” he murmured in her ear. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

She nodded. “Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”

They stayed like that for a moment before Minho pulled away from their embrace.

“Open my present for you,” he urged. “I meant to give that to you on our meeting but you never came.”

Soojung pulled away from Minho and smiled. “Sorry,” she tore the wrapper from the box. Her eyes widened as she saw his gift. It was a new pair of skates, the one she had always wanted.

“B-but, oppa, isn’t this….this is expensive…” she said, tearing up again.

“Anything for my angel,” he touched her cheek.

She bit her lip as she looked up at him and began to cry again. “Thank you, oppa. And I’m sorry I have nothing to give you.”

He shook his head. “You’re wrong, Soojung-ah. You have given me the best Christmas gift ever…yourself.”

He wiped her tears again and Soojung closed her eyes as she saw Minho leaning his face closer toward hers. Her heart beats were almost deafening to her ears and it hurt her chest. But then her heart seemed to stop from beating and so is the world from turning when she felt his lips on hers.

It wasn’t very long, but Soojung knew she would always treasure that brief moment…her first kiss.

“Aish, you ruined all my plans for a romantic proposal, Soojung-ah,” Minho complained playfully as he pulled away from her.

He held her hand tightly in his and swung their arms back and forth. “But it’s okay. Romantic proposal or not, you’re mine now and my Christmas wish had come true.”

She looked at him, wide-eyed. It was funny how, when she had been wishing for him, he had been wishing for her, too.

“You’re perfect the way you are, Soojung-ah.”

Jiyoung’s words came echoing inside her mind. Yes, she is perfect the way she is, and people love her for what she is…even the boy she had always pined for. She would never wish or pretend to be anyone else…ever again.


So it's a Minstal because I just felt like Yongseo should be the last. Not because they're the least, or the best among my biases but because the plot of their story just seems to be more fitting to be the last one.

Oh, dear, I don't know if this one turned out right. Haha. I tried my best to convey the message that I want, though. And I hope you guys still like it. Thank you for reading and I would love to hear from you.

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Chapter 4: These were all so fun and adorable to read!!! I love how they all came together at the end with sweet epilogues~
Chapter 4: Loving this as a whole!! Lovely story for Yongseo too!! Thank you for writing such good stories for my otps!!!
Chapter 1: One of the bests and well-written Junhyo fic out here! Thank you for this!
rereads this again as christmas is around the corner

merry christmas!
Chapter 4: Can I just
I love how everything was wrapped together in the end T-T
Chapter 1: GAHHH
I love Hyoyeon's reaction it makes her seem so real T-T
i love this <3 i always get warm tingling feelings in my tummy when i reread this warm fic~
Chapter 2: i love minstal.
minstal jjang. author jjang ^^

Chapter 4: Love it author nim
Chapter 3: U such a tease aigoo