One. Two. Three ..

One. Two. Three ..


"Why do you have to be a rebel Yeol?" Byun Baekhyun asked one night, they were stargazing then, tracing the countless of stars using their fingers.

Park Chanyeol reached for Baekhyun's hand, bringing it to his lips. "I don't know," he said. Because he really don't know.

"What kind of answer is that?" Baekhyun asked, moving closer to him. "Well, do you like what you're doing?"

"Of course not. No matter what our cause is, killing innocent people will haunt you. But my family's been fighting for our freedom. And though I rather be a normal person and live normally with you, I can't. They are expecting so much from me," he said, sighing. If he could, he would.

"Well, after this war, you'll be free from your duty too. After North Korea's a free country just like South, free from its oppressors, we'll be together and live normally." Baekhyun said, offering him a thousand-watt smile that could light up his whole world.

With shaky hands, he turned Baekhyun to him. He crookly smiled, hand cupping his chin. He closed his eyes, they were still for a moment. Then, he kissed Baekhyun. He felt him grin, and he finally relaxed. When they pulled for air, Baekhyun was blushing, bashful.

Beautiful, he thought.

Even after the kiss, he still cupped Baekhyun's chin. Then, his hand caressed his cheek. "I love you, God, I love you so much," he said, attacking Baekhyun's lips once more. He closed his eyes, tasting the moment.


"I'll be back," he said after a month, grabbing Baekhyun's hands. "I'll be back, and when I did, I'll no longer leave. And we'll run away from here,"

Baekhyun smiled. "How long will you be gone?" he asked, sitting on a log. For a month, that untouched woods behind their barracks had become their meeting place.

"Just a month, our intel said the war is finally in its last phase, we'll win. I promise. So while I'm not here, don't leave this village, okay? Don't go anywhere. It's too .. dangerous," he said, eyes pleading.

Finally, Baekhyun nodded. "Don't worry, I'll never go anywhere. Be careful too, I'll be waiting here." he said, grinning.

He smiled, sitting beside him, pulling him for a hug. "I love you, you just have to remember that, okay?"

"I will, and come back safe. I'll be here, waiting for you. And I love you too," Baekhyun said, winking.

He smiled again, taking him in. Really. Baekhyun's wearing the mandatory clothes of the country that flattered no one, yet Baekhyun's still beautiful. He's still shining so bright.

After their last kiss, they bid their goodbyes. There's no tears, because they both knew, they'll see each other again.


"Dad," he called one morning as they were having their morning cups. His father turned to him - the leader of rebellion. "Can I ask you a question?"

His father nodded, raising his brows. "Can I quit the alliance once we get back?" he asked quietly, he said it without stammering but his heart was beating too fast.

His father looked intently at him, then, he smiled.

"Is it because of the boy back home? The one you're meeting every single night?" his father asked with knowing eyes.

He held his breath. His father continued.

"You're in love. I can see it. And for your question .." his father trailed off, grinning. "Of course. Quit being a rebel, and live your life. You've been fighting for our cause for how long. Yes, once we get back, I'll give you my blessing. Just have the guts to bring this boy home," his father said, finishing his coffee.

"I will. Thanks dad." he said, smiling.


He packed his things, excited to come back home. Excited to come back to Baekhyun.

"Two more days," he said, caressing the photo Baekhyun gave him one night. "Wait for me, okay?"


"That mall, our intel said Youngwoon's daughter is in there. We have to capture her, make her a prisoner of war." his father said, pointing the mall in the map. "Youngwoon loves his daughter very much, so if we manage to negotiate using his weakness, I believe the war will be finally over. North Korea will be free from his clutches and it will be a complete and successful mission for us. After that day - we can go back to our homes."

The whole squad nodded, he took a deep breath, there - he could finally see the light in the end of the tunnel. After that day, he'll finally see Baekhyun again.


They settled on their designated positions. Just like they had expected, the mall was heavily guarded. They waited for a minute before his leader threw five grenades. He docked. The guards were unprepared, and they jogged toward the mall's doors.

He took in the mall, and he searched in the first floor - the jewelry floor.

The grenades must be powerful, he thought, because the whole top floor was in ruined.

He marched forward - that's when his foot landed on a body missing its limbs. Though he's been a rebel for almost his life and killed countless of people, he's still throwing up whenever he sees a corpse - a broken body with holes in his heart, brains bashed.

In his left, he caught movements, then someone's returning the fire. He dodged, shooting the area where the attack was coming.

There was a profound silence, he let out a sigh of relief. That was close. He's about to turned his back when he saw a body lying on the floor. He would have ignored it, really, but his eyes caught the man's familiar figure.

He walked closer. Closer. Closer. And there he was - Baekhyun - coughing blood pooling over his body.

He dropped his riffle - and it rang so loud. He closed his eyes, because maybe, just maybe, he's only dreaming. But when he opened his stupid eyes, Baekhyun was still there.

"Baek?" he called, and Baekhyun's eyes fluttered open.


It's Baekhyun's voice, and he knelt down to him.

"Byun Baekhyun, what are you doing here? I told you not t leave the village, right?"

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to - Oh .." Baekhyun stopped, and he saw him wince in pain.

"Never mind that. Look .. I bought a ring .. After this war, after you quit being a re .. bel, marry me, okay?" Baekhyun asked, coughing more blood bood blood.

He didn't dared breathe. No. No. No. Then, Baekhyun grabbed his hand, slipping the ring on his finger. "It looks .. good to you, Yeol." he said, then, "I love you,"

"I love you too. Yeah, It's good, you picked it for me? It's really good. I love it, Baek. Hey .. Don't close your eyes. Look at me, see? I've grown stubbles, it's getting itchy. Look at .. my eyes, is it black? My nose, is it small? How about my jaws, is it shaped perfectly? Baek, open your eyes. Yes. Yes. I'll marry you. . I should be the one to propose," he said, sniffing. "Hey, Baek, wake .. up .."

He stired him awake. "Baek? What the hell? Wake up," he called, voice breaking. "Baek, you promised me .. Baek."

He called and called and called and called. And the never-ending echo of his voice answered him.





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Chapter 1: .. he died?? :( :( so sad
Chapter 1: I didn't expect for baek to die :(((((
Chapter 1: Oh my God :'(
cottoncandysoo #4
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you, you are such a great writer