Just a Monster

Hiding a Monster
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Prologue Song Recomendations Playlist (2)



January 07, xx26


I was raised a monster. It was uncontrollable the day they let me loose. They told me who I was supposed to kill, the Yoo Clan. Being a mere 13 year old raised in the dark, I was better than the other assassins I crossed paths with.


20 minutes loose.

I had already killed the other assassins sent out, they were holding me back.


45 minutes loose.

I had already killed the bodyguards.


50 minutes loose.

I had already killed all the servants.


60 minutes loose.

I had already killed the female head of the Yoo clan.


70 minutes loose.

I had already killed the head of the Yoo clan.


80 minutes loose.

I had already killed the eldest the eldest son and daughter.


85 minutes loose.

I had almost won the fight against the second eldest son. Piercing his heart there was a scream that snapped me out of my regular murderous state. It was the youngest son of the Yoo clan, tears streaming down his eyes as I killed his older brother. He was being dragged away by the last of his family, his last brother. I tried going after them, but the fear in the youngest eyes made me realize what I had just done. Looking at my hands, fear snapping into my system as I saw all the blood that had stained my hands and clothes.


95 minutes loose.

I had returned to wear I had been set loose. Killing those who had turned me into the monster I am, those who called themselves my parents.


100 minutes loose.

Running, getting lost, in these woods. Clambering about I found myself not far from the scene of the crime I had committed. Tearing my mask and shirt off I had started crying like the boy from before. Beating myself against a tree. I was born a monster and I would die alone. I tried rubbing off the blood that had seeped in through my clothes and stained my body. Tears streaming down as the blood wouldn’t come off, no matter how hard I rubbed.


105 minutes loose.

I had broken down.


110 minutes loose.

I began to die.


115 minutes loose.

I out.




I may have been raised in isolation, but I had developed other feelings that weren’t hatred along the way. Come to think of it, that younger Yoo may have been my age. He looked beautiful. I wonder if we could’ve been friends, if I wasn’t raised a monster.




I shot my eyes open and screamed out in pain. A hand had been placed on my shoulder, shocking me even more, my breathing becoming fast and unsteady.


“Calm down, son. Can you speak? Can you tell me your name?” I looked up from the hand to see and old man’s face, relaxing my breathing a little bit.


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Chapter 1: This is looking good so far! I can't wait until the next chapter~