
finally perfect

In middle school, Baekhyun was considered one of the popular students. He was funny, easy-going, and just really good at talking and making friends. Everybody knew who he was, even the teachers and the principle adored him so much that they were actually friends on Facebook. Things were perfect, but that was what other people would think. Baekhyun thought otherwise. It never was perfect until Park Chanyeol notice him, but that dude never would.

Park Chanyeol was not someone so popular in middle school. He was a nerd, and he didn’t have a lot of friends. His friends were mostly geeks and people who Baekhyun didn’t even know the names of. He was labeled as a ‘sleep freak’ in his last year of middle school because he slept so much that no one cared anymore if he never woke up. Baekhyun was the only one thinking he was so lucky that he got to be in the same class as Chanyeol and got to see him sleep his way to dreamland every day.

One thing that Park Chanyeol had and still does is his looks. He is gorgeous. Even Baekhyun’s friends said he was super handsome which Baekhyun only responded with a frown. But no one batted an eye for that guy in middle school despite his handsomeness. Park Chanyeol really needed a stylist for his hair and clothes.

Things were just like that, Baekhyun in the back looking at the handsome Park Chanyeol sleeping for one year until they graduated.


After they graduated, they were on a long holiday. Baekhyun really missed Chanyeol throughout the days he spent so far from his long-term crush. And as time went by, he started to forget about Chanyeol, and moved on with life.

But things were just so upside down in Baekhyun’s life. On his first day of high school, he saw Park Chanyeol wearing the same uniform, coming out of a car in front of him, and walking towards the same school Baekhyun attended. He thought he had lost his mind, because Park Chanyeol was looking so much finer with his new hair and tighter clothes.

Things didn’t end there, when the principal announced the classes, Byun Baekhyun’s hopes were high to be in the same class again as Chanyeol, but God thought he somehow didn’t deserve in the same class, but still good enough that their classes were exactly next to each other.

Baekhyun thought he was lucky, but he didn’t have feelings as strong as he used to. At the first week of high school, he would text Chanyeol and asked him what kind of extra classes he would take, and they went on texting for a whole week, even though Baekhyun was the one who tried to open up a new topic, but Chanyeol always answered it whole-heartedly until they kind of became buddies that will tease each other whenever they passed by.

Things went super good to Baekhyun in high school. He got accepted in the student council which only 9 out of 250 students who participated got in. His reputation got so high people started to notice him and flirt with him. His life was so perfect that he and Chanyeol somehow got separated and they became what they were once in middle school. Minus the fact that they were in the same class and Baekhyun still had a crush on him. Baekhyun never had anyone flirt with him so he flirted back at 4 different people at the same time, which he was really oblivious at the new experience.

Out of all those 4 people Baekhyun managed to grow feelings to one. His name was Wufan, a Chinese transferred student who was a junior, 1 year above him. He was pretty good-looking and kind of well-known, but he was pretty freaky. His ways of flirting really confused everyone, but to Baekhyun it was really cute. They kind of hit it off for about 4 months, until Wufan decided to cut the ropes with no reason at all. Baekhyun was left confused and sad.

Baekhyun somehow tried to forget about Wufan, but Wufan’s friends kept on teasing him whenever there was Wufan around. It was kind of sickening and tiring, and somehow, one day, Baekhyun completely forgot about Wufan, even though he got a pang of jealousy whenever the elder looked so happy in his Snapchat story. Baekhyun always prayed for him to get drowned in sadness and regret of having kind of dumping Baekhyun.

Things were back to normal, and some people tried to flirt with Baekhyun again, but he learned from the mistakes and he never replied to any texts strangers in his school started with him. He made a lot of friends throughout the time that he was even closer to most of Wufan’s friends than Wufan himself. His reputation was really good and things were going on the right path.

Somehow, Baekhyun found his long-lost feelings for Chanyeol again when he bumped into him a couple days ago. Chanyeol’s brief ‘sorry’ brought back a lot of memories of them even though it was only a little bit. And Chanyeol was looking a lot finer, too, even though he was the same nerd and geek and ‘sleep freak’ Baekhyun always adored.

Once Baekhyun remembered those feelings, it just kinda grew by itself.


Baekhyun started it out as a joke to his friends by saying that ‘Chanyeol is so handsome he is my one true love’. He admitted to a lot of his friends that he indeed had a crush back in middle school, but now, no more, he said. He just thinks that Chanyeol is handsome. Period. Or is it really period.

His best friend, Kim Minseok, kept on teasing, though. But Baekhyun played it was if it was a joke. But Kim Minseok was dead serious about it when one day he said that he agreed with Baekhyun being together with Chanyeol, and tried to help Baekhyun out by going to Chanyeol’s class in the next room whenever it was recess, because Minseok and Chanyeol were quiet close (they were on the same baseball team). Baekhyun started to greet Chanyeol every time they pass by because of that, and Minseok was never as proud as he ever was of himself, seeing the progress his friend made because of him.

It went on just like that for the rest of the last semester of the first year in high school. Whenever they pass by, Baekhyun would greet him, and Chanyeol would greet back with a smile that is so rarely seen. Baekhyun even got looks from Wufan’s friends whenever they witnessed Baekhyun greeting Chanyeol and it somehow made Baekhyun felt like a winner. Wufan also witnessed once and it made Baekhyun so powerful.


They went up to second year of high school, and their classes were moved. Baekhyun’s class was on the third floor, and Chanyeol’s was on the second. That made them rarely see each other, and Baekhyun no longer greeted him as much as he used to.

One day Baekhyun got so busy he didn’t even think of greeting Chanyeol when they passed by. It went on for a good week before Chanyeol suddenly greeting Baekhyun first, and it felt like the world had stopped. Park Chanyeol freaking greeted Byun Baekhyun first. No one was expecting that at all. Even Minseok was confused.

It wasn’t awkward, but it was weird. Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol and greeted him back, but it just didn’t end there. Chanyeol freaking asked him where he was going because Baekhyun doesn’t usually go around the school alone, and he just had to ask why he hadn’t heard of Baekhyun for a long time. Baekhyun answered it surprisingly smooth, but their conversation had to end because Baekhyun was running for the deadline of his task.

It went on like that now, not only Baekhyun who tried to make progress, but Chanyeol was also on the same page. That went for a full month, until Chanyeol started to visit Baekhyun’s class. His excuse was to meet Minseok to talk about baseball stuff, but it mostly ended up with him talking to Baekhyun more than to Minseok. They started becoming so close since then, even they had went to the cafeteria together once or twice.

They never texted each other anymore, though. Their interactions were limited at school, but after having Chanyeol visited Baekhyun’s class went on until they almost reached up to the last year of high school, Chanyeol texted Baekhyun and asked him to go to the mall with him to watch the latest horror movie on the cinema. Baekhyun was more than pleased to say yes right away, and they had been texting since then.

They went on a couple of dates until one day Baekhyun broke out the news that he was going to be on an exchange student program for a year and they couldn’t meet until 2 years later. That made Chanyeol stunned, and he told Baekhyun that he would wait for whatever it was.

They never addressed themselves as boyfriends, because they didn’t need to. Chanyeol would introduce Baekhyun to most of his friends as his ‘buddy’ because Baekhyun asked to, and he also did the same to his friends whenever he introduced Chanyeol.

The day of Baekhyun’s departure finally came, and an hour before Baekhyun’s flight, Chanyeol worked with Minseok and other Baekhyun’s trusted friends to surprise him. It wasn’t much, just a gift from each friend, and one special box from Chanyeol. It was a couple ring, a picture of them together, and a fake flower. Baekhyun asked why he didn’t just give him a real flower instead, but Chanyeol wanted the flower to be their feelings, never wither. So fake flower was the answer. Baekhyun only laughed at the cheesy comeback.


The past year, Baekhyun lived in Germany, and he had met a lot of different people from different cultures, and met a quite lots of attractive men and women. It was really hard that he didn’t have Chanyeol’s company near him that he almost cheated, but then he looked at the couple ring he was wearing, and he broke off whatever the relationship was with whoever that was. Most of the people that flirted with Baekhyun there ended up being Baekhyun’s trusted friends, and they found out about Baekhyun’s long distance relationship soon afterwards, but Baekhyun admitted he was confused how to tell them because they weren’t exactly boyfriends. But now that everyone knew Baekhyun had his one and only, they made a space and stayed as good friends.

Chanyeol admitted, too, through video chat and stuff that he almost fell into this girl’s beauty he met in his baseball club. Baekhyun was jealous and they fought for a good week, before Chanyeol sent some Korean food to Baekhyun’s host family’s house in Germany. Baekhyun thanked Chanyeol so much for it that he forgot they ever fought.

The exchange student program was almost over, but Baekhyun broke the news sadly that he can’t come back to Korea because he and his parents decided that he will continue college there until he got a master degree. Chanyeol was kind of pissed off that Baekhyun didn’t tell him earlier, but he decided not to make a big deal out of it, and changed the topic. Baekhyun felt bad about that so he sent a collage album he made by himself with his experiences in Germany to Chanyeol. Chanyeol was so happy to receive it, and he was glad to have Baekhyun as his boyfriend. Baekhyun asked him if he was Chanyeol’s boyfriend now and Chanyeol said ‘I am your boyfriend, too.’.

After a few months into college, Baekhyun received a text from Wufan, asking him if he were in Germany. He asked how did he know, and Wufan only laughed and said that he had a lot of connection. Baekhyun could feel that Wufan tried to flirt with him again, and Wufan actually admitted that he regretted ever dumping Baekhyun for no good reason. He asked to get back together, but Baekhyun immediately told him that he was being crazy and he managed to broke off all contacts with Wufan.

Baekhyun didn’t tell Chanyeol about this because he thought it wasn’t necessary, but somehow Chanyeol knew about it. He said that he knew from Wufan himself because Wufan freaking texted Chanyeol saying to get away from my Baekhyun. Baekhyun was furious that he had to call Wufan and cursed at all his might, until Wufan finally gave up and admitted his defeat.

Their college years were normal and they rarely fought, because they tried to keep the fighting a minimum to prevent breaking up, because long distance relationship is super easy to break off. One day, Chanyeol told Baekhyun that he was able to meet him to Germany, that he got permission from his parents to visit Baekhyun there. Baekhyun was delighted.

When Chanyeol did really come to Germany, they spent their precious times as slowly and memorable as possible, hoping it will never end. And at the last day, Chanyeol surprised him with an engagement ring, asking Baekhyun to marry him. Baekhyun said yes too many that he forgot how to say no.

Baekhyun could finally admit to people that his life is finally perfect, and no one can ruin it.


A/N: okay so the ending was a little forced but...

just a fun fact!! this story is based on a true story. well half of it.

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