His soft side


happy reading

you - red     mingyu- blue

joshua    DK   THE8

wonwoo woozi dino

s.coups jeonghan jun

seungkwan vernon hoshi

susan    eunwoo  siyeon 

italic bold - speaking in english

normal font - speaking in korean


Day by day . You dont even know if he changes or not. But all you see is no difference. There is sometimes he is nice when none of s were around. But sometime he would make you look like an idiot but you dont mind and you are left with 3 days before the deal ends. You were at the dance practice room alone trying to plan new moves that you can help with seventeen. At the same time you were humming the recent song that they had.

Yah mwohanya

Oh oppa im still thinking about the formation of the dance im creating.

Ahh well mian for disturbing.

Aniya. Well where is the rest.

Eating i can say. So what do you have so far.

I have only for joshua and jeonghan. But others seems need to delay.

Why is that so.

Well i dont know the songs make my dance moves confuse at the same time

Yahh just relax and think positive. You can sure make it.

Oppa you are sure one positive boy

You watch too much of one fine day

Well thanks to the diva he always beg me to watch that turn me addicted to it

I see. Well i wont disturb you anymore so you can focus more.

Gomawo oppa. Oh if dino has arrive tell him that i need him to learn the recent part.

Okay . Get going.

You smile at him and went back to what you had been doing. And suddenly you heard a loud bang.

Oh my gawd minjoo ah you cant believe what i had just heard

You stare at him blankly not even knowing whats happening but you saw joshua ran inside trying to stop the conversation.

You better shut those noisy mouth would you.

I will if hyung cut the deals today

But i had already told you the deal ends in three more days.

I dont care. You change so much hyung everyone can see it.

Urghh fine. Theen let me go on my last date with her.

Sure why not. Since seungcheol hyung gave you the permission.

You were totally in blank. Dont understand what are theey talking about but you saw joshua annoyed face walking towards you then grab your hands and walk out of the place straight out of the building.

Wait where are we going.

Somewhere where i can spend my time with you alone.


So did he go

Yeah since he dont want the truth to be told.


Yah you are quiet mean dont you know that.

Nahh its for joshua hyung to be more mature towards minjoo. Plus if he has guts to tell her that he start to fall for her. Im sure he will lost the bet.

Aigoo. Seungkwan ah. Just dont be too mean about this. They are left with 3 more days and why would you want to let them end so soon.

Thats because i wanna see if dokyeom hyung have his guts to tell minjoo his real feelings.

Yah dont ever spill that to others


Why would i

Mingyu ah. Why aree you looking so worried.

How could he just dragged my sister like that. I mean wont her hand hurt easily. I dont want her to break her hand again.

She got once broke her arm.

Yeah. She was so silly to jump like an idiot then she trip when she was 10 .

Yahhh you are so protective to her.

Who wont. She is my precious little sister. So dont bad mouth about her. Or rage will happen

Yah dont be over protective when she is not around. And stop eating my food will you.

Ah mian . That food was nice

Yah this is the food that minjoo make for us. Its all the same

Aigoo hyung can you get your sense right.

Yeah you should be more focus

Yah yah whats going on here.

Seungkwan tried to threat joshua hyung again.

Mwoh you crazy

Nope i am not. Even jeonghan hyung heard my conversation with him


Really a mall at this timing. You should be practicing by now

Its my plan so shush

Oh whatever. Why so sudden bringing me out when you can on the last day of the deal.

Well the last day will be too busy for me but not you since you have school. So dont miss me too much

Eww only your ex girlfriend would do that

Yah dont talk about her. Im too tired of her.

You know sometimes i dont understand you at all.

Then make an effort to understand me .

I am trying. Your the one who keeps rejecting it.

Urgh fine. But lets go somewhere first before we talk about my life

Sure why not

He grab your hand and went towards the nearest cafe. Everytime you saw a cafe shop you would remember the scene of you and him when you were in the airport waiting for your brother. You sighed and sit down at the place where joshua ask you to sit while he went to order both of your drinks.

Why do he have to drag me here for every date.


You look around as you feel uncomfortable not knowing why you felt like that. Just then you saw joshua holding a tray walking towards you.

Wow how would you know my favorite coffee

Your brother. Who else

It must be you forcing him to tell you about me . Did you.

Well its the way for me to understand you .

Oh really. Such a caring boy. So lets talk about you. Since you know most about me.

You really want to know.

Yeah. Its easier and since after the deal. There wont be any changes right.

Well. You know im from LA. And you know about my ex. But what else you wanna know about me

Why you treat girls so differently from me

Its because i dont trust any girls before i met you. After i gound my ex cheated on me i broke up with her and gone depressed. You kniw how hurtful when the person you love so much does that.

Yeah true tho.

So after weeks i start to think that girls are such a dramatic and useless to be around with.


Ahhh but im not one of them . Man you are so negative. Plus not all girls are like that okay 

Im sorry okay. Its just that i feel like im wrong when i met you. But still somehow you are still dramatic .

I hate you .

Mian but its fun to make you annoyed . Plus you cant win over me.

Hey i can win the second deal okay.

Oh really

He brings his face near you. You just keep your face stern and annoyed. Then you flick his forehead.

Yah it hurts dont you know that.

Who the heck ask you to do that to me. I dont fall to boys like that.

But still i can win over you.

Not a chance. Can we get out of this place. I dont feel so good here.

Okay lets go. I dont want the wicket to be here as well.

You stood up and quickly walk out of the place. 

Why didnt you say that earlier

Molla its just that you seems so comfortable in there.

Well im used to that cafe.

Ahh jinjja . Wel i didnt. Lets walk around.

Sure in one condition.

I really hate you jisoo

I know. Lets hold hands while we are walking.

Mwoh you are a crazy jerk.

Yah i am not. Its for your own safety

The what about the fans out there.

Well let them be i dont mind because pledis knows what to do.

Urgh fine.

He smiled and interwind his hands with yours then both of you start walking. His hands were soft but you dont mind as your brother knows that you are in a deal with joshua.

You know . Sometimes i think that dokyeom likes you more than a friend.

Well everyone says that.

But dokyeom keeps deny about it.

Same goes to you. Always deny to the members that you change

Aish fine i admit you won the deal.

Yes finally i won both of the deal.

Not yet minjoo ah. So what makes you say that you wont go back ENGLAND.

Well to tell the truth. I came here without eomma knows it.

Oh really. Wait YOU WHAT.

Yeah i told my brother i am coming back to korea and not going back there. Eomma is too cruel. I dont like it. Plus she is going to remarried.

Does your brother knows about this.

Nope. Oppa please let this be a secret. I dont want him to hate eomma because of this.

Well i try.

You stop walking and went infront of him smiling widely

This is the soft side i wanna see.

Jinjja . Well you are gonna see this ofthen.

Yes finally i won the first deal.

He just smile and ruffle your hair

You are just too cute like how your brother would say.

Oh my gawd . Is this the gentleman joshua im seeing. I cant believe it.

Yah yah dont get too excited i might change anytime.

Aigoo mister . Dont try to make my mood down next time.

You walk away leaving him dumbfounded. He just smile and catch up with you.


Yah yah wait for me.




jjang im glad and hope that this story would be intresting . also i would really try my best to update good chapters ahead . So thank you so much to you readers who subscribe my story. 진짜 감사합니다!!!


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Sanas0808 #1
Chapter 65: I wonder what's 'something that is not really that tough'means
Chapter 57: T_T I wouldn't want my mom to be like that
Chapter 53: jisoo WAS not my bias but now he IS my BIAS WRECKER so reading this make me so happy ..when i don't know why XD
I feel llike this is my destiny to read this fanfic..haha..LOL...
I like jisoo bcs his smile really kill me but at the same time i want mingyu bcs of his handaomeness and dk bcs he's a fun person ..
Actually im new reader and when i read the description i like Woahhh..^^
Yeol177 #5
Chapter 47: The last part omg *cries* good job author nim FIGHTING!!
Yeol177 #6
Chapter 45: * cries* Joshua is to sweet .... Why can't I find a boy like that
Chapter 45: i can't do this anymore ...joshua being too .. too !!!!!! sweet
Yeol177 #8
Chapter 44: New characters and what is it that Josh bought for her... And do those new girls like Joshua DK Mingyu
Chapter 44: Yeah !!! New character!!
Chapter 43: I need q horse for myself