A good day to rain

Beautiful city wall

Father was  in the office, shouting on the phone.

Mother had been gone for a couple of hours at the shopping mall.

Jin and namjoon were out,'throwing rocks' at the local pond.

So naturally Jungkook found himself beside Jimin.

Jimin was the best friend of Jungkook and had always been since childhood.

They were called 'jj' brothers or 'Vmin' couple, like his mother liked calling them, though they were neither.

At least not according to Jungkook, Jimin was just a close friend and a 'sometimes brother.

As said by both boys.

But only one of them had felt that way.

"Jin, did you hear me?"

The older boy shook his head.

"No sorry."

Namjoon groaned, standing up quickly.

"What is the matter with you? You seemed out of it ever since Friday."

Jin, once again just shook his head.

"It's nothing, No worries."

Namjoon gave a doubtful stare.

"I just think that it would be a good day to rain."


Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's a good day to rain."

Jim pointed to the wall.

"They're still having the war today, it's dry outside they must be thirsty."

Namjoon began nodding in agreement.

"I remember those d says, being thirsty in the blazing hot sun."

Suddenly everyone becomes quiet.

"Namjoon, if you had the chance, would you do it again?"

The younger shakes his head,"never."

Jin bites his lip.

"They were just people, sad poor people."

Jim began, remembering the face of the smiling man that handed him the letter.

He was crying, but he didn't seem to be sad for himself.

"Please, give this to him"

He was wearing the glass tag necklace.

"Tell him I'm sorry, that I'll see him again." He coughed out.


 The small voice startled him from his thoughts.

Hi.gloom ran toward the with a bag in his hands.

Jin smiled, hugging the younger tightly.

"Hyung, what's the matter?"

Jin shook his head. 

"I will never let you go, I promise."

He smiled.

"I love you."

Jungkook smiled brightly.

" I love you too."


The sky was grey.


The boy scoffed, frowning.

The dirty children ran past him, laughing.

The boy smiled, waving to them.


Along creaking sound came from behind him.


A worker shouted.

"Hey get me that pole."

The boy smirked.





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kulitlang08 #1
this is interesting... :)
mobina #2
Chapter 1: its sooooooooo interesting author-nim :) I really like it and I`m waiting for the next chapter^^ hwaiting