Timeless Love

Oh. My. Gosh.
It's Kikwang.
Current Kikwang.
Not the younger version, the current version.
"U-u-umm how may I help you?" I asked nervously.
Damn! Why did I stutter?
"You look familiar. Like I seen you somewhere before throughout my life." he said.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied.
"I remember seeing you when I was twelve." He said as he came around the counter and examined me.
"Sir I still have no idea what you're talking about." I lied again.
"Your name is Yuni." he looked at my name tag.
I covered it.
"Please have some dinner with me? I just have this feeling that you're the one I been searching for all my life." he pleaded.
I stared at him.
Was he serious?
Or was he kidding?
I looked into his eyes.
Yep, he was serious.
I guess it’s time to tell him, well everything.
I sighed and nodded my head.
"Okay please meet me at the diner around 7ish?" He asked.
I nodded and watched him exit the store.
I stood there and replayed the situation.
Why the hell did I agree to this?!
[- - - - -]
It was 6:30 pm.
I finished getting ready.
I sat on the couch and pondered about the Kikwang and I dinner date.
I wonder how he'll react when I told him I time travel.
I wonder what he will say I met him earlier this morning when he was thirteen.
I wonder....
I vanished into thin air again.
[ Back to age sixteen ]
I woke up and looked around.
I'm in some dark ally.
I looked down and sighed with relief.
My bag was with me with all the contents in it.
I dusted off my clothes and tried to figure out where I'm at now.
I walked out of the ally and found myself in front of some concert hall.
I entered...
from the back way.
I walked by some crew workers.
They didn't even notice me.
I shrugged and walked closer to the stage.
Someone was already performing on it.
It was Kikwang, age seventeen.
"Kikwang-ah! How long are you gonna keep going? You've been going for an hour already just singing and dancing." asked a voice.
I saw it was Yoseob from BEAST.
Well he wasn't in BEAST now.
"I just love the feeling when I'm on here."  Kikwang grinned. He wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Well take a break already!"  he exclaimed and threw a water bottle at him
Kikwang caught it and chugged it down.
"I can't wait until I debut." He said.
"Yeah! I'll be your backup dancer!" Yoseob grinned.
"We should sing a duet together." He added.
"Oh I'll like that!" Yoseob nodded happily.
Kikwang laughed and glanced towards my direction.
I took a step back.
"Yah! Who are you?" Kikwang asked.
I ran backwards and tripped over cords.
"WATCH OUT!" Yeseob screamed.
I looked up and a light was heading down straight towards me.
Kikwang saw and dashed towards me.
Before it even hit me, I vanished.
 [ Present Time ]
I woke up with sweat dripping down my forehead.
"Oh my gawd.." I murmured.
I checked the time and it was way past seven.
[- - - - - ]
"Mianhae! Jung Mal Mianhae!" I bowed for the millionith time.
Kikwang laughed at my actions. "Yuni-ssi its fine! I didn't mind waiting an extra hour. Honestly I thought you would never show up so that's why I waited for an extra hour." he confessed.
I fell into my seat.
"WAE?!" I said a little too loud.
Everyone looked at me.
Kikwang was still laughing.
I slid down my seat.
"I really wanted to see if you were coming or not." Kikwang explained after he finished laughing.
I nodded my head slowly and drank some water.
"So why exactly did you ask me out?" I asked.
"Okay you probably won't believe me, but I know you time travel. I remember clearly when we first met, I was ten and you looked like a teenager."
I was actually seventeen in present time when I met him.
And he was ten.
Yeah, I can be his Noona.
"I always see you, but I could never have the courage to talk to you. But you stayed in my mind a lot." He smiled.
I blushed.
"Yuni-ssi, I love you."
He cut me off with his lips.
Now that we  finally met in present time.
He's twenty.
I'm nineteen.
We can finally start our relationship.
[ Present Time: Age 21 ]
"Happy birthday!"
Kikwang jumped out behind me with a cake.
While the guys released party favors over my head.
"Kwangie! I told you not to throw me a party!" I pouted.
I hate surprises.
Ever since I could time travel.
Every day is a surprise to me.
"I didn't do all of this. The guy’s helped." he grinned cutely.
I glanced at the guys who had their innocent expressions plastered on their face.
I just glared at them.
"Fine, thank you for this wonderful birthday." I smiled.
"YAY! NOONA LOVES IT!" exclaimed Dongwoon.
I laughed.
Ever since our meeting two years we became best friends.
I was close with all the BEAST members too.
And they know I can time travel also.
I accidentally vanished in front of them.
I didn't mean too.
I just happened.
It was ten pm and Kikwang cleaned up my place.
The guys left.
And I was getting ready for bed.
"Yun-yun! I'm donee!" Kikwang sang.
"Well good! I'm glad you are." I grinned.

I leaned against my bedroom door with my arms folded across my chest.
"Did you like mini party?" he asked.
I nodded my head.
"Good! I'm glad you did!" He smiled.
He pulled me into a hug.
"Happy Birthday Yun-yun."
"Haha thank you Kikwangie."
He moved his head and stared into my eyes.
My cheeks began to heat up.
Our lips weren't that far apart.
Oh man his lips look so delicious!
A/N: xD
We leaned in closer.
We shared a kissed.
Also, we made love together for the first time.
[ Present Time: Age 23 ]
"You may kiss your bride."
Kikwang pulled me into a kiss.
After being together for three years and engaged for two, we finally got married.
Everyone cheered and threw party favors in the air as we walked down the ales.
His BEAST members cheered for him.
I saw a few of my close friends.
Today was just perfect.
"Ahahah! Kikwang stop it!" I giggled as he threw me on the bed.
It was the night of our wedding.
And I'm very excited.
"Finally we're alone." He said as he laid beside me. I cuddled in his arms.
"I love you Lee Yuni."
"I love yo-"
I vanished.
Kikwang sighed and laid his head back.
[ Present Time: Age 27 ]
"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee, but you can't bear a child."
Those words echoed in my head as I lay in the hospital bed.
This was my seventh miscarriage in the row.
Kikwang burst into the room.
I turned my head away in shame.
He walked over to my bed and lay beside me under the covers.
I silently wept on his chest.
[ Present Time: Age 34 ]
"Da Eun!" I called out.
"Yes Umma?" asked my little two years old daughter.
I picked up her into my arms.
She nuzzled under my chin.
I finally had a daughter.
We tried again after two years and I successfully gave birth to my beautiful Da Eun.
She can also time travel.
But she can control whenever she wants to go.
Lucky child.
"I'm home!" we heard.
"Appa!" Da Eun jumped out of my arms and ran over to Kikwang.
"Hey my yeppo girl! Where's Umma?" he asked.
"In the kitchen." She grinned.
 Kikwang put her down and I heard footsteps getting closer to me.
I turned around only to be greeted by a younger Kikwang.
Great, I time traveled again.
[ Present Time: Age 47 ]
"Umma, please be strong!" cried Da Eun.
I time traveled again and was hit by a truck out of nowhere.
I unconsciously laid in bed.
But all I could hear are the cries of my little Da Eun, my sweet husband Kikwang, and his fellow past BEAST members from outside the room and the doctors saying "Clear" multiple times.
I wanted to wake up, but I couldn't.
I knew it was my time to go.
Kikwang already saw this coming.
I told him.
As my soul was still alive, I watched my loving family and friends mourned over my soon to be dead body.
"Saranghae everyone. Please take care of yourselves."
I watched the heart monitor stopped.
Just like a dandelion,
how it dances with the wind.
When every little seed head is off its steam, 
may it rest in peace.

So how was that? Good two shot story? Sorry if anyone teared up *hands you a tissue* But please leave all your honest comments in the comment section below! I would love to hear/see what you guys have to say :) NOW I CAN FINALLY UPDATE MY STORIES :D
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Ryeoxuan69 #1
I love this two-shot, it's so sweet, but then again, it get's sad... :(
HUHU SHE'S DIED!! I got confused at first. I don't know what this story is about but after I read the final chapter finally I do!! -big luv♥
Its amazing! Just really sad, and i wanted to cry at the end.
taeminjh134 #4
Cool man! Just read e forewords n it's so cool! :P
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I almost cried . :C seriously. I LOVE THIS TWO SHOT. HEEEE. And update update the other stories please.
OH.MY.GOSH.!<br />
good story!!<br />
and also sad now.. why did she have to died at the young age?! :(<br />
(it's still young to die at age 47 y.o)
Oh Gosh, that was good! Too bad she died! :(
I can't wait for a new chapter!!!
lostmoongirl #9
OMOOOOO ~ !<br />
love it :D<br />
update soon ^^
waa nice story unnie!!<br />
i love it! >.<<br />
please update soon! xD