It's Going Down

A Million Reasons To Stay, One Reason To Leave

Chapter 2

Heavenly Entertainment…

“Congrats on the engagement,” said Youngjae. “I must admit I was a bit worried at first. But judging from all the positive overnight press coverage, I have to say I’m impressed. Who’s idea was it?”

“Thanks hyung,” said Mark and Jackson.

“Sorry I didn’t run it by you first. I really wanted it to be a surprise. Jr and I have been planning it for awhile,” added Jackson.

“Yea, sorry boss. But I figured you’d be okay with it. Not that it matters anyways,” said Jr.

“Watch it manager. You may be my younger brother and our company’s first artist, but I can still fire you,” threatened Youngjae.

“Are you threatening me Mr. CEO? Let’s not forget this company was built on my back and my two artists here are your money makers. If you’re not happy with our actions we’ll just have to find another company. Or better yet, start our own company and become your direct competition,” responded Jr.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

“Don’t make me call eomma.”

“That’s right momma’s boy. Run to eomma.”

Mark and Jackson couldn’t help but laugh at the two brother’s play fighting.

“Knock knock. Are we interrupting anything?” said a familiar voice.

Everyone looked towards the door and Jr’s face hardened.

“What is he doing here?” growled Jr.

“Behave little brother. It’s not like we’re strangers,” said Youngjae. “JB is here on eomma’s order to manage our new artist.”

Jr knew he couldn’t go against his brother, let alone his mother’s wishes. “New artist?” asked Jr, still giving JB the cold shoulder.

“Hello everyone,” bowed BamBam. “Please take care of me.”

“BamBam was just signed as our new artist. Mark, Jackson please take your dongsaeng under your wings and guide him. We’re hoping he’ll be as successful as you guys,” said Youngjae.

Please. I’ll be more successful and make more money than these two ever did thought BamBam.

“As you wish,” said Mark. “Welcome to the family BamBam.”

“Glad to have some new blood. And a foreigner just like us,” added Jackson.

“Jr please help JB with any managing questions he may have.”

“No,” said Jr.

“Excuse me?”

“I’m only a manager at this company and I have my hands full taking care of two artists. I don’t have the time nor patience to babysit or train a newbie manager. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have a taping to go to. Let’s go guys,” said Jr as he walked out the door.

“Excuse us,” said Mark and Jackson, as they followed suit.

“I apologize for his behavior. I guess I should’ve gave him the heads up. I’ll have a talk with him later.”

“No need. Guess he still hasn’t forgiven me. But I know him best, I’ll have a talk with him myself. I won’t let our past affect our work relationship.”

“If only Jr thought the same way,” said Youngjae, as he shook his head.

“Would you mind if BamBam and I went to the taping too, so we can get some experience?” asked JB.

“Not at all. I’ll leave Jr to you then. Let me know if you need anything,” said Youngjae.

“Will do.”

As they were leaving Youngjae’s office, “You never told me you had a past with Jr,” whispered BamBam.

“Why’d you think I agreed to manage a newbie like you,” shrugged JB.

On set…

“Are you okay?” asked Mark.

“I’m fine,” replied Jr.

“No you’re not. Your veins are popping,” added Jackson.

“Wanna talk about it?” said Mark.

“Not really.”

“It’s not good to keep things bottled inside,” said Jackson.

“I know. Later. I promise,” sighed Jr.

“Um…stay calm. There’s press close by,” warned Mark.

“What? Why?” asked the confused Jr.

Mark gestured towards the door. “They’re headed our way.”

JB and BamBam stopped in front of the trio.

“Are you stalking me now?” accused Jr.

“Whatever it takes,” said JB. “We need to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“Jirongie please,” begged JB.

“The taping is about to start. Will you be okay?” asked Mark, not wanting to leave Jr alone.

“I can handle this. You and Jackson can go ahead.”

The couple nodded and walked on set.

“BamBam go watch your sunbaes and see if you can manage to learn something,” ordered JB.

“Fine,” said BamBam, even though he didn’t like being dismissed like a child.

“So are you going to talk or are you just going to stare at me?” asked Jr, annoyed.

“I miss you Jirongie,” confessed JB.

“Stop. You don’t have the right to call me that anymore.”

“You honestly still can’t be mad at me,” sighed JB.

“Are you freaking serious right now? You’re not the one on set here. There aren’t any cameras focused on you JB. You can stop playing the victim, no one’s here to see it.”

“Why must you continue to hurt me with such words? I realized my mistake and I begged for your forgiveness over and over.”

“Hurt you?”, laughed Jr, dryly. “You were the one who left me. I never even wanted to be in this fake industry. I became an idol for you. But once the fame got to you, all of a sudden you grew wings and didn’t want to be a part of a duo anymore. Glad to see that solo career you wanted so badly worked out for you. A washed up idol now managing a newbie.”

JB grabbed Jr by his arms and pulled him close to him.

“Why do you always know what buttons to push?”

“Because I know you best. Or at least I thought I did,” struggled Jr. “Now let go of me.”

“And if I don’t?”

“You want a scene? I can see the headline now: Ex-Duo Lovers Fight On Set.”

JB knew when he was beat and let go of Jr.

“Now if there’s something work related you have to discuss, spit it out. If not, we’re done here.”

“How about a bet?” said JB.

“Bet? For what?”

“To see if one of your artists or mine will make the most revenue this year. You can track either Mark or Jackson separately, but not together.”

“I’ll pass. I don’t have the time to play games with you.”

“Don’t you wanna hear my wager first?” asked JB.

“Not really,” dismissed Jr.

“Fine. If I win, you forgive me and we start over. And if you win, I’ll leave you alone and never bother you again.”

JB’s wager caught Jr off guard. “Why that wager?”

“Because I still love you. I always have and will,” said JB.

“Mark hyung!!! Watch out!!!” screamed BamBam.

Jackson grabbed Mark and pulled him in an embrace as the stage light that was right above Mark fell where he was just sitting.

“What happened?” shouted Jr, as JB and him ran towards the set.

“Dimsum are you okay,” asked a worried Jackson, as he checked his boyfriend’s body.

“I’m fine,” answered Mark. “Thanks to you and BamBam.”

“Yea if it weren’t for his warning, I wouldn’t have been able to grab you in time,” said Jackson. “I’m so glad you’re not hurt. Thanks BamBam.”

“No problem. Glad I could help,” replied BamBam, shyly.

“I’m so sorry,” said the stage manager. “I don’t know how something like that could happen. Let’s postpone the taping for today.”

“If we cancel, they won’t be available for another two months,” said Jr.

“That won’t do. We have to make the deadline,” pleaded the stage manager.

“Not my problem,” said Jr. “If anything were to happen to my clients, who would be held responsible?”

The stage manager’s face dropped, clearly lost as to what he can do to fix the situation.

“It’s okay Jr. We can just take a break while they fix the light and then we can continue with the taping,” said Mark.

“Are you sure?” asked Jr. “You don’t have to.”

“I agree with Jr,” added Jackson. “You should rest.”

“Yea, I’m fine. It was an accident. No one’s at fault. Please let us know when you’re done replacing the light,” said Mark.

“Thank you thank you,” bowed the producer.

“You’re welcome,” smiled Mark.

On the side…

“What did you do,” whispered JB.

“Who me?” smirked BamBam. “Didn’t you hear? I just saved my sunbae of course.”

“Was that your plan all along? To get close to them by being a hero?”

“Eh. Not really. I actually would’ve preferred if the light fell on him. It would’ve made my plans easier. Thanks to Jackson’s reflexes, he survived unscathed. But saving Mark has its benefits too,” grinned BamBam.

“Be careful not to take things too far,” warned JB.

“Whatever it takes remember. You want to win your bet right,” said BamBam.



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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 2: Bouh, Bambam, stay far from them, ´kay?? And hope the JJproject will get together again.. :3
Thanks for the update :)
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 1: Aishh, why does Bambam need to be the Markson wrecker each time a fic need one?? ╥﹏╥
Anyway, I want to know what happened next so... Waiting!!
prettygirl20 #3
Chapter 1: that little devil again!!! interesting first chappie. can't wait to see how the story develops
taoftsehun #4
Chapter 1: bambam is in-between markson again, i love your stories btw
Hananess #5
Chapter 1: Uh ohhh trouble trouble troublee ~~