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“Hate him, tbh” Yoongi looked across the cafeteria.

“Why the would you hate him?” His best friend, Namjoon, responded while shoving a fry into his mouth.

“Why the not? He’s grating.” He glared intently at the person in question.

“What has he ever done to you?” Namjoon asked persistently.

Yoongi thought about the question. Seeing as he had no good answer he just shrugged his shoulders. He continued eating his food in silence with Namjoon staring at him in wonder.

“I’m beginning to wonder how you don’t hate me; I give you more than enough reasons.” As to prove his point, Namjoon shoved a hand into his plate and picked up a piece of fried chicken.

Yoongi was tempted to stab him with his fork. “You know, I’ve been wondering the same thing for years.”

“No, but you don’t understand! I hate him so much!” Yoongi whined to his other best friend, Seokjin, as the boy read quietly in the library.

“Are you still going on about that dude?” Seokjin said, not looking up from his book.

“He’s so irritating, like, stop smiling at every ing thing you piece of !” Yoongi hissed and threw his hands up. Seokjin decided not to respond which caused Yoongi to whine even more. This resulted in them being shushed by the librarian. “What are you even reading?” Yoongi snatched the book out of the older boy’s hands. “A cookbook? Really?” Yoongi hushed his laughter the best he could.

“Shut up,” Seokjin blushed and took the book back. “It’s a hobby.”

“Lame,” Yoongi yawned.

“At least my hobby will help me in life, unlike yours. Rapping,” Seokjin made a face like saying the word left a bad taste in his mouth.

“Hey, you may be older than me but I’m not taking any from you about my rapping, princess!” Yoongi pointed a murderous finger at his friend.

“I’m surprised your lyrics are still not about how much you hate Hoseok, to be honest.” Seokjin gave up on reading and stood to return the book, he also pointedly ignored the mocking nickname (he was drunk and he said some things he shouldn’t have).

“I’m surprised you’re still not taking it up the from Namjoon, to be honest.” Yoongi returned, entirely too satisfied with the shriek Seokjin let out.

“Why do you even hate him?” Jimin, his third- and least favorite, best friend asked after he had seen Yoongi glare at the boy for the umpteenth time.

“I just do, I don’t need a reason to hate him. Go away.” Yoongi grumbled and looked down at his notebook. They were sitting outside on a bench near the school in the shade of a tree. Hoseok, the bane of his existence, was laughing a few meters away with his underclassmen posse.

“Sometimes I’m not sure if you’re trying to kill him with your eyes or undress him,” Jimin sighed and decided to pick up a nice lo

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Chapter 10: I speed read through this! So much fluff, loved your writing style
Jdazngal #2
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwww that was so fluffy and cute, i loved it~!!! <3
Jdazngal #3
Chapter 5: How cute would Yoongi be in Captain America underwear??? XD hahahaha TOO CUTE~ ^^ I'm really loving this Yoonseok love/hate relationship they've got going on in this <33333
elusiv #4
Chapter 10: Thank you for making such a beautiful story! The plot was unbelievably simple but it's too adorable for my yoonseok heart. ㅠㅠ Fighting!!!
love_EXOfany #5
Chapter 10: That was amazing and tbh so cute and funny.
I loved it
ZaneWalker #6
Chapter 10: This was a great read! Thank you for your hard work!
Chapter 10: Owwww :)
I like, how simple they got together! It makes it a lot more closer to reality and I don't like tooo much drama :)
I really really liked this story! And I hope I get to read one of your storys again :)
Thank you for this and I wish all the best for you ~
Chapter 9: Why do I love this so much? :D They are just lovely and funny in your story and reading it is really enjoyable!
I'm looking fooward to the next chapter ~
Chapter 4: This is the best thing ever! I can't wait for the next chapter ;-;
CandyPsycho89 #10
Chapter 4: Oh my! It's so good. I can't stop laughing. ^^
Fighting! ♥