I Bet You It's Love

I Bet You It's Love
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It was a regular Tuesday morning and you were just walking through the gray high school hallway, filled with teenagers talking about whatever. Everyone had there own group that they belonged to. It was like an unwritten system. You always belonged to a group. Except for a few people, who were very lonely. Those few people were usually the quiet, shy and introverted type. And of course, you were one of them. You took quiet but fast steps, passing by all of the cheerful, happy, young souls who seemed to have endless things to talk about. Nobody noticed you. Nobody looked at you. Nobody greeted you. Not that you cared that much though. It was normal to you and you were used to it. It didn’t really bother you to be able to be alone and do whatever you wanted to without someone else stopping you. Loneliness wasn’t necessarily a negative thing to you anymore. You’d always been a socially shy person and if you had a friend, it was pretty much only one good friend, not a group. Groups just weren’t your thing.

You finally reached your locker and unlocked it. Girls from your class quickly appeared around you, as they were also getting stuff out of their lockers. You bent your head down by instinct, always trying to keep as much attention away from you as possible. It wasn’t like it was hard, no one really noticed you, ever.

“Ey, Jungkook!” A deep voice called out behind you and you glanced over to see Taehyung and Jungkook greeting each other per usual. They were part of one of the school’s most popular groups: BTS. The three youngest members, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, were unfortunately in your class. Unfortunately, because their presence always people in and you found yourself having to sometimes squeeze through crowds of people just to get out of your classroom. It was ridiculous how popular they were just for being handsome. Yes, you admitted that they were handsome, but you never just judged someone on looks. It wasn’t like they were always going around school, flirting with girls, but rumors about them dating new girls spread around school all of the time and you couldn’t help but partially believe in them. You weren’t necessarily uninterested in them, but you didn’t really want to get involved either. You felt like there would be too much trouble.

You quickly reached for your maths book and were in the process of closing the locker when you accidentally overheard the girls beside you whispering.

“Hey, you know that senior that Jungkook was rumored to be dating last week?”


“Well, I just heard someone say that they broke up. I don’t know why though, but that means he’s back on the market. I can’t believe he left an older girl that was so pretty.”

You rolled your eyes, partially at the girls for gossiping and partially at Jungkook. A lot of rumours like that spread about him, way too often. You didn’t want to believe in all of them though, since he was so young and you’d never personally spoken to him, so you didn’t want to judge him too quickly.

You entered the classroom and sat at a desk in the very back, making you even more invisible than what you already were. Not too long after, the three members of BTS came in and sat near the front, where they usually took their seats. You discreetly glanced up at them and you caught Jungkook glancing back at you before you hastily averted your eyes, feeling a little embarassed at the eye contact. Why was he looking at you? You felt heat rise to your cheeks and mentally scolded yourself for it.


The lecture went by pretty quickly and you found yourself being one of the first ones to exit the classroom. You felt a little anxious to walk past the popular BTS members, as you could’ve sworn that they had been glancing at you during the lesson, but you’d been too afraid to actually look up and confirm it. You instantly went to your locker and got the stuff ready for the next class. It was just a normal day in a normal week. Nothing out of the ordinary, really....

..... or that’s what you thought at least.

You heard the clearing of a throat beside you and assumed that it was meant to alert someone else. Nobody ever talked to you, so it was not an odd reaction. Another throat-clearing was heard, but it was louder this time. You closed your locker only to find that Jungkook had been hidden behind the red, metal panel, leaned against the locker beside yours. A small smile appeared on his face when he saw that you noticed him and your eyes almost popped out of your skull.

“Hi, ____ssi.” His smile widened and showed his beautiful, white, bunny-like teeth. You slightly glanced behind you to see if he was talking to someone else, but only found people whispering and staring at you. You turned back to Jungkook, feeling how your face quickly turned into the color of a tomato because of the uncomfortable attention. He chuckled. “Is there anyone else here that’s named ____?”

You looked away, trying to find any reason for why he would be talking to you. He cleared his throat again.

“So, anyways..... ____, you seem like a really cool person. I was just wondering if you wanted to be friends.” He smiled at you and your face immediately showed a frown. Wait... what? “So... maybe we could hang out after school today, if you don’t already have something planned.”

You stood there staring at him for a good amount of time, almost getting a headache from all of the chaos that was spinning around in your head. Why would the school’s most wanted guy be talking to you? You glanced around, seeing people giving you wide eyes and faces.

“Uh-uhm..” You managed to quietly mumble, not knowing how to respond to the handsome guy. You couldn’t find any possible reason for why Jungkook would be talking to you, and you weren’t sure if getting involved with him would be the best idea for such a shy girl like yourself. But you didn’t want to seem rude and reject his surprisingly kind offer. “I-I don’t have anything planned...” Your voice was very low, afraid that anyone around you would hear. A wide grin spread on Jungkook’s face.

“Great! I’ll meet you by the gates after last period then!” He straightened his posture and seemed awfully happy, making you sceptical. This wasn’t how he usually behaved. “I’ll see you later then, ____ssi.” He waved and started walking towards Jimin and Taehyung, who had apparently been observing the whole scene.

You quickly opened your locker again and hid your face inside it, desperately trying to hide your madly blushing face. Attention really wasn’t something that you enjoyed receiving, and it made you very uncomfortable. And Jungkook had just said he wanted to be.... friends? What was going on? That definitely was not just any normal school day. Nope.


You nervously walked out of the front doors of the school, heartbeat quick out of the anxious shivers that crept up your spine. You weren’t sure what to expect out of this encounter with Jungkook. You’d never even spoken to him before, even if he was in your class. He was too popular and you were too invisible. And suddenly.... this? You walked towards the gates and it didn’t take long for you to see the popular buys figure, patiently waiting for you. You gulped and wanted to act cool. Not because it was Jungkook, but you were just generally afraid to make a fool of yourself. You carefully  approached him and a wide smile instantly covered his pearly features.

“Annyeong, ____ssi! I hope you’ve anticipated this. I was thinking we could go and get some ice cream.” He cutely scratched the back of his neck, acting unusually cute. Your eyes narrowed and you couldn’t help but feel like he was trying to act a certain way for whatever reason.

“Uhm... sure.” You quietly answered and once again, he shot you one of his million dollar smiles, making you slightly cringe.

“Okay then, shall we?” He tilted his head slightly to the side and you attempted a small smile of your own as a reply. You tried your best to ignore the stares you were receiving and the the two of you made your way to the cafe. Along the way, Jungkook was the only one speaking. He talked about music, dancing, video games, you name it. What he had to say - you had to admit - was interesting, but you couldn’t help but feel like his overly cute behavior wasn’t genuine. You’d seen him in school and he never acted this way. It felt weird and not at all natural.

The two of you entered the cafe and Jungkook got chocolate flavoured ice cream and you got cookies and cream, but he insisted to pay for yours as well. You didn’t want to start a scene, so you reluctantly let him. You couldn’t help but have a wall put up, as you still didn’t get the intentions he had behind suddenly wanting to hang out with you. He still hadn’t said anything about it.

You sat down opposite each other by a table by the window. He kept telling you different things about his interests and such, and you just sat there quietly, nodding and humming to let him know that you were listening.

“I’ve told you so much about myself but you’ve nearly told me anything. I want to know some stuff about you now.” He cutely tilted his head forward and glanced up at you, grinning widely. You mentally groaned.

Suddenly, some confidence shot through your veins out of nowhere and you cleared your throat.

“Okay... but I have a question first.” You said, your voice no longer quiet and shaky.

“Ask me anything, cutie.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table and chin in his hands. Any other girl would have fainted, but you weren’t that oblivious.

“Why are you trying so annoyingly hard to act cute?” You crossed your arms, body suddenly burning in confidence, leaning back in your chair. His eyes widened and his smile faded.


You realized your kind of harsh words and felt a little embarrassed, clearing your throat.

“I can tell that you’re only acting. I don’t know why you suddenly want to be my friend, but if that’s what you want, I’d appreciate if you were genuine with me.” You averted your eyes, your shy demeanor quickly returning, hot blood rushing to your cheeks. He also leaned back and stared at you with a dumbfounded expression for awhile before a huff of air left his nose in disbelief.

“I-I’m sorry.” He averted his eyes as well. “I didn’t mean to offend you, I was just trying to-” He cut himself off. “Let’s just start over.”

You finally gathered the courage to look back at him, only to find that he was smiling at you. But this time, the smile was genuine. You could feel it. This was the first time that you’d actually thought of him as attractive to you, more than just handsome. You couldn’t help it. The wall that you’d built up started to become weaker. Maybe there would actually be a possibility of a friendship between you.

You found yourself smiling back while gazing at him as he did the same. The eye contact the two of you had was something different. It was real and genuine. But the moment broke when he averted his eyes, looking like some kind of realization hit him.

“So... I want you to tell me some stuff about yourself now..” He said and you bit your lip from the slightly awkward tension that was growing.

“Okay... well...”


Becoming friends with Jungkook surprisingly didn’t take that long. That time you hung out in the café eating ice cream turned out to end up enjoyable. After that, he bugged you to hang with him everyday. When he asked you to hang with him, you weren’t sure how genuine it actually was, but when you actually hung out, it definitely was. It always started off kind of weird, kind of like an oddly flirty act. But he always ended up being himself and the two of you had good times. It was weird how you found it so easy to open up to him. It usually took you awhile, but with Jungkook it was different. You’d noticed that he was also shy at times and found similarities in that. He ended up being completely different from what you thought. The two of you were comfortable around each other. It felt right.

Obviously, rumors that the two of you were dating started early on. At first, you just found them annoying and unnecessary, but after awhile, you found yourself blushing every time someone said that the two of you were a couple. You didn’t know why, but the thought of the two of you being together no longer felt insane. You weren’t saying that you wanted to be with him in that way, but it just didn’t seem like an impossible thing.

You were by your locker as always and fiddled with your stuff, but when you closed the locker you flinched a little, seeing that Jungkook stood there, just like the first time the two of you talked.

“Aish, you pabo.” You hit his arm and he chuckled. “Don’t scare me like that.” You frowned.

“Sorry.” He sang, but a very odd smirk appeared on his face. A confident smirk. You could see on his posture that he was trying to look cool and handsome, better than everyone else. A deep groan left your throat.

“Jungkook, how many times do I have to tell you that I want you to always be genuine with me?” You rolled your eyes. His eyes widened for a second before a he scoffed in disbelief. He pursed his lips a little. He started scanning your face, as if he tried to figure you out. Your eyebrows furrowed and you looked away. “We should get to class.” You broke the weird silence that had formed in between the two of you.

“Ne.” He answered and the two of you started walking down the hallway.

“So, how was your day with the guys yesterday?” You asked. The previous day you had rejected to hang with him since he rarely spent time with BTS anymore after the two of you became friends. You wanted him to hang with the guys for awhile. He sighed.

“It was fun, of course, but it would have been better if you were there.”

The two of you exchanged looks and your gazes kind of got stuck with each other. Sometimes you shared these kinds of moments where you gazed at each other for awhile without a word. You didn’t really know what it meant, but it kind of made you get goosebumps and sometimes it even made you blush. You couldn’t explain the feeling, but you secretly liked it.

Jungkook looked away with a shy smile on his face while clearing his throat.

“Hey, we’re hanging out today, just so you know.” He stated and your eyes narrowed with a smirk.

“Really? Since when do you decide what I do?”

“Since I became taller than you, you shorty.” He teased and you scoffed.

“Yah!” You hit his arm multiple times making him laugh. “That’s how you’re gonna convince me to hang?” You shook your head in disbelief.

“I’m sorry, but please. I prepared something special for today.” He insisted, still smiling. You sighed, pretending to be annoyed, which you honestly could never actually be with him.

“Fine.” You playfully rolled your eyes, and he grinned widely.


The two of you carelessly skipped down the sidewalk, probably looking a little crazy to anyone that walked by. Normally you would have felt so embarrassed, but having Jungkook by your side made all of those kinds of feelings go away. You didn’t know where he was taking you yet, but you trusted him enough at this point to let him lead the way.

After awhile, Jungkook suddenly stopped, making you do the same and look at him with curiosity in your eyes.

“Here we are.” He stated with a proud smile. You looked up at the building you were outside of and saw that it was the cinema. “I bought two tickets to see a movie.” He announced and a smile spread across your lips. Seeing you smile, he didn’t need a proper reply and the two of you entered the slightly crowded building. You walked up to the main register to get your tickets.

“Hey, I’m here to get two already paid tickets.” Jungkook said and you stood quietly beside him, feeling excited to know what movie you were going to watch.

“Alright, sir. What’s your name?” The employee asked.

“Jeon Jungkook.”

The employee fiddled a little with computer before returning her attention to the two of you.

“I’m sorry, sir, but the movie was cancelled. You should’ve gotten a text about it.”


“We apologize for the inconvenience, but there was a problem and the movie is still in Japan.”

“Are you kidding me?” Jungkook was getting angry and you were afraid he’d start a scene.

“I’m very sorry sir.”

“Listen, I-”

You quickly took a hold of Jungkook’s arm and slightly pulled on it to stop him from freaking out.

“Jungkook, it’s okay.” You insisted, feeling heat rise to your cheeks.

Jungkook looked down at you and when he met your eyes he calmed down a little.

“Again, we’re very sorry.” The employee gave you a very apologetic look.

“Don’t worry, it’s fine.” You reassured her and pulled Jungkook away.

“Well, .” He cussed and you smiled at him.

“It’s fine, Jungkook. There are plenty of other things we can do.”

“But we have hours before the next thing I planned is.”  He sighed and you took a hold of his shoulders to shake him a little.

“So let’s make sure to spend that time well.” You tried to perk him up and grabbed his wrist to pull him towards the mall.


The next few hours had been very fun indeed. The two of you had ran through the mall and into different stores, tried on ugly hats and glasses, practically laughing your asses off. The movie that you were supposed to have seen was quickly forgotten and you could easily have so much fun just by being with each other. That’s what you’d always looked for in a friendship but never found. But apparently, Jungkook was that person to you, and you couldn’t be more happy about it. But after awhile, Jungkook told you that the two of you had to leave and he started leading you to the next unknown location.

The two of you stopped in front of what looked like a very fancy and expensive restaurant. It made your eyes widen a bit. Not necessarily just because of the overly fancy look, but because you started thinking; was this a..... date? He’d planned to first go to the movies and then a fancy restaurant. It definitely sounded like a date. You couldn’t help but let the things you’d heard about Jungkook and you from school start running around in your mind. Honestly, you couldn’t blame people for thinking that you were a couple at this point.

“Okay, let’s go inside.” Jungkook said and lead you through the fancy wooden doors. The pair of you walked up to the register where there was a tall man waiting to offer service.

“Hello, young man. I hope you’re having a great evening.” The man greeted Jungkook with a small bow and Jungkook stepped forward.

“Yes, I have a table booked for two people.” Jungkook had a smile of anticipation plastered on his face and you couldn’t help but find it extremely adorable.

“Your number, sir?”

“Yes, here it is.” Jungkook pulled his phone out and gave the man his number. The man checked the computer before looking at us.

“I’m very very sorry, sir. But there seems like there had been a problem.”

Your heart dropped at the announcement and you quickly placed the warm palm of your hand on Jungkook’s back and rubbed it soothingly.


“We apologize for the inconvinience, sir. Your table had somehow been double-booked and the other guests arrived before the two of you did.”

Jungkook just stood there staring at the man with wide eyes.

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IChidi #1
Chapter 1: In front of everybody?!?!

I would STILL never do that but this was so cute and amazingly written
Chapter 1: well I guess I need more of this haha. <3
Chapter 1: I've been laughing my out the whole time-- lol! It is soo cutee and so much dramatic scenes hahhahaha
Chapter 1: This is just so cute that I'm barfing rainbows... lmfao jk.. it was cute tho! *^* love it
Chapter 1: Aww, I love it! ^^ It was so cute and funny and fluff all along. I loved their interactions, Jungkook's planned date and the twist with the bet. And this ending was absolutely perfect! I can't forget about their ice-cream fight though. That was my favourite scene. :D Thank you for sharing this cute story with us! <3
dragmystyle #6
Chapter 1: 'A weird squealing noise' HA! Love that!<3
Chapter 1: For i a minute i really want to punch jungkook in the face, but then you make me like him again xD

What a cute story <3
Jalyniee #8
Chapter 1: This was a cute story