Chapter 2

My light

“Okay boys gear up I have a special announcement” their manager said as soon as he entered the training room where the boys are practicing.

The boys gathered around their manager as they waited for the important announcement.

“For this year’s anniversary, we will be going to shoot our photos in Paris.” He said nonchalantly as if it is the most normal thing in this world. The boys on the other jumped up and down excitedly chanting words that are incoherent. He can hear Hoseok’s screaming above everyone else, and Jungkook kept on chanting “Paris, Paris, Paris”, Namjoon and Yoongi, as always are standing beside each other with smile on their faces as they watch the excited kids.

Their manager cleared his throat afterwards and everyone stopped what they were doing and focused their attention back to their manager. “We will be leaving tonight so go and pack your belongings.” He then left after saying that, probably to pack his own things. Jin started moving before the others. Being the oldest, he is already used to being the first one to always make the first move, after this, the others will surely follow.  

He immediately went to his room and started packing his things. Yoongi followed after him and started packing his things too.

“Hyung maybe you need this too.” Yoongi suddenly said out of nowhere.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“This. Vacation, or maybe not really a vacation, maybe a new place, somewhere not here. It can help you take your mind off of things that are bothering you.”

Jin did not say anything since he is also thinking about what Yoongi said. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he needs a new place. A place where he can get a breather and think things through. Maybe Paris can help him realize things that have been bothering him for the past weeks, maybe.



Sophie is at her laptop again trying to pass the time. Since she does not usually have the energy to do anything, she is always at her room either staring at the ceiling or fiddling with her computer. The doctors said it will be helpful for her if she can find a hobby that can help her take her mind off of things. However, it is not a possibility for her since all of the things that she liked doing involves lots of energy into it. She used to be a basketball player and a dancer back then…. When her life was still normal. When she still have her family that supported her no matter what. When she still have her friends that she knows will always have her back. Back when she still have him. Those warm eyes that will always look at her lovingly. Those lips which would always say the best things in her. Those hands that will always hold her and catch her. The person that she knows will never leave her and would always protect her. Apparently, she’s wrong. Because he left, and she can’t do anything about it.

She then felt a shot of uncontrollable pain hit her chest. She tried to hold it to stop the pain but she was too late and it already started consuming her whole body. Soon enough she started shaking, then her breathing became shallow. She looked around to try to find her medicine, and flinched when she spotted it on the other side of the room. With difficulty she started making her way to it. Unfortunately, she was shaking so much that she just fell on the floor. Defeated, she just tried to calm herself down, to no avail. At that time, the door swung open revealing her mother. She was obviously surprised to see Sophie on the floor, but she immediately understood what was happening so she got her medicine and helped her up.

“Are you alright?” she asked worriedly. Sophie just nodded since she still cannot speak. Her mother hugged her tight, feeling sad for her daughter. She wanted to help her get over this, she hates seeing her daughter having this kind of pain but she doesn’t know what to do. She closed her eyes as tears started falling from her eyes.



Sophie woke up from her slumber wondering how she fell asleep in the first place, then she remembers everything that happened, her having anxiety attack and her mother hugging her until she falls asleep. She was still on her bed when her mother entered her room with a tray of food.

“Hi sweetie, are you feeling alright now?” she inquired. Sophie nodded, not sure of how to respond. “Well, I brought you some food, since I didn’t know you would be awake right now. Anyway, we already ate dinner, so just finish your food here okay?” she said and she turned to leave. “Oh and by the way, pack your belongings, we will be going to Paris next week.”

“Paris?” She asked her, surprise evident on her face. How come they are going to Paris and she is just being informed now? She’s never been to any other country but she would have wanted to. But, why so sudden? And why Paris? Of all places?

“Yes Sophie. Paris. We will be leaving as soon as your father finishes everything that needs to be finished for the business.”

“why mom?” she inquired.

“Not entertaining questions. Just get ready. We’ll tell you when we get there.” Her mother replied in a teasing tone before completely leaving her.

Great. Just great. She thought to herself.



It was a chilly June morning in Paris when Jin together with BTS arrived in Paris. They spent their first day resting then they will proceed with their scheduled activities the next day. They were promised to be given a vacation after they finished all their activities. Jin knows it will be a long week for them so he started unpacking and decided to really use this day for rest. He will need all the energy for the week’s activities. He watched as the Jimin rode on V’s back and the latter carried him around the house. The younger ones continued playing around even after they were told to rest. He will never understand where these people are getting all these energy when he feels as if he was drained of all the energy and he has to work hard to conserve all the remaining energy in his body.

He stared at the ceiling waiting for sleep to dawn on him when he started thinking about what is happening to him. Recently, he feels like he doesn’t have any purpose. It’s as if someone else is living in his body. He felt like a ghost that just follows orders without any reason and without purpose. He feels empty. He heard the other boys laughing on the other side of the door. Why does he feel like this?

“arrrrrgh” he said as he rubbed his palm on his face. He turned to go to the boys. At least, having these boys around makes him feel somehow alive.

The next day, the boys gathered around the couch inside the hotel room while listening to the instructions from their manager.

“Alright, so we will start with a photo shoot, we will be going to three places today. Just like the usual, solo, unit and complete sets.” Their manager continued to give them instructions for the day and continued until the next following days. “By Friday, all of the activities will be done except for Jin.” Every body turned their attention to him. Jin, was also surprised and he didn’t know what their manager meant. He never had a solo activity before aside from attending a movie screening of his friend, Do Kyungsoo. Aside from that, he was never invited to an event alone, the other members have, but unfortunately not for him. He just looked at their manager without saying anything when he continued “The Lee Enterprises would like to get you as their model for their next collection. You will have a photo shoot with their daughter. Then you will be attending the fashion show for the said collection next week. Technically, the others can go back next week except for you.”

“ME?? Are you sure? Maybe you’re mistaken?”Jin said, completely surprised. Lee Enterprises. He knows this company. It is a multinational company that is producing several goods, they also have a clothing line. Maybe that’s what his manager is talking about. It technically is the biggest multinational company in Asia. It has several branches in the whole Asia and the main office is based in the Philippines but is owned by a half Korean person, hence the Lee surname.

“No I am not mistaken. I at least know all your names right? How can I mistake you for somebody else?” Their manager answered while giving him a what-the-hell look.

“I am just making sure. I was never offered a solo activity before”

“Neither does everyone else here. Hey hyung, stop sulking. Maybe people are already starting to appreciate you now. Isn’t that a good thing?” Namjoon said.

It is true, most of the endorsement offers that they get always include the whole group. Technically, this is the first time that someone was offered an endorsement alone, aside from Taehyung who already got casted for a drama.

“That’s right hyung. You worked so hard for the past years, now people are already seeing you. And manager hyung, did you say he is going to have a photoshoot with a girl?” Taehyung said.

“Yes that’s right.”

“See hyung, you get to be with another model!” Hoseok exclaimed loud enough for the other members to cover their ears.

“wait wait wait. Is she beautiful? How old is she? Wait manager hyung, can we see her?” Jimin kept on babbling making the words almost incoherent.

“Unfortunately boys, I won’t be able to show her to you. Her identity has not yet been revealed to the public.” Their manager answered calmly.

“What do you mean hyung? It is the Lee Enterprises after all. Everyone knows about them.” Jin asked curiously.

“I think I read somewhere that they have an 8 year old daughter, is she who you’re talking about hyung?” Yoongi asked.

“No. They also have an 8 year old daughter, but no, she is not the one that will be having a photo shoot with Jin. Well, it has been a rumor for the past decades but I just confirmed it to be true yesterday. Apparently, the president of Lee Enterprises lost a daughter 20 years ago in an accident.”

“Lost as in she died?” Jungkook said. Now, everyone turned their attention back to their manager.

“No Jungkook she did not die. They thought she died but they wasn’t able to find a body so they did not stop looking for her. They found her eventually. The fashion show will be the first event that she will attend and they will officially introduce her there. The magazine will come out the day after.” He explained.

“That’s it? No back story?? Oh it got me really curious” Taehyung exclaimed, disappointed evident in his face, as well as the faces of the others.

“Well, maybe Jin can talk to her and ask all the back stories then.” He looked at Jin and winked, which the other found so gross. “Alright boys, get ready, we will be leaving now.”

They all moved and followed their manager.

“I doubt Jin hyung will get close to her. I doubt he would even talk to her.” Namjoon whispered to Yoongi.

“Agree.” Yoongi whispred back. “But maybe he will not talk to her because he can’t speak English that well.” He continued and the two of them laughed.

“Hey guys. If you think that I cannot hear you then you are mistaken. Talk about me behind my back.” He smirked at the two and walked past them. “Hyung, I at least have to know her name right?” he asked his manager.

“Sophie Lee. Her name is Sophie Lee.” He answered. “And you can talk to her because she is fluent in Korean.”


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