

I always seem to fall in love towards angst stories, it just seemed beautiful to read, and this is the first angst that i wrote.


'Ellow folks,

This is my first time ever writing a fan fic, so if it doesn't match your expectation I am trully sorry.. Bear with me pretty please :}

Also english is my second language, so if you find any grammar error, well yea this statement explains it all.

I really like Winner and i kinda find it hard to chose who to pair with, but i just came out with this first because of my disappointment, WHY HASN'T HOON AND JINU BEEN ON ANY SHOWS THAT CLEARLY FLAUNT THEIR TALENTS? i don't know. Sorry for the sudden caps, i was just making a point, lol.

I am running out of words, ENJOY! :}


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Chapter 1: *loudly screams* OPEN YOUR EYES

This was great btw 10/10 would oppa again