

"Really? You never grow old?" Byun Baekhyun asked, then, his mouth dropped, looking at him in disbelief. "Don't mess with me Park idiot Chanyeol,"

Park Chanyeol shook his head. "I'm not fooling around. It's the truth. I never grow old, you see, I'm living here for a hundred years now," he said.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows, cupped his cheeks and looked intently at him and he find himself holding his breath.

"Okay, I believe you, but is that really possible?" Baekhyun asked, sitting beside him again. "I never thought immortals or the likes are real,"

"So do I, but you see, I'm the living proof," he replied, glancing at Baekhyun's way. They were going out for a year now, not that long, but long enough for him to trust and tell his secret. "I'll understand if you'll run away and leave me and hate me or --"

His nonsense rambles were stopped when Baekhyun pulled him close, attacking his lips.

"Don't be silly. I love you, and nothing can ever change that," Baekhyun said after their kiss. He smiled, pulled Baekhyun closer, and claimed his lips.

"Thank you, Baek,"


"You're like Peter Pan then, Peter Pan too, never grows old," Baekhyun said one day after their lunch in the park.

"Maybe," he replied, shrugging.

"Well then, can I be your Wendy?" Baekhyun asked, grinning at him. He shook his head no. Baekhyun asked why. He didn't answer.


After a week, Baekhyun asked again. "Can I be your Wendy, Yeol?" he asked.

They were watching a movie then. Just like his first answer, he shook his head.

"But why not?" Baekhyun asked, looking at him suspiciously. "Don't tell me you already have your Wendy? You, stupid Park cheating Chanyeol!"

"No, no .. I don't have any stupid Wendy," he replied, looking at him seriously.

"Then, why not?"

"I just don't want us to have that kind of tragic ending," he said, he doesn't need to look in the mirror to know if he was blushing.

"Tragic or not, I'll be your Wendy," Baekhyun said, grabbing his hand. "I'll be your Wendy, okay?"

"You were my Wendy long before you ask," he said afterward, then their lips touched.


"I need to go," he said one day after their intense love making. Baekhyun lifted his head from his shoulder.

"Where to?" he asked. He looked at him, even after their previous activity for the night, lust and love were still evident on their eyes.

"I need to know why I'm like this. And how to stop this. You know, I want to live normally just like you are. I want to grow old with you, at the same time. I want us to love each other even after our hairs turned into gray. I want to find a way to make all of that true,"

"That's good. But, I'll come with you," Baekhyun firmly said, raking his hair.

"No, you have a life to live here. I promise, I'll come back," he said, closing his eyes, pulling him closer.

Baekhyun insisted on coming, but he had already decided. Although, in his hearts of heart, he knew there was no way to grow old with him. And just like Peter Pan and Wendy, they were bound to have a tragic ending. And he don't want to do that to Baekhyun, he deserved someone who could be with him, and it pained him because it wasn't him.

Before he left the next morning, Baekhyun gave him a smile, squeezing his hand tight. Then, Baekhyun tiptoed and reached his lips, where he planted a sweet kiss. His time stood still. He almost stay. But he couldn't.

"I'll wait for you here," Baekhyun said. "Come back soon."


With that, ten years had passed by quickly, but Baekhyun continued to wait. But ten years was a long time, and when he met a boy one day, and gone with dates, he find himself saying yes when he proposed. On the night of their wedding, when his husband kissed his mouth, he tasted Chanyeol's lips. And he couldn't help wishing Chanyeol was the groom.

Outside his window, Chanyeol stood, watching from afar, he couldn't help wishing that he was the groom.


They met again when Baekhyun turned 40. He couldn't help it, he missed him so much. Just so much.

White hairs were already on his head, lines were showing on his face.

Baekhyun smiled upon seeing him. "You're back," he said, "You're really like Peter Pan. You haven't changed, still young."

For the nth time, he wished he could grow old too.

"You're still beautiful," he said. Baekhyun smiled. "No more. Look how old I am,"

He smiled as he shook his head. Lines were present but he's still beautiful in his eyes. They stayed silent after that, enjoying the comfortable silence. There was no need for questions. They both knew.


Baekhyun turned 50, and he was an occasional visitor, watching from afar. Loving him from afar.


After a year, Baekhyun's husband died, he held his hand as Baekhyun cried on his husband's funeral.


Baekhyun turned 60. Old and alone. While he, still young yet also alone.

"You look like my grandson now," Baekhyun joked as he rocked himself, giving him a weak yet so warm smile. Oh. How he wanted to grow old, too. Stay with him. Be with him. And now, he regretted all those times when he was too coward to take his Wendy back. He was forty years too late.


He placed a quilted blanket on Baekhyun, and he smiled. Baekhyun had caught a cold last winter, and that day, though the summer had been hot, his cold hadn't disappear.

Baekhyun rocked himself, and coughed, he glanced at Chanyeol. His face hadn't changed, still the handsome boy he met eons ago, and still his Peter Pan.


"Maybe in Neverland, we could grow old together," Baekhyun said one evening, outside, the wind was blowing cold. He only grinned, grabbing Baekhyun's rough hands, etched with the stories he had lived through the years.

"Well then, I will go there, and find you." he promised.


Winter came again, and Baekhyun rocked his body. He called Chanyeol's name, for he could feel the end now.

Chanyeol wiped the tears that rolled down Baekhyun's cheeks. "You know what? I still love you," Baekhyun quietly said. 

He smiled, grabbing his hands. "I know, and I still love you too, I fell in love with you more when we were apart, I love you." he tighten his hold. "I'm really sorry for running away before, I'm --"

"It's fine, I understand. You did that for me? Am I right? I know it. But please, come and find me. Meet me in Neverland, okay?" Baekhyun whispered. 

He nodded, because maybe, just maybe, in that place, there were no tragic endings.

Chanyeol nodded again, and Baekhyun gripped his hand. A minute passed, though for them, it seemed like an eternity. Then slowly, Baekhyun's eyelids began to close, and his grip loosen. It took a minute for him to realize he'll never open those eyes again.

He bit his lips, trying to hold back his tears. And for the last time, he leaned in closer and kissed Baekhyun's bloodless lips, and hugged his lifeless body.

"Wait for me, I'll see you in Neverland, Baek." he whispered.

Only he don't know where that place is.


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Chapter 2: Wow :'( that