We're on Our Way


2016, Korea


Youngbae's POV


We're gathered here in an abandoned house here deep in the city of Seoul. Where people don't ususally come and go here, but we can each people's move from up here. 


"Where are they?!?" Jiyong stood there in the middle feeling impatient as ever. A group of men wearing suites came in. "We got him." The one holding the man said. "He's still alive?" Jiyong asked as he came close to the man covered in bruises.


"What do you need from me?" The man coughed and kept his head down facing the floor. "Look at me you peasant." Jiyong aggresively lifted his chin to face him. "Any information about her?" He asked softly yet his voice seemed firm.


I stood beside as he started beating the hell out of the man. "Ughhh..." The man grunted in pain. Jiyong pulled his hair. "Information, Please?" I man spits blood and answered. "Y-yes." 


"Good." He lets go of the man's hair and signaled the men holding him, to let go. "Spill it out." He asked. "She's currently in America. Somewhere in Ohio." The man kneeled down, as he can't seem to feel his legs.


"She's adopted by a family, whose nationality seemed to be Russian." He stopped as he is out of breath. "But...." He's hesitant for a bit. 


"But?" Jiyong asked creepily as he adjusts his black leather gloves. "But when we looked at their profile, there is no information about them." Jiyong looked at him with hatred. 



"What do you mean there is no information?" he went close to the man bleeding to death. "We searched for the place with the address you gave us. The files are burnt. All of the information were gone." 


Jiyong punches him one last time. "You're useless!" He signaled the men to bring him out. "Finish him off." He said calmly as he sat at his so-called throne. "NOOO!!! Please..." The man begged desperately.


"Bye." He waved back at him, as the door slowly closes.  "What do we do now?" Jiyong looked at us. He's seemed frustrated. "At least we know that she's in Ohio." I said. "At least." He quoted.


"They're useless, How can we find her now?" Seunghyun scoffed. "Why don't we go look for her in Ohio." Daesung requested. "We'll search the whole state! Just to see her again." Seungri added. "What do you think?" I asked Jiyong.


"Pack your bags and we'll go to Ohio."


Bom's POV


Well back to reality. I went downstairs to cook my birthday feast. They're not here, I can celebrate it in peace. I missed Umma's Miyeokguk, she cooks them every time someone celebrates their birthday.


It's the korean tradition, I think? Now I can only cook it for myself. I opened the half full fridge and searched for the ingredients I needed. Luckily for me Walter bought the ingredients secretly for me.


He's the only person who cared about me here in the household. He took care of me like a little sister, He's one on the reasons I'm still alive. He would begged to his parents to stop abusing me.


He's an angel sent from heaven, He's not like his family. He may be quiet, on the day that I met him. But he's nice and caring in the inside. "Advance Happy Birthday, Jenny." 


He went to my room last night to greet me and told me that he hid the food at his room, and that he'll put it in the fridge once they went on a short vacation tomorrow.


So I continued in cooking my food and went to the dinning table to eat. 


Happy Birthday Park Bom!



Unknown's POV


We'll find you, don't worry. We'll see each other again. And we'll look up to the stars, just like we used to on the roof.


All of them seemed eager to look for 'her' a.k.a. Bom, but there is a special someone who thinks that she is more than a friend to him.

Who do think is the secret admirer??? Hahahaha... FEEL FREE TO SUGGEST AND COMMENT ANYTHING. THANK YOU ~(^_^~)

I'm sorry this is a short ipdate and again I'm still on vacation and I found wifi :D

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Gbomforever #1
Chapter 8: Gbom please authornim
gbomtopfans #2
Chapter 9: GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM GBOM.. Please make this story GBOM.. there dont much story about them.. jeballlllllllllllll~~~~~
RainbowPower123 #3
kwongbom #4
Chapter 9: GBOM PLEASE!
kratepow #5
Chapter 9: update more !
topbom juseyeo ~ :)
topbom juseyeo ~ :)
Gbom_4ever #8
Chapter 9: Please gbom author
ciaraXe1 #9
Chapter 8: pls gbom
Hyuugasakura #10
Chapter 8: I really hope it's TopBom! I can't wait til they find her and see they are all reunited!