Stay With Me Tonight

Stay With Me Tonight

                A small shudder tickled your spine as the brisk autumn night conjured a gentle breeze, ruffling the light material of your skirt as it danced around you. The only source keeping your body warm was Hyesung’s soft hand gently cradling yours, fingers intertwined to keep you even closer. The view from his high-rise balcony was breath-taking, the Seoul skyline at night like a million tiny, twinkling diamonds radiating among the silhouettes of skyscrapers. Your eyes fixated on the view as you carried light conversation with your boyfriend about a funny situation you got into at work today, you couldn't help but smile at how overjoyed you were, simply being with him. As time fluttered away and the cars below bustled by, it wasn't long before your watch clicked into position; 11:00pm was much later than you had intended on staying.


                "Hyesung," your voice chirped sweetly, glancing over to your boyfriend's moonlit expression. "It's really late, sweetie." You squeezed his hand lovingly, gifting him a small smile, despite the saddening fact you knew you had to leave. "I should get going before the buses stop running, you know." Gently, you loosened your grip on Hyesung’s hand, only to have him clutch you harder and tug your arm gently toward him in protest.


                "Please...don't..." His tone was hushed and pleading as he gazed into your eyes, the moon's beam bringing out the soft amber hue of his pupils. You knew it was always hard on him when you left. His family and friends lived so far away and without you, he was all alone with no one to talk to... no one to care for him in his times of need... and no one to laugh with. "Please don't leave, dear." He wrapped his strong arms lovingly around your waist, tugging you closer with a small smile pulling at his lips. "Stay with me for the night," he mumbled in a gentle, wanting tone.


                Hyesung's proposal made your tired eyes widen, emulating the image of a fearful young girl. He had never made advances on you before (other than the occasional heavy kissing), let alone asking you to stay the night with him so suddenyl. Gulping firmly, you pressed your small hand to his chest as if to separate yourself from him and avoid the remark altogether. "H-Hyesung... you know I am not ready for that..." With your gaze darting from his face to the edge of the balcony, you couldn't muster up the courage to face him, knowing you had just denied his desires like that.


                The tall male chuckled under his breath, rubbing your back with his thumb. "Not like that, silly." You instantly turned to look back at him, curiosity gleaning in your eyes. "I mean, just stay with me. Keep me company." There was a brief silence as a crisp breeze rushed past, ruffling your hair lightly and flicking his fringe over his eyes. Placidly, you reached up, brushing the stray brunette hairs from Hyesung's forehead to reveal his handsome face once more.


                "You really do get lonely here, don't you?" The words left your mouth as you moved your hand down to rub his side. Your heart felt heavy as you envisioned all the nights he must have spent without a warm body to cradle or a shoulder to cry on after a hard day. The man nodded once in confirmation, a genuine glean in his eyes. Hyesung moved to cup your face gracefully in his palm, thumb tracing your cheekbone as you smiled. The words he had so eagerly desired left your lips in a sweet melody.


                "Of course I'll stay with you Hyesung."

                                "You will never be lonely again."

                                                "I love you."

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Chapter 1: Awwwww...
Too short for the sweetnesss...
Make it longerr....
I always imagining things like this with the little prince...
More more more...
Chapter 1: Awwwwww :3 wish it was longer though :c
gotbam #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww!