
Loving Wanting Losing
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-- [A/N] scroll downwards for the song.


The first strands of music shook me from my reverie. I stood in bewilderment as I saw people looking at me with smiles, hands clapping. I see you walking forward, offering a hand.


I then recognize the song. It was Richard Poon’s “The Last Time”. It had always been a favourite of ours. I force a smile as you take my cold, clammy hand and lead me to the dance floor. Everyone was staring including her.


I look in worry but she nodded encouragement. I was granted a last moment to say goodbye tonight.


“The first time I fell in love was long ago
I didn’t know how to give my love at all...”


You put your lips near my ear and whisper that I look breathtakingly beautiful. I playfully slap your shoulder, reminding you in a whisper of your changed status. You breathe a sigh and tell me it had all gone too fast. The day seemed to slip by and the next moment you knew, you’re a married man.


I laugh and tell you the feeling is all part of it. I warn you playfully not to entertain second thoughts, for I would surely find a way to drag you back. You tell me not to worry because you’re perfectly sure of what you committed to.


We sway to the music, oblivious to the whispers of what-should-have-beens. Once more, we're in our own exclusive world.


“I didn’t get much sleep last night.” You say in a whisper. “I was thinking of us.”


“Mmmm,” I hummed. “Twenty two years. It wasn’t bad.”


“It was wonderful.” You squeeze my waist. “And I miss it. Even now I’m missing it.”


I nod. You don’t know how much mutual the feeling is.


“Tell me, even once, didn’t you think of what might have been if we ended up?” You ask.


“A few times. It’s hard to deny when everyone was expecting it to happen.” I smile to ease my pained expression. “Well, we proved them wrong. Who would think you’d be able to get the most beautiful girl in town?”


You shrug.


“I was often told I had good taste.”


We both laughed.


“Wait until I tell her that.” I said and you frowned in protest. I smile and tell you I’m kidding.


“When I was thinking of us, I got afraid.” You say, and I look up to you with a questioning stare. “I was afraid to lose the woman I’ve compared everyone else to.”


“And I didn’t need eyes or even wonder why
Because each question is answered when you’re near.”


I am left breathless. Hope sparked and died as fast as it appeared when I remembered it was too late.


“Quit worrying, you didn’t lose me. You j

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narcissism_ #1
Chapter 2: More than good really. Brought me to tears. I'm still shaking as I type this. For some sort reason your writings always evoke great emotions.
eniale #2
Chapter 2: What a wonderful story.
Touched my heart.
what-is-this #3
Chapter 2: true that it is good!
EveDay #4
Chapter 2: amazing and good! nice
OH MY GAWD!!! I'M UTTERLY SPEECHLESS...!! WHY OH WHY YOU WRITE SUCH SAD WONDERFUL FICS!! I'm seriously teary eyed now... My hearts hurting!!!
iampamela97 #6
this was really amazing!! I wish I can write like you!!
aigooo my heart T_____T beautifully sad.. i hate reading stories like this but then i can't resist the urge to read.. one shots like this always make me cry..
anonymous_runner #8
this is awesome. I cried succesfully.. I read JOMT then curious about ur other story. And i'm not dissapointed.. i found this sad yet beautiful story.
<3 as you can see I am climbing up your list of stories. I can be one hell of a reader when I want to. Sorry. I think you'll become one of my favorites from now on.
safecracker #10
This is one beautiful story. <br />
thank you for writing this, you should write more!