
A birthday wish

The sun was bright and warm in contrast to the cold ice cream he held in his hand. A warm hand held his other hand, swinging their arms like happy children as they walked through the amusement park.

"Daesung ah, which ride do you want to go on next?" The male walking beside asked. A person so good looking yet a little chubby, he was the opposite of Daesung who was skinny and often called 'ugly'.

"I wanna go on the carousel!" Man, he had been wanting to go on one since like forever. Everything about the carousel seemed so magical.

And it is so magical now.

The two of them riding the horses side by side. The music playing in the background, the bright orange lights casting a dreamy ambiance over them. In Daesung's eyes, he only saw his companion, on a white horse, he really did look like a prince charming.

It wasa little regretful that the the ride ended so soon.

"So what's next?"

"What do you want to do next?" Daesung replied with a question.

"Haunted house?"

"But I'm scared."

"You don't have to be, I'm here." And he reached out his hand to ruffle Daesung's fluffy hair. "If you go with me, then we can go back to the carousel later."


'It isn't a big deal, I can do it, I'm a big boy. Besides, he's right here with me.' Although that's what Daesung told himself, body reacted in the opposite way. His hands grew clammier as they got closer to the haunted house and he was worried that the other would let go of his hand out of disgust.

Daesung was sure that he would die of a heart attack. Monsters popped out of nowhere, the sudden screaming (some of which were his) and things moving by themselves. He probably almost ripped his companion's arm off with his constant clinging and tugging. He might have wet himself had the walk through been longer.

Once they exited the haunted house, Daesung crumbled onto the floor, his legs finally giving way due to his relief of leaving that damned place.

"Daesung." The other shook his shoulder, a worried look plastered on his face.

Somehow, Daesung couldn't answer him. His voice wouldn't work and it was as if he was zoning out.

But the shaking of his shoulder continued and he keeps hearing his name being called over and over.

"Daesung. Daesung. Daesung…"




"Daesung! Wake up!"

Rubbing his eyes and forcing himself awake, Daesung left his dream involuntarily. Eyes bleary and yawning, he answered, "yes, mommy."

"It's your tenth birthday and you are still lazing in bed? Get ready, your friends are coming over soon."

How he wishes he can go back to the dream, he was having so much fun. He didn't even get the name of guy in his dream.

And what happened to the ice cream?

'Oh well, it was just a dream.' And he dragged himself off the bed.




"Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Daesung, Happy Birthday to you~" Everyone sang.

Holding his hands together, he made a wish. The same wish he would make for years to come. He blew all the ten candles in one breath, bent on making his wish come true.

But it didn't.

Not for this year.

Or the next.

Or the next.

Not even after that.

But he never stopped wishing that he could meet the boy in his dream.

Fast forward eight years, now Daesung is all grown up.

The boy must have grown, just like he did.

What if they did meet but he did not recognise the boy?

But that didn't deter Daesung in the least.

There was something about the dream, it made him realised that he was incomplete, like there was a missing piece from a puzzle.




Since he passed the YG audition, he would be introduced to the other members who will be forming the group.

As he stepped into the room, there were five other guys. He greeted everyone but one, who seemed to be in his own world.

That one person sitting in a corner had his hoodie pulled down over half his face and had earphones on.

"Yah, Seunghyun hyung! The last member is here!" The leader, Jiyong, smacked the guy on his knee.

Seunghyun snapped his head up, looking at the newbie. Something clicked in him and he scrambled to his feet, pulling the earphones off hurriedly. Trying to act all cool, he only nodded and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Seunghyun." Holding out a hand.

That face. It was more mature, less chubby but Daesung was sure that it was him. Eight years ago, this person appeared to him, now he was really standing in front of him in flesh.

"I-I-I'm Daesung." He stammered and smiled embarrassed. 'I squeaked. Oh crap, I'm so uncool.' But he took the hand nonetheless.

"You can call me 'hyung'. There is no need to be too formal." Seunghyun shook their hands and spoke assuredly.

"Right. Hyung."

"Say, Daesung, do you like amusement parks?"




"So, I was your dream come true?" Seunghyun asked holding Daesung from the back.

Standing at the balcony at Seunghyun's villa, it was almost morning. Seunghyun would have to leave for Germany later that day. The older man had propsed that they celebrate Daesung's birthday that night, just the two of them, because he would not be with the younger on his birthday.

"You are my dream come true." Daesung affirmed.

"You are my dream come true, too." Seunghyun revealed.




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chauphuong_soul #1
Chapter 1: "You are my dream come true" I hope my dream will come true too that they're really together :))))). It's just my little dream but keep hoping won't hurt anyone right? :))))) Thank you for writing this lovely story
pikachu79 #2
Almost missed this one!! Luckily I came by ur master list for some re-reads! Kekeke cutie Dae story!!
eunzai #3
Chapter 1: Wow.. wow.. If 15 years ago I dreamt who was my lover can I meet him right now? Lol.. My error brain.
But I think I have forgotten his face. xixixi
It's so sweet and cute.
Thank u so much, Authornim.
kangliara #4
Chapter 1: loved it!! so cute ~~<333
Chapter 1: I miss them so much and this is too sweet ~ Thank you for sharing <3
Chapter 1: Awww.... its so cute... ^^
Spunky3012 #7
Chapter 1: Sweetness overload...
Can they be anymore sweeter than this...
Makes me smile all through reading it...
Thank you for the story, atleast its lessen the feeling of missing them so much.. TQ